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The minimum living security system, taking as the“last safety net”for the guarantee of the social stability, is the basic project for the social relief system in China. As an agricultural province in the western China, in Tibet, Nyingtri area first began to the experimental work of this system. In 1999, and gradually promote the whole area after the success. In January 2007, the Tibet Autonomous Region began to enforce the rural lowest living security system from the year, and the extremely poor farmers and herdsmen whom per capita net income is lower than 800 yuan would be regarded as the scope of protection. Currently, researches in this topic would be few domestically, especially researches on how to implement the rural residents' minimum living security system in such poverty-stricken provinces similar to Tibet would still be a gap. How is the enforcement condition since the experimental work to implement the rural residents' minimum living security system in Nyingtri? How is the implementation effect? Whether existent problem? How to perfect this system? As the Tibet Autonomous Region carries out this system, whether hint? For this purpose, it is introduced in detail that this paper divides into four parts.
     The first part specifically introduced the research background, research meaning and related theory to make shop pad for what follows.
     The second part introduced the enforcement condition of the rural residents' minimum living security system in our country, and the successful experiences in Zhejiang province and Qinghai province by implementing this system.
     The third part, summarized experiences and found problems after diagnosis of five-year implementation present situation, practices, effect of rural residents minimum living security system in Tibet's Nyingtri area. In the implementation of this system, there were still some problems: the gap was existed between what the security targets needed and what the government provided; the security standard were too low, some recipients still could not meet the needs of living; it has been unfair since the implementation of security classification, and it was too difficult to check the invisible income of the security targets. I analyzed the reality causes of these issues.
     The forth part, according to the reality of farmers and rural areas in Nyingtri, reference good experiences that Zhejiang province and Qinghai province implement this system well, I take some good advices to improve the specific systems design of minimum living security system. For example, reasonably define the security targets of the rural residents' minimum living security system, classify management, what need guarantee should be guaranteed; do scientific definition of the standard of the rural residents' minimum living security system; improve the guarantee financing mechanism of the rural residents' minimum living security system; improve the grant form of the fund, according to what the security targets need; improve the relevant supporting measures and increase the scope of the security targets. Through the implementation of dynamic management, check and increase or reduce the security targets in accordance with the standard. According to the specific management of the rural residents' minimum living security system, I provide several advices. Moreover, on the basis of rural resident lowest social security system in Nyingtri, I give some general policy recommendations about the implementation of this system in Tibet autonomous region as a whole.
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