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With the development of network, database and multimedia technique, the computer application in electricity enterprise is increasing constantly in depth and universality at present. For the electricity enterprises, implementing computer information-management system aggressively is not only the request of situation development for electricity enterprises, but also the inevitable trend of electric-power enterprise by itself.
    The system and structure of the charges information system aimed at the agriculture electricity information-management system of electric power bureau in Weinan city has been studied in this paper. The agriculture electricity charges information-management system based on B/S model system structure can made Customers interview Web server and backstage database connecting with the server by the browser according to the requirement of the users, which taking Web as the center and adopting the TCP/ IP and HTTP transport agreement.
    The design and exploit of database of electricity information-management system of electric power bureau in Weinan city was completed, which based on the analysis of process of charges information-management and practical request and development by itself. And the information security of the charges information system was analyzed and designed in detail. According to software engineering principle, criterion turn and procedure turn and standardizing must be implemented during the exploration and design.
    The exploited agriculture electricity information-management system of electric power bureau in Weinan city has been put into practice, which is easily operated, steady , reliable and popular with the users. Its designing thought and method can offer references to colleagues exploiting the same type information-management system.
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