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Not until recently, gravitational wave(GW) detectors are being upgraded to promis-ing sensitivity level. Hopefully, a first direct GW detection will be made in the near future. In the meanwhile, future ground-based and space-borne GW detectors are be-ing planned. It is good time to investigate GW astronomy and design GW data analysis techniques in preparation. This thesis is devoted to the field, and consists of three major parts.
     In the first part, we participate Mock LISA Data Challenge(MLDC) as a first Chinese group. We design an algorithm to analyze the galactic binary blind data sets and implement genetic algorithm in the parameter search step. It turns out that our algorithms can detect the GW signal buried in large measurement noise and estimate the physical parameters precisely.
     In the second part, we present a detailed derivation of the angular resolution of arbitrary sets of Laser Interferometer Space Antenna(LISA) constellations with a toy model for GW signals, and further generalized to more complicated cases with slowly varying GW signals of well-defined frequency at any time instant. For future space-borne LISA-like GW detectors, our results may serve as a conservative quick estimate of the detector's angular resolution and hopefully moreover a reference for the config-uration designs.
     The detection and estimation of gravitational wave signals belonging to a parame-terized family of waveforms requires, in general, the numerical maximization of a data-dependent function of the signal parameters. Due to noise in the data, the function to be maximized is often highly multi-modal with numerous local maxima. Searching for the global maximum then becomes computationally expensive, which in turn can limit the scientific scope of the search. Stochastic optimization is one possible approach to reducing computational costs in such applications. In the third part, we report result-s from a first investigation of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method in this context. The method is applied to a testbed motivated by the problem of detection and estimation of a binary inspiral signal. Our results show that PSO works well in the presence of high multi-modality, making it a viable candidate method for further applications in GW data analysis.
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