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     采用SMI HED头盔式眼动仪对乘务员的驾驶作业进行了视线追踪实验,对注视点的位置与跳跃顺序、注视时间等指标进行了记录,并总结了典型驾驶任务中乘务员的视觉策略。实验结果说明,驾驶作业中乘务员的主要视觉任务是对前方线路和信号灯的瞭望,对驾驶界面上仪表及显示屏的观察是快速和短暂的,操纵台的布局不应影响乘务员的正常瞭望。
Locomotive cab is a specific place, where the trainmans get train running information and operate, and the design of the driving interface has a special significance to operation satety. which has currently been an important part of train design technology. As a typical human-machine system, the design philosophy of locomotive cab transformed to human-oriented from machine-oriented. The design practice of locomotive cab based on trainman's physiologicl and psychological demands and the study for the purpose of enhancing driving comfort have already appeared, and the study on trainman's driving fatigue, cognitive load and situational awareness have caused more attention at the same time, therefore this paper attempts to study on the optimized design of locomotive driving interface from the aspect of trainman's properties.
     Trainman's properties are composed of human body measuring properties, cognitive and behavior properties while driving, and the optimized design of locomotive driving interface includes human-machine matching relation, human-machine information relation and human-machine operation relation accordingly.
     Generally the trainman's physiological propertiy includes the static dimensions and dynamic ranges with sitting and standing positon. human body strength data, visual and auditory characteristcs, etc. The paper collected, classified and summarized the human body physiological properties via literature investigation, which was represented with chats. and proposed the foundation of further analysis of the human-machine matching relation and the opitimized design of equipments in the cab.
     The cognitive and behavior properties were studied via the integration and experiment. The procedure of design investigation was strictly observed, and several interviews and two experimental surveys were carried on before the formal questionnaire survey, which ensured the validity of the investigation. The a reliability coefficient of the survey was0.92. indicating the survey reliability was high. It was showed that the trainman's age. driving experience, education level and left or right hands habit had no correlation with the operation of the controllers, trainmans could master the operation of the controllers, but the evaluation of the operation comfort was not high. There was no significant difference between the recognization of various instruments, but the open-window instrument's reading difficulty had a significant positive correlation with driving experience. which indicated the need of studying and exercise. In the display of speed information, there was a significant correlation between the speed instrument and the speed curve of LK.12000. but there was no obvious difference at the same time, which showed that both were the main way for speed information, and they should both exist.
     The trainman's eye tracking experiment was carried on using SMI HED eye tracking system, the positon and jumping order of the fixation, and the fixation time were recorded and the trainman's visual strategy in typical driving task were summarized as well. It was showed that the trainman's main visual task while driving was to monitor the railway and rail signals in front, and the survey of the instruments and displays inside was quick and short, therefore the layout of instruments should not obstruct the nonnal lookout.
     On the basis of design investigation and eye tracking experiment, the descriptive trainman's model base on driving task was built, which was composed of driving task, behavior model, cognitive model and design guide. The tainman's cognitive integrated model and behavior dynamic model were built, indicating that the significant characteristic of driving was the cognitive pattern of information-feedforward and an explicit forecast of the svstem's further situation based on intuition or rules. The trainman's behavior characteristic was a behavior partten based on rules. and they operated following a series of behavior formwork. Therefore the design of the visual information should be simple and explicit, avoiding complexed sense, and the information should work as a signal or sign to arouse a series of behavior formwotk.
     Based on the analysis of the trainman's properties, several locomotive driving interface design requirements composed of moderation, consistency, explicitness, struction and direction were proposed, and the design work under the former requirements were carried on. The simulation of the human-machine relationship in locomotive cab was built in ergonomics software Jack, and the drawback of preset design was analyzed. The significance and frequency of the visual information were determined by questionnaire survey, and the recognization of the icons was investigated. Based on that, the optimized design advice of driving interface layout, dimension and scle of the main devices and the display software were proposed, and the synthesized evaluation system of locomotive cab design was preliminary built.
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