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强直性脊柱炎(anklosing spondylitis,简称AS)是现代医学病名,祖国医学无此病名。焦树德教授和导师阎小萍教授提出将“大”作为强直性脊柱炎的中医病名。AS早期特征性病理变化为肌腱、韧带、附着点炎症,属于软组织炎症,脊背是其重要累及部位,如能直接、准确观测AS患者脊背的软组织情况,对于早期诊治AS将会起到重要作用。本课题就是对红外热成像这项无创功能性检测技术用于AS的检测进行了初步观察,并对AS患者的红外热成像表现与其中医辨证分型及疗效观察的关系进行了初步探讨。
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a form of chronic inflammation of the spine and the sacroiliac joints. Chronic inflammation in these areas causes pain and stiffness in and around the spine.AS is a name of the disease in modern medicine.There isn't exact name in Chinese Medicine. Professor Jiao shu-de and professor Yan xiao-ping consider that AS belongs to the "DALU". The hallmark of pathologic change is the inflammation of tendon , ligament, the drop of adhesion. It is a inflammation of soft tissue. Ankylosing spondylitis is characteristically a chronic inflammation of the spine, particularly of the lower back. It is important to make a diagnosis and give treatment in initial AS if the soft tissue on the back of AS patients can be observed nicetyly and directly. This research studied effect of Medical thermography that is no hurt and functional check technique is used in the observation of AS, and observed the relationship between Medical thermography and the Chinese Traditional Medicine identify classifications of AS.
    The result shows: Medical thermography of AS patients display three types. One type is shows that hot section alternate with cold section ,the size is different. The difference in temperature of center temperature betweens hot section and cold section is 3.9~6.4℃.This type appears to kidney-asthenia and Du-cold patients. The second type shows big patch hot section and small patch cold section. The difference in temperature of center temperature betweens hot section and cold section is 0.8~3.0℃. This type appears to evils intrude extrarthron patients and three evils luxuryite and turn into heat patients.The third type shows big patch cold section and small patch hot section. The difference in temperature of center temperature is 0.8~2.9℃. This type appears to evils intrude extrarthron patients and seven evils intrude liver and lung patients. The difference in temperature and area of kidney-asthenia and Du-cold patients is very obvious compared with evils intrude extrarthron patients.(P<0.01). The difference in temperature represents body blood stasis dgree, pain position, function of vertebral column and disease activity like ESR、CRP.
    Bushenqiangduzhiwangtang (BSQDZWT) is a available prescription created
    by professor Yan xiao-ping. The Medical thermography of 30 AS patients with
    kidney-asthenia and Du-cold are very obvious difference after curing with BSQDZWT. The difference in temperature and area arevery obviously decreased. (P<0.01). Laboratory research revealed that BSQDZWT has good effect to clinical symptom,joint activity function,immunity inflammation. The overall effective rate is 90.00%.
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