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China has experienced reform and openness policy for more than30years, and entered into the rank of meddle income countries. But with the pollution of environments and the increases of labour price, we can't posure economy scale expanding by input expansion. In order to realize optimizing of industry structure and overcome the presumption on Middle-Income Trap, we have to still concentrate on technology progress basing on independent innovation. The trend of cooperation between China and the foreign countries is not to be turned back, the proportion of GDP created by foreign enterprises in China has exceeded1/3, the produnctivity of export and patents of foreign firms has been over50%in some industries. Only from the channel of cooperation with the foreign enterprises could China get original creation ideas but not the mature technology, and realize the catching-up strategy.
     This dissertation exploits qualitative analysis and quatitative research, and put forward some reasonable suggestion. The qualitative analysis is to establish the framework and research ideas, and the quatitative research is to inspect and support the hypotheses of qualitative analysis.
     Firstly, basing on the catching-up achievements of British, U.S.A. and Japan, combining the relevant theories of development economics, this dissertation puts forward a framework about catching-up development of technology with reform of economic institution and input to innovation. On the basis of reviewing the exist research about FDI technology spillovers, it shows clearly the shortcoming and suggest that distinguish the technology nature so as to comparatively study the different spillover effects from them. Secondly, to establish the foundation for selecting and constructing the oppropriate independent variables, this dissertation re-analyses the wokers mobility effect, demonstration effect and competitive effect, and comparatively study the forwards and the backwards linkage effects.
     After having finished empirical tests of workers' mobility effects of foreign enterprises and reverse spillover effects of Chinese enterprises, we find out that the technicians and specialists working with the foreign firms hardly come into domestic enterprises due to the fewer salary and limit career space. For lacking communication channels between our technicians and those of foreign's, the FDI technology spillover effects from workers' mobility to our domestic enterprises is very slight.
     By constructing the appropriate indepent variables, we distinguish the nature of FDI technology and find out that the specific technology got from reverse engineering could enhance our independent innovation, while the general technology got from imitation suppress our innovation. It implies that we shouldn't be content with a little profit by imitation, in contrast, we should combine imitation with reverse engineering to get the original innovation ideas so as to obtain competitive advantage.
     Depending on achievely distinguish the general and the specific technology and using GMM model, we estimate affection of the tax rebate policy and the industrial market structure, and find out that the tax rebate policy hinders our innovation]but the concentration of market share, ie, monopolistic constructure could promote inmpriving our competitive advantage. Certainly, the oppropritate concentration extent of industry should be study in the latter research.
     Moreover, this dissertation comparatively studies the forwards and the backwards linkage effects on the levels of productivity, new products, as well as the patents of our domestic enterprises. The results illustrate that the backwards linkage effects exceed the forwards linkage effects, and tell us that our domestic enterprises are not strong at absorbing technology by sourcing spare parts and equipments from the foreign's, this maybe due to our enterprises being apt to imitation. The conclusion of this dissertation is that we should stress on supplying adequate business space to the talents and reform series institutions, such as our knowledge property, financing channels and management of research tuition, as well as industry regulation to improve our core competition ability.
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