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     首先,对固体弹道导弹相关的固体推进、气动设计、轨迹等学科的分析模型抽象和各分系统工作过程仿真展开研究。根据不同阶段不同层次总体设计的需求,建立了导出和展开形式的固体弹道导弹质量方程;借鉴代理模型(Surrogate Models)的思想,将复杂的精确分析模型的计算放在优化过程外完成,建立了满足一定精度要求又适于优化迭代的固体火箭发动机简化分析模型;在分析弹道导弹基准外形的基础上,建立了基于Missile DATCOM简化气动工程估算模型;通过对主动段飞行程序参数的分析,建立了适于工程实践的弹道设计模型。总体设计分析模型的研究为后续章节提供了仿真模型
The future needs of an advanced ballistic missile weapon promote the continuous development of missile design technology. With wide application prospects, missile digital design study is very popular in recent years. In this background, the thesis concentrates on the studies of the solid ballistic missile system design models, multi-object optimal algorithms, sensitivity analysis methods and missile system optimization design software development. The main work and achievements are summarized as follows:
     Firstly, modeling and simulation of solid ballistic missile operating process are studied. According to requirement in different phase of missile system design, the synopsis missile mass equation and the detailed missile mass equation are been built; Using the idea of Surrogate Models, simplified solid rocket motor analysis model which is suit to optimize is been proposed; Aerodynamic engineering estimation model which based on Missile DATCOM and trajectory design and computing model are also been proposed after the analysis of classic ballistic missile configure and the missile power phase parameters. These studies provide the simulation models for follow-up chapters.
     Secondly, the dissertation conducted ballistic missile system design multi-objective optimization studies. The missile design multi-objective problem is deal with using physical programming, then a hybrid optimization algorithm based on Latin hypercube design and classic optimal algorithm is proposed to optimize the missile design model. At the same time, the multi-objective genetic algorithm NSGA-II and a single-object genetic algorithm are applied to the missile system design optimization to compare the optimal results and affectivity. A 3 stage solid ballistic missile multi-object system design optimization case which based on upwards optimal algorithm is been studied. The comparison between NSGA-II’s result and other optimal methods’results show that the physical programming and hybrid optimal algorithm are more suitable and efficiency to solve the missile system design optimization problem.
     Furthermore, Orthogonal experimental design is applied to analyze sensitivity of missile system design multi-objective optimization results. Sensitivity analysis of the design variables to range and other performance merits near the best design point are been studied.
     In the end, a solid ballistic missile system optimization design software is developed. By analyzing the diversity and generalization requirements, the main calculation process is completed. Using object-oriented design methods, the basic framework of the system is proposed. The software results show that the system can provide both certain and new configuration missile design optimization and results output. It also can configure different design variables, parameters, constrains and optimal algorithms.
     In this desertion, the application of modern optimal techniques and data analysis methods to solid ballistic missile multi-disciplinary design provides a new approach and ideas in vehicle design optimization domain. The system concept design software has some certain applied value in the system design of solid ballistic missiles.
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