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Localization of Marxism is a historical process which is advanced continuously like a chain. From the early Chinese communists represented by Li Dazhao to the first generation of collective leadership represented by Mao Zedong, from the second generation of leadership represented by Deng Xiaoping to the third-generation collective leadership represented by Jiang Zemin, Localization of Marxism passed enlightenment, foundation, reversion , innovation and development. The Soviet Communist Party has extremely far-reaching impact to Localization of Marxism in the whole process .Some are direct impact, some are indirect effects, some are positive roles,some are negative roles. Studying from Russia ,learning from the Soviet Union , controling from the Sino-Soviet, the historical process like a golden thread almost passed the whole history of Localization of Marxism.This reflected in the process of the revolutionary road with Chinese characteristics and the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Following and breaking through the model of the Soviet Union Constituted a basic trajectory of Localization of Marxism.
     Chapter I One:The enlightenment and advocacy of Localization of Marxism
     The premise of Localization of Marxism is the scientific Marxism which was found out by the Chinese people. The October Revolution in Russia brought Marxism-Leninism to China.The bridge was set up between the October Revolution and Localization of Marxism, So that the Marxist scientific socialism was continuously transported to China through it, and the Chinese people have really found their own ideological weapon that can change their own destiny.Li Dazhao is the earliest disseminator of Marxism in China and the first explorer of Localization of Marxism.He carried out the initial exploration of localization of Marxism ,and his works became the sources and historical beddings of the Marxist theory.
     Chapter Two: The exploration and foundation of localization of Marxism.
     The Comintern has a dual effect in the process of guiding the Chinese revolution and promotion of localization of Marxism.The communists of Chinese represented by Mao Zedong started from special national conditions and international environment. Using the basic theory of Marxism-Leninism.Sum up the lessons learned during the three "Left", the two rightist in the process of Chinese revolution lead by party ,and found a new revolution road with Chinese characteristic.As great theoretical results of the first historical leap of localization of Marxism , Mao Zedong Thought free Chinese Marxist out of the superstition of Stalin and Comintern .
     Chapter Three: The new exploration of localization of Marxism.
     The CCP have gone through copying the experience of the Soviet Union to thinking independent, through taking the way of the Russians to exploring its own way whether in the period of democratic revolution or in the period of socialist construction.After Stalin's model for the defects, Mao Zedong issued to the basic tenets of Marxism with China's actual combination of the second great call,After the 20th convention of the soviet Communist Party, Mao Zedong issued great call of combination the basic tenets of Marxism with Chinese actual situation against the defects of Stalin's model.From then, the CCP started hard roads of Chinese-style socialist construction, and deepen the understanding of scientific socialism and then put forward a series of socialist right ideas and allegations.These work provide theoretical basis and practical experience for the second and third generations of central collective leadership of the CCP to explore the theory and the road on socialism with Chinese characteristics .
     Chapter Four: Deviation and distortion of Localization of Marxism.
     Debates between the Soviet Union and China brought a great impact to the two countries and the two parties and the process of the development of domestic history.Under tremendous pressure of external conditions and international environment ,the first generations of central collective leadership of the CCP represented by Mao Zedong Deviated the right direction from localization of Marxism, interrupt hard roads to explore a Chinese-style socialist construction in the process of explore these roads .
     Chapter Fiye: The Reversion and recycling of localization of Marxism.
     The Chinese communists represented by Deng Xiaoping took over "History baton" of localization of Marxism after the death of Mao Zedong. They adhere to the basic principles of scientific socialism, summed up experiences and lessons of China's socialist construction and the international communist movement, grasped the historical position of China's socialist, broken away from the Stalinist model and the traditional concept of the shackles of socialism completely.Revealed the nature of socialism, answered the fundamental question of "what is socialism and how to build socialism, Start a socialist road with Chinese characteristics and realized the second historic leap of localization of Marxism, created the Deng Xiaoping Theory.
     Chapter Six: Innovation and development of localization of Marxism.
     The world socialist state is at a low ebb after the disorganization of Soviet and dramatic changes in Eastern Europe.The Chinese Communists represented by Jiang Zemin seriously learned from the experiences and lessons of the drastic changes in Eastern Europe.Profoundly summed up historical experience of the building the party, and put forward the "three represents" important thought.Further answered the basic problem of "what is socialism and how to build socialism" with a series of new ideas, new viewpoints, and new theses linked to each other Closely., answered the major issues on "what kind of party, how to build the party" in a creative way. Enriched and developed greatly Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and create out a brand new realm of localization of Marxism.
     Chapter Seven: Conclusions and enlightenment of localization of Marxism.
     Based on the far-reaching implications of Soviet Communist Party to localization of Marxism, we draw the following conclusions and Enlightenment through analysis and research: A scientific treatment of Marxism is theoretical foundation, evaluated correctly the leaders is a political prerequisite.Always represent interests of most broad masses of the people is the fundamental stance localization of Marxism.Adhere to an independent principle of is internal requirements to realize the localization of Marxism.The conversion and changes of the themes of the time and the characteristics of the time is an era of aids to navigation to achieve localization of Marxism.The reason of the historic change of the face of the Chinese people, the face of socialist China and the face of Chinese Communist Party is the results to achieve localization of Marxism.
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