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Nowadays, the industrial clusters have made rapid development in the world. The attractive developing trend has aroused both academia at home and abroad and government departments to attach great importance. Meanwhile, theoretical circles have a larger controversy to the role of government for the formation and development of the industrial clusters. How the formation and development of industrial clusters, and how to promote the upgrading, these questions have become issues that many scholars and policy-makers concern. This article studies the formation and development mechanism of the industrial clusters based on the new institutional economics perspective, and talks about the cluster-lock-inefficiency because of the result of path dependence and the role of government in the system innovation in the industrial cluster.
     This paper first summarizes the domestic and international industrial clusters theoretical results from the actuality, the focus and the forming mechanism of the industrial clusters. At the same time, the paper explicates the basic issues about the research object of institution economics, the institutional meaning, the system Change and the system innovation, the system supply and demand .Then, the paper analyze the properties of industrial clusters. The author thinks that the industrial cluster is a intermediate economic organization, is a kind of institutional arrangement. In the system of perspective, this article research how the industrial cluster come into being from the market system and enterprise system, and analysis of the formation of industrial clusters. On the basis, the paper has further researched the development mechanism of industrial clusters. The paper focuses on analysis about path dependence mechanism of the cluster development, talks about the two different results under the path-dependent mechanism of industrial clusters, points out the reasons of the industrial cluster risks. The article also discusses industrial clusters "system failure" because of the negative mechanism of path dependence, such as the lemon-market, the external negative effects of the industrial cluster development. And analyze the industrial cluster upgrading and its path choice, and expounds the cluster system upgrading path from perspective of institution innovation. On the basis of theory research, this paper discusses the role and functions of the government in the industrial cluster system innovation. The author has a viewpoint that the government as a main body of mandatory system innovation, which has an important role to the upgrading of industrial clusters. The paper analysis what the government role is in the course of mandatory system innovation, and summed up the role of government functions position during mandatory system innovation of the industrial cluster.
     Finally, the paper studies the tea industry cluster of Xinyang city of Henan province, explicates the formation, the status quo and the development mechanism of the tea industry cluster, points out the existing questions of the tea industry cluster from the perspective of system changes. At last, the paper puts forward development strategies of the tea industry from policy perspective.
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