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The air defense missile armament is the most important weapon of national defense weaponry which guards the national sovereignty and the security of country. Presently, with the swift development of the air defense missile armament system of our country, the absence of the feasible, explicit and quota life cycle cost management method prevent the further development. And with the great revolution of the admittance institution of national defense of our country, the national corporations of war industry must learn and master the scientific and advanced theory of cost management, build up the life cycle cost management during the design, research, manufacture and sale service of the missile armament, realize the optimal combination of cost and revenue. In this way, the national corporations can succeed in the drastic competition.
     Based on the theoretical analysis of total life cycle cost management, this thesis conducts the research to total life cycle cost management of the air defense missile armament system. The concrete research content includes:
     Based on the basic philosophy of the total life cycle cost management, this thesis gives the stages and the stage cost of air defense missile armament system. And the concrete cost will be divided into the fixed cost class, always changing independent variable cost class and the dependent variable cost class. At the same time, the thesis gives the management flow of the total life cycle cost of the given antiaircraft missile armament system.
     Because of the significance of the design phase in the life cycle cost management, this thesis proposes the process of the whole-optimization design for cost of the air defense missile armament system by combining the design for cost and the whole-optimization design. At the same time, it explains the database and the expert base of the process. Based on the data of statistical analysis, the thesis establishes the air defense missile engine cost model unified the example. And an optimization design for an engine of air defense missile is carried on based on the design for cost.
     Because there are many factors influencing the cost of air defense missile, this thesis establishes the estimated model of single dependent variable based on the partial least-square regression. And precision analysis and the appraisal are also carried based on the established model.
     Finally, this thesis conducts the empirical study to the total life cycle cost management of the missile weapon system with the actual situations of the Second Academy of CASIC, and proposes the basis mentality and various management keys of the LCC management. The thesis also introduces the DSS system of cost control management of antiaircraft missile armament system.
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