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The constant conflicts between Islamic radical groups (IRGs hereafter) in theMiddle East and sovereign states have been under academic spotlight. Althoughscholars in the field of international relations theory have attached much attention tothe above issue, many fundamental problems concerning these groups are still callingfor an effective theoretical explanation. Therefore, this thesis tries to answer two basicquestions related to the IRGs: What kinds of actors are these groups? Why do theyalways have conflicts with sovereign states?
     Rules must be discovered and theory must be created. Despite that the IRGs havebeen viewed as natural “actors” on the arena of world politics, it is still necessary toanalyze and examine how these groups became such actors before we can findsatisfactory answers to the above-mentioned questions. To help the reader understandrelevant terms and concepts in this thesis, the author first introduces the concept of“violent non-state actor”(VNSA hereafter), then sums up their types of power andmajor contemporary political forms occurred through the changes of the powerdistribution in the international system. The author believes that the religiousfundamentalist movements with IRGs at the core are a VNSA that has most importantinfluence on current international system. In addition, history shows that essentialdifferences exist between the IRGs and national liberation movements, ethnic(identity) political movements or other VNSAs: the political goal of the IRGs is to setup, by all means, including the use of violence or force,“an Islamic state” or Ummaor a Khlifah state, which is a “political system” totally independent of the sovereignstate system. In contrast, the top political goal of national liberation movements orethnic(identity) political movements is to overthrow their existing governments,establish a secular state run by themselves and integrate the new regime into thecurrent sovereign state system. Therefore, compared with the impact of other VNSA son the international system, the impact of the IRGs on the international system willdefinitely lead to conflict.
     In the process of their construction, the IRGs have constructed themselves asactors in the Umma system under the sovereignty of Allah. These actors are highlyhomogeneous, which means they are just like those varied but highly homogeneous“states” in modern sovereign state system. This belief and the necessity of acting inaccordance with their self-interests determine their role on the stage of world politicstoday, that is, to deconstruct modern sovereign state system and construct a Ummasystem. However, modern sovereign states, especially those large ones, are firmadherents of the international system. With the IRGs as absolute negators and modernsovereign states firm adherents, they have conflicts in both reality and logic, whichcan be further proved by the violent conflicts between the IRGs and such sovereignstates as the US, Europe and Russia. Moreover, the conflicts between the IRGs andthe sovereign state system are, to a great degree, uncompromising “zero-sum games”instead of "coexistence" competition. In response to the attacks from the challengingIRGs, the USA, Europe and Russia and other sovereign states are compelled to eitherstrike back single-handedly or strike back together as a counter-terrorism alliance. Asa result, the two sides are lost in a paradigm of conflict circle featuring“challenge-response-challenge”. Such conflicts, in a word, are the confrontationbetween the Umma system under the sovereignty of Allah and the sovereign statesystem.
     As a matter of fact, the conflict between the IRGs and sovereign states is merelya special case of its kind. Today the “new war” spreading between VNSAs and stateactors is no longer an exception on the spectrum of conflict but common relationshipfaced by international security and a topic worthy of further studies in academia aswell.
    ②Phil Williams,“Violent Non-State Actors and National and International Security”, International Relations andSecurity Network, p.5, ISN, ETH Zurich.中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社编者注:文中(含脚注和参考文献)所谓台湾的“国立”、“中央警察大学”均应加双引号。
    ⑦Anthony H. Cordesman, Israeli-Hezbollah War, Center for Strategic and International Studies,2007.
    ⑧Kledja Mulaj (ed.), Violent Non-State Actors in World Politics, Columbia University Press and Hurst,2009, p.4.
    ⑨Majlis-e-Shoora, Resolution on Unilateral US Forces Actions in Abbottabad, On2ndMay2011, ParliamentResolution, Issued14May2011.
    ①Emmanuel Sivan, Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics, Yale University Press,1990, p.26.
    ②John Calvert, Sayyid Qutb and the Origins of Radical Islamism, Columbia University Press,2010, p.197.
    ④Farzana Shaikh, Islam and Islamic Group: a Worldwide Reference Guide, Longman Group UK,1992.
    ③2002年11月,美国空军学院国家安全研究所年度研究总结中首次提出这一概念,之后此概念为美国国防部的几分文件所使用,但他们使用的是广义概念,泛指一切使用暴力的非国家行为体。详见Casebeer MajWilliam,“Deterring Violent Non-State Actors in the New Millenium”, Strategic Insights, Vol.1Issue10,December2002.
    ④Troy S. Thomas, Stepen D. Kiser and William D. Casebeer: Warlord Rising: Confronting Violent Non-StateActor, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books,2005, p.4.
    ②Jessica Shepherd,“Education: Academic Interest: The Rise and Rise of Terrorism Studies,” The Guardian, FinalEdition, Guardian Education Pages, July3,2007,http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2007/jul/03/highereducation.research;也可参见周穗民:“当代国外恐怖主义理论研究述评”,载《国外社会科学》,2003年第6期;潘志平:“中国对恐怖主义的研究述评”,载《国际政治研究》,2011年第3期。
    ④本文仅列出一部分代表性学术专著:Rohan Gunaratna, Inside Al-Qaeda: Global Network of Terror, TheBerkley Publishing Group,2002; Philip Margulies, Al-Qaeda: Osama Bin Laden’s Army of Terrorists, The Rosen
    Publishing Group, Inc.,2003; Jane Corbin, Al-Qaeda:In Search of the Terror Network that Threatens the World,Thunder Mouth Press/Nations Books,2003; Hamid A. Hassan, Al-Qaeda: the Background of the Pursuit forGlobal Jihad, Almqvist&Wiksell international2004;Lawrence J. Bevy, Al-Qaeda: a Organization to be Reckonedwith, Novinka Books,2006; Christopher M. Blanchard, Al-Qaeda: Statements and Evolving Ideology,2010.劳伦斯·赖特著,张琨,张莉译,:《巨塔杀机:基地组织与9·11之路》,上海译文出版社,2009年版。
    ①目前国内论述除“基地”之外的中东伊斯兰激进组织的专著仅见:涂龙德、周华:《伊斯兰激进组织》,北京:时事出版社,2010年版,该书主要叙述埃及穆斯林兄弟会及其分支机构、基地组织及其分支机构、伊斯兰解放当和黎巴嫩真主党等演变的历史及其发展特点;英文文献相对较多,仅“穆斯林兄弟会”笔者就收集到如下专著:Richard P. Mitchell, Society of the Muslin Brothers, Oxford University Press; Nachman Tal,Radical Islam in Egypt and Jordan, Sussex Academic Press,2005;Barbara H. E. Zollner, The Muslin Brotherhood:Hasan al-Hudaybi and Ideology, Taylor&Francis Group,2009; Barry M. Rubin, The Muslin Brotherhood: theOrganization and Policies of a Global Islamist Movement, Palgrave Macmillan,2010.
    ②仅以“哈马斯”、“埃及穆斯林兄弟会”为例,国内至今未见有关专著出版,中国期刊网数据库(2005-2011年)比较有价值的论文如下:张珺:“哈马斯的精深资源、政治特点及其战略”,载《西亚非洲》,载《阿拉伯世界》,2005年第4期;安惠侯:“哈马斯胜选与中东和平进程”,载《阿拉伯世界》,2006年第3期;安维华:“哈马斯现象的宗教-政治解读”,载《西亚非洲》,2006年第4期;李志芬:“哈马斯政策的变化及对巴勒斯坦政局的影响”,载《西亚非洲》,2008年第2期;李朱平:“简析哈马斯与法塔赫关系的演变”,载《石家庄学院学报》,2008年第10期。仅见一本英文专著:Beverley Milton-Edwards, Hamas: the Islamicresistance Movement, Polity Press,2010。有关“埃及穆斯林兄弟会”的研究成果相对丰富一些,如张亚利:《埃及穆斯林兄弟会研究》,福建师范大学2009年硕士论文;蒋灏:《埃及穆巴拉克政权对穆斯林兄弟会的政策研究》,上海外国语大学2011年博士论文;杨晓璐:《埃及穆斯林兄弟会政党化问题研究》,外交学院2011年硕士论文。论文类:钟山,“埃及穆斯林兄弟会的产生与发展”,载《西亚非洲》,1982年第1期;毕健康,“穆巴拉克时代的埃及穆斯林兄弟会”,载《西亚非洲》,2004年第2期;毕健康,“试论埃及穆斯林兄弟会的二重性问题”,载《世界历史》2004年第1期;姜英梅,“埃及穆斯林兄弟会与埃及政府间关系”,载《西亚非洲》,2003年第1期;毕健康:“穆巴拉克时代的埃及穆斯林兄弟会”,载《西亚非洲》,2004年第2期;蔡伟良:“埃及与穆斯林兄弟会”,载《阿拉伯世界研究》,2012年第1期。
    ②Quintan Wiktorowicz, Radical Islam Rising, Rowman and Littlefield, Inc,2005.
    ③Thomas P. M. Barnett, The Pentagon’s New Map: War and Peace in Twenty-First Century, Berkley Trade,2005.
    ④J Bernhard Compton,“Violent Non-State Actors in the Middle Eastern Region”, Small Wars Journal,2008,vol.2.
    ⑥James Fearon and David Latin,“Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War”, American Political Science Review,2002.
    ①Walter Laqueur, No End to War, Continuum,2007.
    ②Scott Altran,“Genesis of Suicide Terrorism”, Science, Vol.299.5612:1534-1539.
    ⑤Monte Palmer, Princess Palmer: Islamic Extremism: Causes, Diversity and Challenges, Plymouth: Rowman andLittlefield Publishers, Inc.
    ④Michael C. Horowitz, Non-State Actors and the Diffusion of Innovations: the Case of Suicide Terrorism,International Organization, Vol.64, No.1,2010, pp.33-62.
    ⑥International Crisis Group, Understanding Islamism, Middle East/North Africa Report N.37,2March,2005.
    ①The Muslin Brotherhood: Hasan al-Hudaybi and Ideology, Taylor&Francis Group,2009; John Walsh,“Egypt’sMuslim Brotherhood: Understanding Centrist Islam”, Harvard International Review, Winter2003.
    ②Rohan Gunaratna, Inside Al-Qaeda: Global Network of Terror, The Berkley Publishing Group,2002.
    ③UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset(2011),30June2011,http://www.prio.no/CSCW/Datasets/Armed-Conflict/UCDP-PRIO/;Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, Efraim Inbar,Religious Radicalism in the Greater Middle East, London, Frank Cass&Co. LTD.,1998; BeverleyMilton-Edwards, Hamas: the Islamic Resistance Movement, Polity Press,2010;K. R. Singh,” InternationalTerrorism as an Instrument of State Policy.”, International Studies, Vol.32, No.3,119-137. Sam P.O’ Brien,“Foreign Policy Crisis and the Resort to Terrorism”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.40, No.2, pp.320-335.Martha Crenshaw,“Terrorism and International Violence”, in Handbook of War Studies II, Ann Arbor, Theuniversity of Michigan Press; Joshua Alexander Geltzer, US Counter-terrorism Strategy and Al-Qaeda, Routledge,2010.
    ①Jahangir Arasli,“States Vs. Non-State Actors: Asymmetric Conflict and Challenges to Military Transformation,”http://www.eurasiareview.com/13032011-states-vs-non-state-actors-asymmetric-conflict-and-challenges-to-military-transformation/.
    ②Anthony H. Cordesman, Lessons of Israeli-Hezbollah War, Center for Strategic and International Studies,2007.
    ③Noam Lubell, Extraterritorial Use of Force against Non-State Actors, Oxford University Press,2010, pp.4-12.
    ④文献中也不乏运用建构主义的理论视角来解析中东伊斯兰激进组织与主权国家的冲突原因,但就笔者理解而言,这些文献基本上最终倒向证明“文明冲突“的正确性,故将此类观点全归入这一理论解释模式之中。详细内容可见如下文章:田文林,林海虹:“伊斯兰与西方的冲突:一个自我实现的文化预言”,载《世界经济与政治》,2002年第1期;Nathan C. Funk andAbdul Aziz Said,“Islam and the West: Narratives of Conflictand Conflict Transformation”, International Journal of Peace Studies, Vol.9, Number1, Spring/Summer2004.
    ⑤参见Chong-Soo Tai, Eric J. Peterson, Ted Robert Gurr,“Internal Versus External Sources ofAnti-Americanism:Two Comparative Studies,” The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.17, No.3,1973, pp.455-457.
    ①Cathy Sultan: Tragedy in South Lebanon: The Israeli-Hezbollah War of2006, Scarletta Press,2008, preface.
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    ①从笔者收集的到资料来看,专门研究此类冲突的文献不多,研究有待深入、拓展:Andrew Mack,“Why BigNations Lose Small Wars: The Politics of Asymmetric Conflict,” World Politics, Vol.27, No.2,1975, p.175.
    ①Anja P. Jakobi,“Non-State Violence and Political Order: a View on Long-Term Consequences of Non-StateSecurity Governance”, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Working Paper No.4.
    ④Kledja Mulaj (ed.), Violent Non-State Actors in World Politics, Columbia University Press and Hurst,2009, p.2.
    ①Thucydides, On Justice, Power, and Human Nature, Paul Woodruff(ed.), Indianapolis, Hackett PublishingCompany,1993, pp.59-76.
    ①Andrew Wyatt Walter,“Adam Smith and the Liberal Tradition in International Relations,” In Ian Clark and IverB. Neumann (eds), Classical Theories of International Relations, St. Martin’s Press; Wilson’s Fourteen Points Plan,http://www.historyguide.org/europe/14points.html.
    ②参见Mark W. Zacher&Richard A. Matthew,“Liberal International Theory: Common Treads, DivergentStandards,” In Charles Kegley(ed), Controversies in International Relations Theory, St. Martin’s Press;罗伯特·基欧汉,约瑟夫·奈著,门洪华译:《权力与相互依赖》,北京大学出版社,2002年版。
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    ④Brian Hocking, Localizing Foreign Policy: Noncentral Governments and Multilayered Diplomacy, London, TheMacmillan Press Limited,1993, p.35.
    ⑤Kenichi Ohmae, The End of the Nation State: the Rise of Regional Economies, New York: The Free Press,1995,p5.
    ⑦Ralph Peters,“The New Warrior Class,” Parameters, Vol.24,1994, pp.16-26.
    ②Leonard Weinberg,“Turning to Terror: the Conditions under Which Political Parties Turn to Terrorist Activities”,Comparative Politics, Vol.23,1991, pp.423-438.
    ③Martha Crenshaw,” Thoughts on Relating Terrorism to Historical Contexts,” in Terrorism in Context, edited byMartha Crenshaw, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press,1995, pp.3-24.
    ④Martha Crenshaw,” Thoughts on Relating Terrorism to Historical Contexts,” in Terrorism in Context, edited byMartha Crenshaw, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press,1995, p15.
    ①Troy S. Thomas, Stepen D. Kiser and William D. Casebeer, Warlord Rising: Confronting Violent Non-StateActor, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books,2005.
    ②Kledja Mulaj (ed.), Violent Non-State Actors in World Politics, Columbia University Press and Hurst,2009.
    ①Troy S. Thomas, Stephen D. Kiser, Warlords Rising: Confronting Violent Non-State Actors, Rowman&Littlefield, Inc,2009, p.8.
    ②Graham Evans and Jeffrey Newnham, The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations, London: PenguinBooks,1998.
    ①Stephen Walt, Revolution and War, Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1996,p.20.
    ②Ted Robert Gurr, Why Men Rebel, Princeton University Press,1970
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    ②Mark Irving Lichbach, The Rebel’s Dilemma, University of Michigan Press,1995, p.56.
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    ②Margaret Irwin, That Great Lucifer: A Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh, Allison&Busby,1998, p.3.
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    ②Charles Tilly, Coercion, Capital, and European States, AD990-1990, Oxford, Basil Blackwell,1990, p.68-69.
    ③Perry Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist, London, Verso,1979, p.23.
    ①Ulrich Schneckener,“Fragile Statehood, Armed Non-State Actors and Security Governance”, in Alan Bryden,Marina Caparini (eds.), Private Actor and Security Governance,2006, LIT&DCAF, p.25.
    ②Phil Williams,“Violent Non-State Actors and National and International Security”, International Relations andSecurity Network, p.5, ISN, ETH Zurich.Jesse Schwartz,“The Influence of Non-State Actors in a WestphaliaWorld”, http://www.atlantic-community.org/index/articles/view/Non-State_Actors_in_a_Westphalian_World
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    ⑥Naomi Chazan, Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa (3rdEdition), Lynne Rienner Publishers, Colorado,1999,p.8.
    ①Joseph Nye Jr.,“The Multinational Corporations and World Order”, in the American Assembly, ColumbiaUniversity Press,1975.
    ②Ulrich Schneckner,“Fragile Statehood, Armed Non-State Actors and Security Governance”, In Alan Bryden (ed.)Private Actors and Security Governance, Geneva, DCAF,2006, pp.23-40.
    ③Devin R. Spring, James L. Regens, David N. Edger, Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad, Washington, D. C,Georgetown University Press,2009, pp.17-56.
    ①Monte Palmer, Princess Palmer: Islamic Extremism: Causes, Diversity and Challenges, Plymouth: Rowman andLittlefield Publishers, Inc., pp.37-108.
    ④Youseff M. Choueiri, Islamic Fundamentalism (Revised edition), London: Continuum International PublishingGroup Ltd,2002, pp.7-11.
    ③Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, Efraim Inbar, Religious Radicalism in the Greater Middle East, London, Frank Cass&Co. LTD.,1998, p.65.
    ②International Crisis Group, Understanding Islamism, Middle East/North Africa Report N.37,2March,2005.
    ⑤Rohan Gunaratna, Inside Al-Qaeda: Global Network of Terror, The Berkley Publishing Group,2002.
    ①Olivier Roy, Globalised Islam: the Search for a New Ummah, New York: Columbia University Press,2004,pp.62-65.
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    ②International Crisis Group, Understanding Islamism, March2,2005, p.4.
    ③International Crisis Group, Crisis Group Report, Islamism, Violence and Reform in Algeria.
    ④International Crisis Group, Understanding Islamism, March2,2005, p.7.
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