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Fashion style as an abstract concept is no precise definition and accurate measurement method. Because of people's preferences, mental and emotional state at the time, and many other factors, people all have their own unique perspectives on fashion style. Due to subjectivity and abstract of style, to meet the needs of individual users to establish the style of decision-making recommendation system is necessary. Construction of personal style decision-making model is an important step to complete the system. About the personalized fashion style decision-making system, the paper mainly solves the following questions:
     1. According to information of clothing, fashion style can be divided into several categories; as the existing expert evaluation of the limited sample size, and support vector machine to solve the small sample, non-linear and other issues are reflected unique advantages. So selecting support vector machine to establish expert evaluation classification decision model can help classify the entire clothing database according to experts'information. By experts'classification model, system can recommend clothing which meets the evaluation of experts for users.
     2. Fashion style is a vague concept and difficult to quantify, so the clothes recommended by experts'classification model does not meet the user's individual requirements. In this paper, we use Preference Model of Interactive Genetic Algorithm to the needs of individual users. First, we obtain users assessment information of clothing samples and coding parts of the clothing. Then we can use genetic algorithm to establish personalized fashion style decision model. Finally by this model system can recommended personal reference costume for users.
     3. The process that users evaluate Fashion style, in fact, is a psychological decision-making process. In this paper, the decision model of Multi-alternative decision field reflects the changes that decision makers determine the fashion style and the Irrational Effect. The decision model of Multi-alternative decision field can effectively solve the users' psychology evaluation of fashion styles in the small scale.
     4. Three decision-making methods solve the system different issues in the implementation. Ultimately, we integrate three models, design and achieve the personalized fashion style decision-making system.
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