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窄径茧蜂亚科Agathidinae Nees,1814隶属于膜翅目Hymenoptera细腰亚目Apocrita茧蜂科Braconidae,全世界已报道46属1139种,广布于世界各大动物地理区系。本亚科大部分种类内寄生鳞翅目幼虫和蛹,在农林害虫生物防治中有着重要的作用。本文对中国窄径茧蜂亚科的分类进行了研究和整理,包括总论和各论两个部分。
     新地位:刺跗茧蜂属Facilagathis van Achterberg et Chen,2004, stat. nov.;缺沟茧蜂属Laccagathis Watanabe,1937, stat. nov.;钩喙茧蜂属Rhamphagathis Tobias,1962, stat. nov.;长体刺跗茧蜂Facilagathis macrocentroides van Achterberg et Chen,2004, stat. nov.;细刺跗茧蜂Facilagathis spinulata van Achterberg et Chen,2004, stat. nov.;台湾缺沟茧蜂Laccagathis formosana Watanabe,1934, stat. nov.;鼻突钩喙茧蜂Rhamphagathis nasicornis (Telenga,1955), stat. nov.
     新记录属:肿颊茧蜂属Gyragathis van Achterberg et Long,2010;钩喙茧蜂属Rhamphagathis Tobias,1962, stat. nov.;强脊茧蜂属Troticus Brulle,1846。
     新种(包含本研究已发表新种):广西闭腔茧蜂Bassus guangxiensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;光沟闭腔茧蜂Bassus levisulcus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;壮闭腔茧蜂Bassus robustus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;百山祖无脊茧蜂Biroia baishanzuensis Tang, Liu et Chen,2012;多毛无脊茧蜂Biroia hirsutus Tang, Liu et Chen,2012;广东窄腹茧蜂Braunsia guangdongensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;沈阳窄腹茧蜂Braunsia shenyangensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;长颊全脉茧蜂Earinus longigena Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;浅跗全脉茧蜂Earinuspallenstarsus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;凸腹全脉茧蜂Earinus protinus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;短尾溶腔茧蜂Lytopylus brevicaudis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;凸溶腔茧蜂Lytopylus convexus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;范氏下腔茧蜂Therophilus fani Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;海林下腔茧蜂Therophilus hailinensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;巨鞘下腔茧蜂Therophilus longicaudus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;长背下腔茧蜂Therophilus longiturgum Tang ef Chen, sp. nov.;长脉下腔茧蜂Therophilus longivena Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;大下腔茧蜂Therophilus magnus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;小室下腔茧蜂Therophilus parvicella Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;斑足下腔茧蜂Therophiluspictifemur Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;近丽下腔茧蜂Therophilus subfestivus Tang er Chen, sp. nov.;太谷下腔茧蜂Therophilus taiguensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;杨氏下腔茧蜂Therophilus yangi Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;云南下腔茧蜂Therophilus yunnanensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;儋州强脊茧蜂Troticus danzhouensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;河南泽拉茧蜂Zelodia henanensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.;刘氏泽拉茧蜂Zelodia liui Tang et Chen, sp. nov.
     新记录种:褐翅窄径茧蜂Agathis fuscipennis (Zetterstedt,1838);柔毛窄径茧蜂Agathis pappei Nixon,1986;克里米亚窄径茧蜂Agathis taurica Telenga,1955;异色窄径茧蜂Agathis varipes Thomson,1895;白腰闭腔茧蜂Bassus albozonatus van Achterberg et Long,2010;褐尾窄腹茧蜂Braunsia fumipennis (Cameron,1899);多毛窄腹茧蜂Braunsia pilosa Belokobylskij,1986;后叉窄腹茧蜂Braunsia postfurcalis Watanabe,1937;鼻突刺脸茧蜂Disophrys rhinoides van Achterberg et Long,2010;橙全脉茧蜂Earinus aurantius van Achterberg et Long,2010;短痣全脉茧蜂Earinus brevistigmus van Achterberg et Long,2010;密毛全脉茧蜂Earinus elator (Fabricius,1804);富贵肿颊茧蜂Gyragathis quyi van Achterberg et Long,2010;丹溶腔茧蜂Lytopylus rufipes (Nees,1812);鼻突钩喙茧蜂Rhamphagathis nasicornis (Telenga,1955), stat. nov.;滑体下腔茧蜂Therophilus levisoma van Achterberg et Long,2010;宽尾下腔茧蜂,新组合Therophilus peniculus (Sharkey,1996), comb. nov.;扁腹泽拉茧蜂Zelodia anginota van Achterberg et Long,2010.
     新异名:两色无脊茧蜂Biroia bicolor Wang,1984为宽鞘无脊茧蜂Biroia taeniocauda (Enderlein,1920)的次异名;黄痣长喙茧蜂Cremnops flavistigmus Chen et Yang,2006,红坪长喙茧蜂Cremnops hongpingensis Chen et Yang,2006,托氏长喙茧蜂Cremnops tobiasi Chen et Yang,2006和伍氏长喙茧蜂Cremnops wui Chen et Yang,2006为荒漠长喙茧蜂Cremnops desertor (Linnaeus,1785)的次异名;中华刺脸茧蜂Disophrys chinensis Fahringer,1937,短颊刺脸茧蜂Disophrys sogdiana Fahringer,1937和多刺真径茧蜂Euagathis sentosa Chen et Yang,1995为中华真径茧蜂Euagathis chinensis (Holmgren,1868)的次异名;矮溶腔茧蜂Lytopylus ebulus (Nixon,1950)为罗曼氏溶腔茧蜂Lytopylus romani (Shestakov,1940)的次异名;
     新组合:贝氏下腔茧蜂Therophilus belokobylskiji (Sharkey,1998), comb. nov.;网皱下腔茧蜂Therophilus cancellatus (Enderlein,1918), comb. nov.;平盾下腔茧蜂Therophilus depressus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.;分半下腔茧蜂Therophilus dimidiator (Nees,1834), comb. nov.;金刚钻下腔茧蜂Therophilus fabiae (Nixon,1941), comb. nov.;绚丽下腔茧蜂Therophilus festivoides (Sharkey,1996), comb. nov.;台湾下腔茧蜂Therophilus formosanus (Watanabe,1934), comb. nov.;豆食心虫下腔茧蜂Therophilus glycinivorellae (Watanabe,1938), comb. nov.;黄足下腔茧蜂Therophilus helvenacus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.;滑柄下腔茧蜂Therophilus laevis (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.;林氏下腔茧蜂Therophilus lini (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.;平颊下腔茧蜂Therophilus parallelus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.;宽尾下腔茧蜂Therophilus peniculus (Sharkey,1996), comb. nov.;托氏下腔茧蜂Therophilus tobiasi (Sharkey,1998), comb. nov.;长鞘下腔茧蜂Therophilus tanycoleosus (Chen et Yang,2006), comb. nov.;横皱下腔茧蜂Therophilus transcaperatus (Yang et Chen,2006), comb. nov.;横脊下腔茧蜂Therophilus transversus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.;三角下腔茧蜂Therophilus triangulus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.;水坊下腔茧蜂Therophilus tsuifengensis (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.;雾峰下腔茧蜂Therophilus wufengensis (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.
The subfamily Agathidinae Nees,1814belongs to the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera, Apocrita), including46genera and1139species worldwide. The majority of Agathidinae are endoparastoids of larvae and pupae of Lepidopetra, many species of which are very important in natural control of agriculture and forest pests. The species of Agathidinae from China are revised in the present work. The dissertation comprises two parts, general part and taxonomic part.
     The general part is mainly about taxonomic history, morphology, biology and biogeography of Agathidinae while the taxonomic part deals with about21genera and121species in China based on the specimens from some of museums at home and abroad, of which32species previously known from China are listed but no specimens were available for this study. In addition,16species are listed as misidentified or questionable species.
     New status:Facilagathis van Achterberg et Chen,2004, stat. nov.; Laccagathis Watanabe,1937, stat. nov.; Rhamphagathis Tobias,1962, stat. nov.; Facilagathis macrocentroides van Achterberg et Chen,2004, stat. nov.; Facilagathis spinulata van Achterberg et Chen,2004, stat. nov.; Laccagathis formosana Watanabe,1934, stat. nov.; Rhamphagathis nasicornis (Telenga,1955), stat. nov.
     Genera new to China:Gyragathis van Achterberg et Long,2010; Rhamphagathis Tobias,1962, stat. nov.; Troticus Brulle,1846.
     New species:Bassus guangxiensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Bassus levisulcus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Bassus robustus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Biroia baishanzuensis Tang, Liu et Chen,2012; Biroia hirsutus Tang, Liu et Chen,2012; Braunsia guangdongensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Braunsia shenyangensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Earinus longigena Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Earinus pallenstarsus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Earinus protinus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Lytopylus brevicaudis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Lytopylus convexus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus fani Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus hailinensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus longicaudus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus longiturgum Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus longivena Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus magnus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus parvicella Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus pictifemur Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus subfestivus Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus taiguensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus yangi Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Therophilus yunnanensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Troticus danzhouensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Zelodia henanensis Tang et Chen, sp. nov.; Zelodia liui Tang et Chen, sp. nov.
     New species records:Agathisfuscipennis (Zetterstedt,1838); Agathis pappei Nixon,1986; Agathis taurica Telenga,1955; Agathis varipes Thomson,1895; Bassus albozonatus van Achterberg et Long,2010; Braunsia fumipennis (Cameron,1899); Braunsia pilosa Belokobylskij,1986; Braunsia postfurcalis Watanabe,1937; Disophrys rhinoides van Achterberg et Long,2010; Earinus aurantius van Achterberg et Long,2010; Earinus brevistigmus van Achterberg et Long,2010; Earinus elator (Fabricius,1804); Gyragathis quyi van Achterberg et Long,2010; Lytopylus rufipes (Nees,1812); Rhamphagathis nasicornis (Telenga,1955), stat. nov.; Therophilus levisoma van Achterberg et Long,2010; Therophilus peniculus (Sharkey,1996), comb, nov.; Zelodia anginota van Achterberg et Long,2010.
     New synonyms:Biroia bicolor Wang,1984with Biroia taeniocauda (Enderlein,1920); Cremnops flavistigmus Chen et Yang,2006, Cremnops hongpingensis Chen et Yang,2006, Cremnops tobiasi Chen et Yang,2006and Cremnops wui Chen et Yang,2006with Cremnops desertor (Linnaeus,1785); Disophrys chinensis Fahringer,1937, Disophrys sogdiana Fahringer,1937and Euagathis sentosa Chen et Yang,1995with Euagathis chinensis (Holmgren,1868); Lytopylus ebulus (Nixon,1950) with Lytopylus romani (Shestakov,1940);
     New combinations:Therophilus belokobylskiji (Sharkey,1998), comb. nov.; Therophilus cancellatus (Enderlein,1918), comb, nov.; Therophilus depressus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.; Therophilus dimidiator (Nees,1834), comb. nov.; Therophilusfabiae (Nixon,1941), comb. nov.; Therophilus festivoides (Sharkey,1996), comb. nov.; Therophilus formosanus (Watanabe,1934), comb, nov.; Therophilus glycinivorellae (Watanabe,1938), comb. nov.; Therophilus helvenacus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb, nov.; Therophilus laevis (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb, nov.; Therophilus lini (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb, nov.; Therophilus parallelus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb, nov.; Therophilus peniculus (Sharkey,1996), comb. nov.; Therophilus tobiasi (Sharkey,1998), comb. nov.; Therophilus tanycoleosus (Chen et Yang,2006), comb. nov.; Therophilus transcaperatus (Yang et Chen,2006), comb. nov.; Therophilus transversus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.; Therophilus triangulus (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.; Therophilus tsuifengensis (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.; Therophilus wufengensis (Chou et Sharkey,1989), comb. nov.
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