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细叶百合(Lilium pumilum DC.)花色红艳,是著名的野生花卉,同时还有润肺止咳、清心安神的中药功效。由于细叶百合的抗逆性极强,又是百合抗性育种的重要亲本。本实验以东北林业大学花圃内栽培的细叶百合为研究对象,针对与生产有关的几方面因素进行一系列研究。从种子活力、鳞茎的生长发育、摘顶处理与鳞茎发育及生物量的关系、淀粉粒的形态及分布、鳞茎中的可溶性糖几个方面进行研究,研究结果如下:
Lilium pumilum DC., which has scarlet flowers, was a main parent of resistance breeding of lily. It's also a better traditional Chinese medicine. Some biological problem in L pumilum's cultivation were systematically studied. The living of seed and the growth law , the biomass , the starch and soluble sugar of bulb were studied in present paper. The results process could be summarized as following.
    (1) Results show that the germination rate of seeds of Lilhim pumilum reduced with the time of reservation prolonged. The germination rate of seeds being reserved for 1 year reduced 8.67%; The germination rate of seeds being reserved for 2 year reduced 34%. The effect of the form of embryo on germination rate of seeds is not significant, but the germination time of straight embryo is longer than curve embryo. The size of seeds of Lilium pumilum didn't significantly influence the start germination time, the germination rate and the time of entirely germination, but directly influenced the survival rate. The age of mother plant influenced the reproductive stage of offspring directly, and with the increase of the age of mother plant the reproductive stage of offspring will be ahead.
    (2) With the increasing of age, the bulb volume and biomass went up, but the bulb perimeter, fresh weight and dry weight went up then down. The flower number and scale amount are related with plant age, and the two amount went tip with which increased. The bulb volume, fresh weight and dry weight is positively related to plant height and the amount of leaves.
    (3 ) The bulb only vegetate one little adnation bulb during growth in 1 year and the little adnation bulb is the only one which can flower . The increasing of bulb weight is significant after flower.
    (4) Observation on bulbs ofLilium pumilum show that the starch is single and non-stratum. The diameter of starch increased with the age. For 2-years bulbs, the content of starch in outer scale is less than inner scale; but for 3-year and 5-year bulbs, the content of starch in outer scale is more than inner scale; the age of outer scale is 2 years at least. The distributing density of starch gradually increased with age in from 1- year to 3-years plant, but for the same-age plant the distributing density of starch in asexual reproductive plant is higher than sexual reproductive plant. For 5-year-old bulb, the distributing density of starch is decrease, but the volume of starch is increase.
    (5 ) The content of soluble sugar is different in different age, different stage and different reproductive type. The content of soluble sugar in 2-year-old bulb not flowering is 20.92%, in 2-year-old bulb having flowered 37.67%. In 3-year-old plant the content of soluble sugar in the sexual reproductive bulb is lower 5.49% than asexual reproductive ones. The content of soluble sugar in 5-year-old bulb is lower 2.15% than 3-year-old bulb, and lower 7.64% than 3-year-old asexual reproductive bulb.
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