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     最后,考虑变截面梁的楔率影响,按能量法推导了上述情况下梁的临界荷载公式,保留公式形式,用有限元结果进行计算机回归分析,调整公式中的各项系数,得到物理意义明确,且形式与等截面梁一致,并便于在工程设计应用的梁平面外弹性弯扭屈曲临界荷载表达式,发现拟合公式比《门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程CECS102:2002》中公式精度高,并且将CECS102:2002中的公式与《钢结构设计规范》(GB 50017-2003)中对等截面钢梁的稳定系数公式进行对比,发现CECS102:2002中所提供的计算变截面梁平面外屈曲临界荷载公式的不足之处,并指明了该公式不合理的原因。
At first, this thesis studied the position of shear center of tapered I-beam. If only the web is linearly varied along the member, and the other dimensions are kept constant, and it can be shown that the shear center axis of the tapered I-beam is still a straight line. Flexural-torsional buckling may be still studied using the shear center line as a reference axis to define the lateral displacement and the rotation.
    Secondly, the elastic lateral buckling of simple supported I-beams with doubly-symmetrical and mono-symmetrical cross-sections under moment gradient is
    investigated by FEA method, it is found that the formula for betab (equivalent moment
    coefficient) currently used in Steel Structures Code is not accurate enough in some cases, e.g. when beams are bent in double curvature. An improved design formula is proposed on the basis of results of FEA. Furthermore, we thought the application to
    mono-symmetry section should be confined and -1≤k≤1 to
    doubly-symmetry section.
    At last, considering the effects of taper ratio, we derived critical load of tapered I-beam by energy method. Using the formulation thus obtained, but adjusting the coefficients in this formulation based on the results of FEA, we obtained a new formula for the Critical moment for lateral-torsional buckling of tapered I-beams, it has a similar formulation as those for beams with constant cross-sections,, with clear meaning and easy to application in practice. We found the precision of the new formula is better than CECS 102:2002. Moreover, we point out the formula in CECS 102:2002 not to be exact because it considered the monosymmetry twice.
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