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     本研究通过对12个大豆品种进行~(60)Co γ射线诱变,主要从品质、耐盐性、农艺性状等方面鉴定和筛选突变体。
    于88一3 1.
One of the most effective ways in functional genomics research is the application of mutants. By comparing mutants with the control(CK), it is possible to get knowledge of gene functions. Therefore, construction of mutant pools and collection of kinds of elite mutants are the basis fou functional genomics in soybean.
    In this study, soybean mutants were produced by irration of Y -ray of the isotope 60Co, and some of those were further characterized. The main results are as follows:
    1. By measuring of protein and oil contents of 3000 accessions of soybean mutants of the M3 lines, we selected 200 accessions respectively with higher and lower protein or oil contents than control. The variance analysis of irradiation effect showed the selected accessions had a significant difference compared to the control.
    2. Analysis of mutation in protein and oil contents of 400 accessions of M4 lines M3 lines showed that the contents of protein and oil in M4 were significantly different from those in control, and the correlation analysis indicated that the M4 lines significantly correlated with M3 both in protein and oil contents.
    3. In research for SSR markers linked with mutation for protein content, 15 templates were screened from five kinds of M4 lines with highest protein content, lowest protein and the control. And 200 random primers were applied to this research. Primers Satt031 and Satt055 found polymorphic bands.
    4. A study was carried on to select elite mutants rich in 11S globulin among 600 accessions of M4. Specific values of seed storage protein component 11S/7S were analyzed using SDS-PAGE. It was found that the range of the specific values was 0.8-2.8 in the mutants. Compared with the control(1.9), the difference is significant. And we obtained one material that had a specific value of 11S/7S with 2.8. And it could be considered as an excellent genotype for quality genetics and breeding.
    5. 200 SSR primers were applied to reveal genomic difference between the 11S/7S mutants(2.8) and the control(1.09). The result showed that only primer Satt193 revealed polymorphic bands between these two materials.
    6.Salt tolerance of 400 accessions in phases of seed germination and seedling screenned. The result of analysis showed that some of the accessions (10) had a similar tolerance in salt with Lee68. Even, T30682 and T4110 were more tolerant than Lee68.
    In conclusion, we constructed main mutant pools as follows:
    For the quality of soybean, we obtained 400 accessions of higher and lower protein and oil contents. And we also selected 12 salt-tolerant and 5 salt-sensitive accessions of M3 lines compared with Lee68. For agromomic characters, we identified 21 mutants in shape of leaf, 5 with absense of chlorophyl 1 and 12 fertility mutants.
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