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在宗教与国际关系研究领域中,现当代国际传教运动的议题日益引起学者的关注。然而,尚未有学者对“中国因素”在新老传教运动交替转型过程中的作用加以深度梳理与剖析。本论文选用了“中国内地会-海外基督使团”(China Inland Mission-Overseas Missionary Fellowship,缩写CIM-OMF)这一国际传教机构作为研究对象,试图超越纯组织学进路、描述性个案研究的旧套,结合国际关系学、社会学、差传学和史学的研究成果与分析方法,通过对该“老中国通”传教组织之转型与发展的解析研究,展示宗教研究与国际关系研究在方法论层面的新潜能。通过这一中阶命题的个案分析,本论文意在结合历史与现状、理论与实践、差传学思潮与国际关系现象,展现西方传统居重的基督教如何在影响了中国的同时,也被中国影响和改造,而基于“中国经验”的传教活动如何对国际传教运动产生催化和制约这两种自相矛盾的张力。笔者选用全球化理论家罗兰·罗伯茨顿(Roland Robertson)所提出的“全球地域化”(Glocalisation)之概念来演绎中国基督教在整个国际体系中所占之地位与影响,而CIM-OMF的案例研究正可用以展示全球范围内“特殊主义的普遍化(基督教之普传)和普遍主义的特殊化(各国各族教会的本土化)”两大交叉并行的过程,并弥补国内目前的相关研究停滞与理论建构的空洞。本论文第一部分论述了新中国成立初期,“中国内地会”(CIM)从中国大陆全体撤离及更名“海外基督使团”(OMF)的过程;第二部分论述了CIM-OMF在亚洲各国和各地区(包括港、台、新、马、泰、菲、日、印尼、印支、韩)的地理性发展;第三部分论述了CIM-OMF离开中国后非地理性的延续与发展,从传教手段(分文宣、媒体、医疗、神学教育四部分)、传教对象(分学生、城市、华侨、移民四部分)、传教士团队(分亚裔、女性、短宣、专业人士四部分)、传教理念(分财政原则、三自理念、跨宗派主义、两元模式四部分)四大方面一一展开;第四部分论述了CIM-OMF在“全球地域化”过程中所产生的全球范畴内的影响力。
In the discipline of religion and international relations, the study of modern day international missionary movement is attracting increasing academic interest. Nonetheless, very few scholars have undertaken in-depth study on the function of "China factor" in the overlapping and transformation of old and new missionary movements. This Thesis chooses the international mission institute China Inland Mission Overseas Missionary Fellowship (CIM-OMF) as the subject of a case study to demonstrate the methodological potential of the study of religion and international relation through an analysis of the transformation and development of this "Old China Hand" mission society. To achieve this, the author aims to overcome the conventional approaches of simple organisaitonal study and descriptive case study, and to incorporate the findings and methodology from the disciplines of international relations, sociology, missiology and history. Through this middle-range type of case study, this thesis also attempts to integrate history with reality, theory with practice, missiological trends with international phenomena in order to illustrate how a Western-oriented Christianity been influenced and changed by China while exerting influence and change in China. The "China experience" also brewed a paradoxical tension of catalysis and restriction on post-China international missionary movement. Globalisation theorist Roland Robertson's conception of Glocalisation is employed to demonstrate the status and impact of Chinese Christianity in the globe-wide system. The CIM-OMF story is an ideal case in demonstrating the crossing-over and paralleling process of the "generalization of particularism"(the spread of Christianity) and the "particularization of generalism"(the indiginization of national churches). The first part of the thesis provides a background understanding of the withdrawal of the CIM as a mission organization shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and its changing of identity to OMF. The second part is about CIM-OMF's geographic expansion into East Asia (including HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaya, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, Jndonesia, Indo-China, South Korea). The third part is about the non-geographic continuation and development in the areas of missionary means (including literature outreach, media, medical, and theological training), missionary objects (including students, urban people groups, overseas Chinese, and immigrants), missionary personnel (Asians, women, short-teamers, and professionals), and missionary concepts (financial principle, indigenous policy, interdenominationalism, and home vs. field dualism). The fourth part is about the global-wide influence accumulated during the glocalisation of the CIM-OMF.
①Vendulka Kubalkova, "Toward an International Political Theology, " in Pavols Hatzopoulos and Fabio Petito, eds. Religion in International Relations:The Return from Exile (New York:Palgrave Macmillian,2003) pp.79-105.
    ⑤涂怡超:《当代基督宗教传教运动与认同政治》,载《世界经济与政治》2011年第9期, 第37页。
    ③ Kenneth D. Wald and Clyde Wilcox, "Getting religion:Has political science rediscovered the faith factor?" American Political Science Review, Vol.100, No. 4,2006, pp.523,525-529.
    ④ Jack Snyder, ed. Religion and International Relation Theory, Introduction, New York:Columbia University Press,2011, pp.2-3; EvaBellin, "Faith in politics, New trends in the study of religion and politics, " World Politcs, Vol.60, No.2,2008, pp.313-347.
    ① Vendulka Kubalkova, "Toward an International Political Theology," p.89.
    ③ Ron E. Hassner, "Religion and International Affairs:The State of the Art, " in Patrick James, ed., Religion, Identity, Global Governance:Ideas, Evidence, and Practice, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2011, pp.43-51.
    ① Ron E. Hassner, "Religion and International Affairs", pp.43-51.
    ②参:Robertson, Roland (1994)'Globalisation or Glocalisation?'Journal of International Communication,1(1):pp.33-52; Robertson, Roland.1995.
    ②原载于International Bulletin of Missionary Research (Oct 1994), p.156.
    ①该论文原载于International Bulletin of Missionary Research,vol.29,no.2(Apr2000),已被译为中文(徐以骅译),载于徐以骅、章远、朱晓黎主编:《宗教与美国社会——当代传教运动》(第六辑),北京:时事出版社,2009年版。
    ⑤借用Philip Jenkins的书名The Next Christendom:The Coming of Global Christianity(2002)的表述。
    ① Paul Beale, Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English:From the Work of Eric Partridge, MacMillan,1989.
    ②另一位类似的成员为英国本部主任Fred Mitchell,时任总主任的华福兰会督曾于1947年邀请两人前往中国做短期巡视,此为二人唯一一次履足禾场的经验。参Ron Roberts,& Gwen Roberts, (1989)To Fight Better:A Biography of J.Oswald Sanders,Highland: OMF,p.91.
    ①由瑞典籍路德宗背景赴华传教士William Rigmark署名的两篇文章刊登在1949年7月23号和25号的Svenska Morgenbladet上,详参George Hood, Neither Bang Nor Whimper, 1991, p.72.
    ②《基督教中华CIM之性质与工作概要》/China Inland Mission-Its Character and Work,1949年7月印,存上海档案馆,u112-0-13,第2页。
    ③ Herbert M. Griffin, "God-Given Opportunities", China's Millions, North American Edition, May,1949, pp.67-69.
    ④'A Message to Missionary Societies and Missionaries', China Bulletin 41, Dec.13,1948,pp.1-2,据邢福增教授的考证,这些署名者皆为当时中国教会的精英和领袖人物。
    ① CIM London Council Minutes, Apr 15,1948, p.398-399,转引自David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China and the redeployment to New Fields in East Asia, p.56.
    ③这两名美籍教士为海春深(George K. Harris)和赫得绿(Fred Hatton),详见,布麦克(Malcolm R. Bradshaw)著:《火炬传千里:宣教士海春深在穆斯林中的生命见证》(Torch for Islam:A Biography of Gorge K. Harris),香港新生资源中心2006年版,第97-98页。
    ④详见:米大卫(David Michell)著、张攻珊译:《战地童心》(A Boy's War),香港:海外基督使团2007年版。
    ①详见Phillip E. Brotchie, The importance of the contribution of Australians to the penetration of China by the China Inland Mission 1888-1953. Ph.D. Diss. Deakin University,1999, pp.257-264,268-269.
    ②赖恩融(Leslie T. Lyall)著、唐华、范约翰译:《万有主宰》(God Reigns in China),台北:中国信徒布道会1988年版,第99页。
    ④此人曾为美以美会海外差传委员会(the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church)中国、日本、韩国和东亚部十事,1937-1961年间曾被选为东南亚神学教育基金会(Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia)委员会执行干事。曾著有At Trail's End一书。
    ⑤参:Frank T. Cartwright, "Protestant Missions in Communist China", p.304,转引自[美]唐耐心著,《艰难的抉择》,第119页。
    ①迟至1990年代,Phillip Brotchie在撰写其博士论文时,仍有CIM退休传教士以“唯恐牵连中国信徒”的理由拒绝访谈。
    ②最后离开中国国境的两位成员为[澳]马良箴(Arthur Mathews)和[英]贾立克(Rupert Clarke)。当时仍有一对前CIM成员夫妇,[澳]高立德(Harry George Gould)和[澳]高孙慕贞(Catherine Elizabeth Gould),原为上海总部财务部门同工,1950年辞职转入太古洋行船运公司(Butterfield & Swire)任会计,1955年离开中国后重新加入CIM。因此也可以说这两位才是最后离境的CIM成员。
    ③'Statistics:re Missionaries in China, Feb.1951,'Conference of British Missionary Societies (CBMS) Archives, Box 390 E/T China 44(9),转引自邢福增:《基督教在中国的失败?》,第237页。
    ①International Headquarter Singapore Archive 6.2, p.565, cited in David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.76.
    ② David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, pp.78,87.
    ③ Bournemouth Conference Report,pp.3-8, cited in David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.78.
    ①综合以下文献:Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, pp.171-172; interview with Ian Prescott, cited in David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.79.
    ⑤ Bournemouth Conference Report, pp.61-63,转引自David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.88.
    ②此说为赖恩融在1960年对传教士候选人发言时提起,引自David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.74.
    ①Bournemouth Conference Report,p.45,转引自David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.85.
    ③戴德生的发妻玛利亚(Maria Dyer)为伦敦会赴华传教士台约尔(Samuel Dyer)之女,15岁时便应邀前往宁波从事传教工作,从经验和背景上而言可以说比戴德生本人还要资深。
    ④书名为:Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century,原为陆续出版的七卷一套的著述,2005年合印成上下两册的单行本。
    ①D. J. Bosch在其Transforming mission:paradigm shifts in theology of mission, (Maryknoll, N. Y., Orbis Books.1991)327-334页中对新教宣教史的“自发性原则”做了详尽深入的分析。
    ② James Reed, The Missionary Mind and American East Asia Policy,1911-1915, Cambridge:Harvard,1983, p.2.
    ①Rev. Norman Goodall,'From China to-?', John W. Decker Papers, Yale Divinity School Library, RG8, Box 56, Folder 6,2-6.
    ②'Where Have the China Missionaries Gone,'The Christian Century LXIX 48, (Nov 26,1952), p.1372.
    ③George Hood, Neither Bang Nor Whimper, Singapore:Presbyterian Church of Singapore, 1991,pp.142-143.
    ①'Location of Ex-China Missionaries,1st Apr.1952,'Conference of British Missionary Societies (CBMS) Archives, Box 390 E/T China 44(9),转引自邢福增:《基督教在中国的失败?——中国共产运动与基督教史论》(香港:汉语基督教文化研究所,2008),第267页。
    ①严格意义上,未到过中国、或未曾分配到“宣教站”(mission station)的传教士不应归入“老中国通”一列,因此,绝大部分1948梯次、1949梯次,以及所有本部同工皆不应忝为“老中国通”,但因文献缺失,只能暂做估测。
    ②Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible:The China Inland Mission,1865-1965 (Chicago:Moody Press,1965), pp.173,177-178,182,184,189.
    Patrick Fung, "Beyond the Call to Prayer", Serving Asia NZ News and Prayer, Feb/Mar 2012, Issue 13, p.8.
    ①该事工当时的英文缩写为SEAM,即South East Asia Muslims.
    ①贾需德·戴蒙德(Jared Diamond)著、谢延光译:《枪炮、病菌与钢铁:人类社会的命运》(Guns, Germs, and Steel:The Fates of Human Societies)(上海世纪出版集团2006年版)第九章的标题即为:“斑马、不幸的婚姻和安娜·卡列尼娜原则”。
    ②按David A. Huntley2011年7月1日给笔者的电邮中推测,缅甸虽然在1950年代初有30万左右的华侨,吴努(U.Nu)政府所领导的缅甸反法西斯人民自由同盟执政期(1948-1962)的对外政策也较温和,但因印缅分治不久,时人的概念仍停留在印缅锡一体的殖民期旧印象,因此在否决进入印度的同时,将缅甸和锡兰也排除在外了。
    ③ David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China and the Redeployment to New Fields in East Asia:An Understanding of the Methodology and Decision-Making Processes. Ph.D. Diss., Trinity Theological Seminary, (Newburgh, Indiana),2002, pp.204-206.
    ④ OMF,40 Years'Historical Overview of Fields 1952-92, unpublished, cited in David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China and the Redeployment to New Fields in East Asia, p.205. 从广义范围内,亦科被归为“前CIM传教士”。这四名传教士为:叶德华夫妇(Mr.& Mrs. Ed P. Torjesen)、唐悦德(Gladys M. Thompson)、彭蒙惠(Doris M. Brougham),详参附录五。叶氏的妹妹叶凯丽(Kari)也在台湾从事过学生工作,但笔者尚未能确认她是否加入协同会。
    ③之所以将时间断限的下限定在1971年,是因为最后一对已知的“前中国大陆”传教士[英]金立时(Henry Guinness)[英]金戴恩荣(Mary Guinness nee Taylor)夫妇乃于1971年转往台湾;整个六十年代(1969)只有一位转往台湾的“前中国大陆”传教士[澳]安安慰(Winifred Embery);绝大部分“老中国通”皆在五十年代转往台湾,若将时间下限定提前至1960年,显然比例将大幅增高。
    ④负责该特刊的编辑承认,在梳理OMF早期在台传教士人事细节时文献不足,故其名单不够详尽(Kate Hsu2010年2月17日与笔者的电邮)笔者认为,文献缺失和档案散落或与早期“台湾禾场”的敏感性有关。
    ③美籍传教士贾嘉美(James Robert Graham Ⅲ)曾发动在台美籍人士,联名向尼克松总统抗议,参阮若荷:《中国心、宣教情——贾嘉美的一生》台北:美国基督教劾力会基督书院2001年版,232页。
    ⑤虽然在1947年版Field Manual of the China Inland Mission之中,superintendent的中文名称为“主任”,但在当时各传教区域只设superintendent,不设director。到了东南业时期,CIM-OMF在各禾场既设有superintendent,亦设有director一职,若皆译为“主任”,易生混淆,故按常理将superintendent译为“监督”,director译为“主任”。
    ②戴德生之孙戴永冕(James Hudson Ⅱ)由CIM转入卫理公会差会,在大陆政权变革后,在台湾高雄成立圣光圣经学院;戴永冕的长子戴绍曾(James Taylor Ⅲ)先后出任圣光学院和中华福音神学院院长,直至1980年赴新加坡出任OMF第七任国际总主任;戴绍曾的独子戴继宗(James Taylor Ⅳ)曾就读台湾本地学校,1993年与台湾长老会华人信徒柯悦敏结婚,始加入OMF在台湾的工作。
    ③OMF Taiwan, "Forty Years Historical Overview,1952-1992", p.5。
    ②Hood, Neither Bang Nor Whimper, p.149;李锦兴著:《马来亚新村的西方宣教士(1951-1960年)》,第45页。
    ④如:马来亚圣经公会(Bible Societies in Malaya)的Ian Morrison。
    ③ "Many Faces, One Faith", The National Council of Churches of Singapore,2004, pp.90-93. 作的赵君影(Calvin Chao)在新、马分治之前成立新加坡神学院之际,曾邀请CIM-OMF提供师资;CIM-OMF曾协助前身为基督徒聚会所的宣恩堂之英文部。书中诸篇中唯一未直接提及CIM-OMF的马来亚教会是五旬节派的神召会。
    ② A Survey of the New Villages in Malaya, Malayan Christian Council,1959, pp.47-49,转引自黄伟恩:《当历史相遇》,载邓雅荣主编:《最大的福音浪潮涌进来》,第252页。
    ③详见E1izabeth Goldsmith, "From Mission Outreach to Indigenous Church:God's Word and Spirit Transform the Church in West Malaysia-1951 to the Present" Mission Round Table, Dec 2007, Vol.3, No.2, p.20; Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, pp.117-132,166.
    ③ David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, pp.474-475.
    ①Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, pp.140-142.
    ②当时也有人提出如果新加坡不保,悉尼可作为“后备总部”。参:Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.141.
    ④马礼逊选址马六甲的理由为:接近中国本土;方便接触南洋诸岛聚居华侨;距越南、逯罗皆不远;中英贸易(即广东与印度)必经之路;东西海上交通停泊休憩之地;气候宜人;当地政府为欧洲新教殖民主,传教士不存在居留问题。参:海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)著、简又文译:《传教伟人马礼逊》(Robert Morrison:A Master-Builder),香港:基督教辅侨出版社1960年版,第90-91页。
    ⑤譬如,“新加坡主教”(后更名为“新马主教”)同时监理马来业的教会;1948年成立的新马教会联会(The Council of Church of Malaysia and Singapore)总部设在新加加坡,下设11个区会,10个在马来业,1个在新加坡,新加坡独立后仍兼顾新马两地教务,直到1975年才分成两个组织。(David B. Barrett, ed., WorldChristian Encyclopedia, pp.475,615)
    ①CCA原为East Asian Christian Conference,缩写EACC,成立于1959年。参(David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.615.
    ② David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, pp.615.
    ③ David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, pp.614-615.
    ②卫理公会为当地继天主教之后第二大基督教会,圣公会为第三大基督教会(David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.615.)
    ⑤卫理公会早在1936年即成立华语系和英语系两大联合教会,至1960年代华语系增长达50%,而英语系增长达25%(David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.615.)。
    ①长老宗为新加坡第四大教会,下属14个华语系教会和3个英语系教会。(David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.615.)
    ② Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, pp.144-149. 官网: ph/2011年4月28日上网。
    Rev.Myron S.Harrison,50 Years of God's Faithfulness, Mandaluyong:OMF Philippines,2002, p.2.
    ④如,圣公宗圣司提反(St. Stephens)华侨教会曾向前来考察的陶秉文提出,希望CIM-OMF能差派一名女传教士出任其女校的舍监(Matron), Bournemouth Conference Minutes, p.33, cited in Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.194其他早期赴菲的前CIM传教士为1952年前往塔克洛班(Tacloban)的[英]李湛恩、李包自新夫妇(Mr.& Mrs. Eric Liberty),两人后来转往台湾。
    ⑥Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible:The China Inland Mission,1865-1965 (Chicago:Moody Press,1965), p.176.
    ⑦ Kalorama minutes, p.9, cited in Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.193.
    ⑧ International Headquarter Singapore Archive 6.2.4, p.652, also 6.2.4 file 5, p.90ff, cited in Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.194.
    ⑨ International Headquarter Singapore Archive AR 5.1.5, Box 1.12, cited in Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.196.
    ⑩ Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.196; 1980年代中期,ABCOP共有80个教会,2,00名成员(含900名成人)(David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.566.)
    ①其他委员会成员为两名孟恩教会的成员,一名当地人领袖。参Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, Britain:OMF, undated, pp.69-73.
    ② Rev. Myron S. Harrison,50 Years of God's Faithfulness, pp.28-29.
    ③ Wendy Redhead,《掀起大浪的都市贫民事工》,载《万族万民》,1993年第三季,总14期,第2页。
    ④ Rev. Myron S. Harrison,50 Years of God's Faithfulness, pp.40-42.
    ①Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.196.
    ②2011年,OMF在菲律宾的传教士仍超过100名。参 stees,2011年5月4日。
    ③有关OMF在日本发展一节,承蒙OMF驻日成员Chaihwa Leech的修订和指正,特此表示感谢。
    ④ Sandra C. Taylor, "The Sisterhood of Salvation and the Sunrise Kingdom: Congregational Women Missionaries in Mei ji Japan", The Pacific Historical Review, Vol.48, No.1 (Feb.,1979), p.28.
    ⑤数据引自W. Richie Hogg, "The Role of American Protestantism in World Mission" in American Missions in Bicentennial Perspective, p.369.
    ⑥参看"Religion:Missionaries and Japan", Time, Mon, Dec.15,1941和S. C. Taylor, (1984) "The Ineffectual Voice:Japan Missionaries and American Foreign Policy, 1870-1941. " The Pacific Historical Review 53(1):37.
    ④现任OMF日本禾场主任Wolfgang Langhans2011年6月2日和7日与笔者的电邮。
    ⑤详参其传记:E. Aldersey White, A Woman Pioneer in China:The Life of Mary Ann Aldersey, London:the Livingstone Press,1932.
    ⑥参:张陈一萍、戴绍曾(Hudson Taylor Ⅲ):《虽至于死——台约尔传》,香港:海外基督使团,2009年版,241-242页;Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.172.
    ①梁英明:《东南亚史》,第224、258-259页;George Steed, "Indonesia:What Does George Steed Say?" East Asia's Millions, North American edition,1966 Feb, p.19.
    ②1827年,荷兰传教会(Netherland Missionary Society)和礼贤会(Rhenish Mission)成为印尼最早的基督教新教差会,从某种程度上为荷兰殖民政府的官方教会,今为“西印度尼西亚基督教新教教会”(Gereja Protestan Indonesia Barat),参David B. Barrett, ed. World Christian Encyclopedia, p.384。
    ③ Leslie Lyall's Memoirs, cited in David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.171.
    ④ The Millions, Jan 1952, North American Edition, p.2.
    ⑤Anne Ruck, "Working with the Church to Reach the Unreached", p.23.
    ③今为Indonesia Communion of Churches,成立于1950年时印尼文名称为:Dewan Gereja Indonesia (DGI),有27个成员组织,1978年增至49个。(David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.385.),1984年印尼名更名为Persekutuan Gere ja-Gere ja di Indonesia (PGI)。
    ① Bournemouth Conference Report,p.32,转引自David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.172.
    ②Anne Ruck, "Working with the Church to Reach the Unreached", p.24.
    ③印尼文Persekutuan Injili Indonesia,成立于1971。
    ④师悌德在1966年接受北美会刊编辑部的采访时宣称:OMF的传教士“不仅与印尼人同工,更是在印尼人的领导权下。”(they work not only with Indonesians, but under Indonesian leadership)参George Steed,"Indonesia:What Does George Steed Say?" East Asia's Millions, North American edition,1966 Feb,p.20.
    David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.171.
    Anne Ruck, "Working with the Church to Reach the Unreached", p.25.
    ①David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.385.
    ②David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.385.
    ③Anne Ruck, "Working with the Church to Reach the Unreached", p.24.
    ①详参:Anne Ruck, "Working with the Church to Reach the Unreached", pp.24-27.
    ⑤宣道会在柬埔寨的教会被称作Khmer Evangelical Church (Eglise Evangelique Khmere),1961年时,在全柬17个省中的9省建立了13个教会。目前,宣道会在柬共有50个有组织的堂会、120个尚无正式组织的小组、3名受过按立的牧师、6480名成员(含2671名已受洗信徒),(,2011年5月4日上网;Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.431)。
    ③高明道著:《杀戮中的再生》,第378,383页,及同书罗德伟(David Robinson,柬埔寨禾场主任),<中文版序>,第1页。
    ⑤ David B. Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia, p.431;高明道著:《杀戮中的再生》,第378-380。
    ②韩氏于1985年加入OMF,曾在印尼担任大学教授,并负责校园团契事工,1991年起出任OMF在新加坡所设亚洲文化培训学院(Asia Cultural Training Institute,缩写ACTI)的院长,今为韩国世界传教协议会(The Korea World Mission Association,缩写KWMA)事务总长。
    ④上文"National Director”一词的中译为了强调与传统"Home Director"的区别,故按意译为“本国主任”,但是这一职衔在香港OMF的对应中文职衔为“执行主任”。
    ⑤参:笔者与OMF韩籍负责人的访谈,2011年1月6日,OMF香港办公室; cont,2011年5月14日;《韩国 OMF成立三十周年》,第2页。
    ①例如,Stephen Neill在A History of Christian Missions (Harmondsworth:Penguin,1964)一书(322-396页)中,对该时期的断限为1858-1914;James Morris在Pax Britannica: the Climax of an Empire (Harmondsworth:Penguin,1979)一书第23页认为帝国主义高潮期(High Imperialism)大致为十九世纪中叶至二十世纪上半叶;Sara Mills在Discourses of Difference:An Analysis of Women's Travel Writing and Colonialism (London & New York:Routiedge,1991)一书第1页中,也认为英帝国在1850-1930期间对其他民族的殖民兴趣最浓厚。
    ②蔡锦图:《戴德生与中国内地会(1832-1953)》,香港:建道神学院1998年版,第10页。 《枯杖花》(香港:宣道书局,1970年版)中《塔中人语》篇,第23-27页。
    ⑦《灯塔》主编刘翼凌最初拟定的刊名,便是在“宇宙光”和“灯塔”中择一,刘氏为《灯塔》主笔近12年(1956-1967)后离开,成为《宇宙光》的创始人之一,后山林治平先生接手(林本人也深受CIM的影响);刘氏再创《文宣》(1976)这一基督教普及刊物。《突破》的两位创始人苏恩佩和蔡元云皆受CIM-OMF"老中国通”艾得理(David Adeney)很大影响和帮助。(参安达姬著、黄从真译:《艾得理传——全力以赴的一生》(Reaching for the Goal ——The Life Story of David Adeney),台湾:校园出版社1994年版,第174-175页)
    ①马氏的著作包括:《英蒙字典》(Mongolian-English Dietionary)、《蒙古文教材》(Mongolian Text Book)、《满洲字典与文法》(Manchurian Grammar and Dictionary)。
    ③冯德麦登(Fred R. Von der Mehden)著、张世红译:《宗教与东南亚现代化》(Religion and modernization in Southeast Asia),北京:今日中国出版社1995年版,第223页。
    ④葛氏于1945年加入CIM,曾在云南少数民族中传教,于1955-1969年间任美国本部主任。转引自David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China and the redeployment to New Fields in East Asia,:An Understanding of the Methodology and Decision-Making Processes. Ph.D. Diss., Trinity Theological Seminary, (Newburgh, Indiana),2002, p.138.
    ①“中国主日学合会”诞生于1907年在上海召开的基督教入华百年宣教大会,1949年,因台湾分会独立,改名“中国主日学协会”,CIM传教士[美]费恩华(Grace S. Jephson)曾协助编译美国福光(Gospel Light)的教材,其于1967年退休后不久,香港分会独立。
    ② OMF,40 Years'Historical Overview of Fields,1953-92, unpublished,1993, HK, p.9.
    ④负责台湾地区文字事工的CIM-OMF传教士为[加]邓朴华(Gordon T. Dunn)、[德]葛忠良(Siegfried Emil Glaw)、[美]师沛仁(Charles Oliver Dick Springer,有“灯塔先生”之誉)等。综合参考:《内地会140周年感恩特刊》(台湾地区),第4页“大事记”和<历史轨迹——早期的扎根工作>(作者无)一文第12页,Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.186.
    ③ Kenneth Price, "Literature for Malaya, " The Millions, Oct 1952, North American Edition, pp.153-154.
    ① Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.186.
    ② Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.186.
    ④这些文字包括印尼文、爪哇文、巽他文(Sundanese)、巴塔拓拔文(Batak Toba)、巴塔卡罗文(Batak Karo)。
    ⑥ Anne Ruck, God Made it Grow:OMF Indonesia, the first 50 years, Chapter 7 (Literature and media), OMF Indonesia:YKBK, pp.52-53.
    ① Denis Lane,《沙漠中的一朵花》,第3页;Rev. Myron S. Harrison,50 Years of God's Faithfulness, Mandaluyong:OMF Philippines,2002, pp.44-46.
    ② Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.186.
    ③ Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.186; Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.190.
    ④ The Millions, North American Edition, Oct 1953, p.53.
    ⑤ Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.179.
    ⑥ Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, pp.186-187.
    ⑦详参:Alfred Simanjutak, "What's the Next Step?" and Chapter 7 (Literature and media), in Anne Ruck, God Made it Grow, pp.48-52. 23日Joshua Kim转发给笔者之菅家庄一郎的邮件。
    ④OMF韩籍成员Joshua Kim与笔者2011年10月23日的邮件。
    ⑤高明道(Don Cormack)著、郑林生译:《杀戮中的再生——柬埔寨教会剪影》,香港:海外基督使团,2004年版,第1、375页。
    ⑥日文版似为简缩导航版(Scenes from Killing Fields, Living Fields, Nine Compelling Stories from Pol Pot's Cambodia)。
    ⑧OMF赴日传教士Stephen Arnold Metcalf与笔者2011年5月31日的电邮。
    ① Joshua K. Ogawa, Unlimited Purpose:An Asian Missionary Tells His Story, Singapore: OMF,1986, p. ⅷ.
    ② Anne Ruck, God Made it Grow, p.51.
    ③ 1950 Pray Directory, p.7.
    ⑤按英文文献,此人名为"Mr. Lee Kuan-Shan",另有文献提及一名Dr. Joseph King。
    ⑧譬如,汉语播音员金华,本科专业即广播与电视,就读与台湾“中华福音神学院”和美国保守派神学院,先后出任“信义之声广播电视部”和FEBC节目主任以及“开路者国际传播协会”总干事。2001年在美国正式创办“甘霖媒体信息”机构( dia38287996554186&Page=1,2011年10月3日)。
    Phillip E. Brotchie, The importance of the contribution of Australians, p.553.
    ②远东广播有限公司(香港)官网 E. Brotchie, The importance of the contribution of Australians, pp.549-550.
    ① HCJB的墨尔本制作室很早便开始录制粤语节目,1994年增加了普通话节目(Phillip E. Brotchie, The importance of the contribution of Australians to the penetration of
    ① Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, Britain:OMF, p.46原书无出版日期,按其所述人事推测,当为1980年代中期出版物。
    ②1962年万隆医院增设牙科,参Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, pp.47,50; "Twenty Questions About OMF's Medical Program", p.53.
    ④ Dr. Chris Maddox, "New Possibilities for OMF's Medical Ministry", East Asia Millions, Apr.1965, North American Edition, p.51.
    ⑤ Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, p.47.
    ⑥该教会约有120人,参Dr Felicia Lim,'Manorom Christian Hospital Revisited'年5月9日。
    ① Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, pp.194-195.
    ②海、李两人原为兰州博德恩医院(Borden Memorial Hospital)麻风病院的医护人员。
    Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.188.
    ④贾氏曾为青海化隆教会医院医生,且为最后撤离中国的CIM传教士之一。Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible, p.188.
    ⑥ Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, pp.53-54.
    ⑦参:Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, p.62;撒玛利业人团队官网:;OMF日本网站:,2011年5月20日。
    ① Drs. John and Anne Townsend, "Are Medical Missions Ethical?", East Asia Millions, Apr.1965, North American Edition, p.55.
    ① Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.143-144.
    Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.76.
    ③其余几位为:艾得理、赖恩融、金立时(Henry Guinness)和柏德华。非CIM外籍讲员似只有宣道会的包忠杰(Paul H. Bartel)。中国讲员为:赵君影、贾玉铭、杨绍唐、尹任先宋美龄等。(张育明著:《血泪年华——张育明教授回忆录》,台北:宇宙光出版社1999年版,第166-170页。)
    ④赖恩融(Leslie T. Lyall)著、唐华、范约翰译:《万有主宰》(God Reigns in China),台北:中国信徒布道会1988年版,第80页。
    ①安达姬著(Caroyln Armitage)著、黄从真译:《艾得理传——全力以赴的一生》(Reaching for the Goal----The Life Story of David Adeney),台湾:校园出版社1994年版,第127页。当时其他的成员团契(charter members)来自:美国、英国、澳洲、新西兰、加拿大、法国、荷兰、挪威和瑞士。,2011年10月4日上网。新中国成立后,中国学联会不得不终止与IFES的关系,因此当日本校园团契组织KGK于1956年时加入IFES时,自视为第一个加盟的亚洲国家("KGK Introduction",IFES East Asia Regional Conference,August 4-9,2008, p.7.)。
    ⑧详参其自传:A Maverick Missionary on Asian Campuses, Kalookan City [Philippines]: Shangkuan Press,1993.
    ⑨David A. Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China and the redeployment to New Fields in East Asia,:An Understanding of the Methodology and Decision-Making Processes. Ph.D. Diss., Trinity Theological Seminary, (Newburgh, Indiana),2002, p.140.
    ① Anne Ruck, "Working with the Church to Reach the Unreached", pp.24-26.
    ②JOY为缩合词,意为:“耶稣第一(Jesus first)、别人第二(Others second)、你第三(You third)",韩国本土有一同名的教会机构。
    ③孙氏的活动,详见:Anne Ruck, God Made i t Grow, pp.38-39; Son Chang Nam, "Dilemmas in Professional Ministry-A Personal Account", Mission Round Table:The Occasional Bulletin of OMF Mission Research, Apr.2007, Vol.3, No.1, pp.22-24.
    ④'Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, Britain:OMF, undated, p.87.
    ⑤ Anne Ruck, "Working with the Church to Reach the Unreached", p.26.
    ⑥该团契最初山美国教会学校的学生和哥伦比业圣经学院院长Dr. Robert McQuilkin于1936年发起创办。,2011年10月5日。
    ③各国间城市化的横向比较,必须将各国人口统计所采用的不同标准及定义考虑在内:如,印尼中央统计局(Central Bureau of Statistics)1980年对“城市地区”的定义为:每平方公里人口达5,000人,非农人口达75%(152页);日本政府则规定总人口达50,000,每平方公里人口超过4,000人,非农人口超过60%可归入城市(387-388页);马来西亚统计部门(Department of Statistics)2001年的定义则为总人口达到10,000的地区,非农人口达60%(181页);台湾当局规定人口总数超过100,000的地区方可升级为市(430页);而按菲律宾国家统计办公室(NSO)2003年的定义,每平方公里人口达1,000人即为“城市”(223页);泰闭政府所定的人口密度标准则更低,每平方公里人口超过400人、非农人口达75%即为“城市”(261页),而泰国政府于2000年改变定义,使得都市化数据从20%跃升到31%。联合围斟际比较的准则则定为:具有100,000人口者为都市(430页)。以上数据皆引自Gayl D. Ness & Prem P. Talwar汇编之书,限于篇幅,仅列出页数,不一一列出作者和章节名。
    ③Rev. Myron S. Harrison,50 Years of God's Faithfulness, Mandaluyong:OMF Philippines,2002, p.25.
    ④Toshio Kuroda,'Urban Scenario in Japan in the New Millennium', in Gayl D. Ness & Prem P. Talwar, eds., Asian Urbanization in the New Millennium, Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited,2005, p.385.
    ① OMF,40 Years'Historical Overview of Fields,1953-92, unpublished,1993, Philippines, p.2, IHQSA,1955 Overseas Council minutes, cited in Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.195.
    ③ IHQSA AR5.1.5 Box 1.12, cited in Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.195-196.
    ④《年轻人迁移城市发展新村人口下降》,载《南洋商报》,2005年2月24日,转引自序国土、刘文正:《东业华人社会的形成和发展——华商网络、移民与一体化趋势》,厦门大学出版社2009年版,第268页。 Mission Outreach to Indigenous Church:God's Word and Spirit Transform the Church in West Malaysia-1951 to the Present", Mission Round Table:The Occasional Bulletin of OMF Mission Research, Dec 2007, Vol.3, No.2, pp.21-22.
    Gavin W. Jones, "Urbanization Trends in Southeast Asia:Some Issues for Policy", Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, XIX (1),1998:137-154.
    Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions:From Hudson Taylor to Present Day Africa. (Oxford:Regnum Books International,1994) p.393另著名差传学者R. Pierce Beaver 在 Ecumenical beginnings in Protestant world mission; a history of comity, (New York, Thomas Nelson & Sons.,1962)一书282-291页也指出在非洲禾场,历史越悠久的差会,越不愿意进入城市。
    ② Tom T. H. Sun & Paul K.C.Liu, "Urbanization in Taiwan in the New Millennium", in in Gayl D. Ness & Prem P. Talwar, eds., Asian Urbanization in the New Millennium, Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited,2005, p.432.
    ①Tom T.H.Sun & Paul K.C.Liu, "Urbanization in Taiwan in the New Millennium",pp. 440-441.
    ③Tom T.H.Sun & Paul K.C.Liu, "Urbanization in Taiwan in the New Millennium",p. 441.
    ④ 30 Stories from Taiwan's Working Class-A Prayer Guide,OMF,2006,p.1.
    ⑦“第三场所”(third place)是山社会科学家(如Ray Oldenburg Michael Krassa Robert Putnam等)所提出的一个概念,即在“第一场所”(家庭)和“第二场所”(工作地点)之外的一个社区空间,有助于市政社区和公民社会的形成,“第三场所”的特征包括:费用低廉、提供饮食、可接近度高、定期活动、温馨舒适、新老咸宜。
    ④ Table 3.1 in Christine Drake, National Integration in Indonesia:Patterns and Politics, Honolulu, Hawaii:University of Hawaii Press,1989, p.98.
    Table 1.1 in Christine Drake, National Integration in Indonesia, pp.8-9.
    ⑦ J. D. Legge,3rd. Ed. Indonesia, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall,1980, pp.79-82.
    ⑧Biro Pusat Statistik, Sensus Penduduk 1980, Series S, no.2, Table 7.3, cited in Table 4.2 in Christine Drake, National Integration in Indonesia, p.130.
    ①Anne Ruck, "Working with the Church to Reach the Unreached", p.27.
    ③IIarley C.Schreck & David B.Barrett,(eds.)(1987)Unreached Peoples:Clarifying the Task,Monrovia,CA Birmingham&MARC:New Hope,p.9.
    ① Howard Peskett著:《都市中最有需要的人》,载《出征》1991年春,总21期,第5页。
    ①1928年,CIM推出两年内招募到200名新成员的宣教动员项目,这批传教士被称为“二百士”(the two hundreds)。
    ④海维德(1908-1988),又名海得胜,英国浸信会传教士,1903年来华,曾在太原、忻州、贵阳、重庆、上海等地传教,出任过中华全国基督教协进会总干事。著有:Ears to Hear. Lessons from the Chinese Mission (1954), Today's China (1974), Christianity and China(1974)等书。
    ①该书的前身当为其硕士论文The Resurrection of the Chinese Protestant church, 1979-1989:Chinese community Party Religious Policy, its Implementation, and Grass-roots Response, M.Phil Thesis, Department of Social Studies, Oxford Polytechnic,1989.
    ②如:'Counting Christians in China:a cautionary report:An article from:" International Bulletin of Missionary Research (2005).
    John D., Heinberg, Jeffrey K. Harris and Robert L. York, "The Process of Exempt Immediate Relative Immigration to the United States, International Migration Review, 1989,23(4), pp.845-846.
    ⑥ involved_1/welcoming_ministry diaspora/chinese_d iaspora_ministry/facts_about_chinese_diaspora,2011年10月18日。
    ③ "Movements", IFES East Asia Regional Conference, August 4-9,2008, p.25.
    ①详参:"Registry of the Unreached" inHarleyC. Schreck,& David B. Barrett, (eds.) (1987) Unreached Peoples:Clarifying the Task, Monrovia, CA Birmingham & MARC:New Hope, pp.217-295.
    ③甘嘉露(Carolyn Kemp)撰、《百万华人在非洲》,载《万族万民》2011年第一期,总第74期,第16页。
    ④Daily Prayer News, OMF UK,6"'April 2011,13th May 2011,5th Sep 2011.
    ②"Movements", IFES East Asia Regional Conference, August 4-9,2008, p.25.
    ④据统计,1990年代末前,台湾学生是美国最大的留学生群体,其中97%将F-1签证改为移民身份(Peter Kwong, The New Chinatown, New York:Hill and Wang,1996, pp.60-61);另据台湾“侨委会”统计,2000年有52.9万在美台胞,留学移民占41.3%。全球107万海外台湾人中定居美国者约59万,70%以上为大专文化以上,持硕博学位者35%(哥斯达黎加台湾商会网站,,2011年10月16日)。
    ⑤苏氏生于台湾,毕业于台湾大学历史系,1970年代曾任台湾校园福音团契《校园杂志》主编及出版社社长,并在中华福音神学院进修。1980年赴美,在美国基督使者协会出任《使者杂志》主编,先后于Lancaster Bible College修读圣经文学及Millersville State
    ①加拿大早期华侨福音事工可参:Wang, Jiwu, "HisDominion" and the "Yellow Peril' Protestant Missions to Chinese Immigrants in Canada (1859-1967), Wilfrid Laurier University Press,2006;美国方面可参:Horace R. Cayton & Anne 0. Lively, The Chinese in the United States & the Chinese Christian Churches, (New York:National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA,1955);澳洲方面可参Keith Cole, The Anglican mission to the Chinese in Bendigo and Central Victoria 1854-1918, Bendigo, Vic:Keith Cole Publications,1994新西兰方面可参James Ng, (1993) Windows on a Chinese Past, Vol.1-3, Dunedin N. Z., Otago Heritage Books; Geoerge H. McNeur (1951) The Church and the Chinese in New Zealand, Christchurch [N. Z.]:Presbyterian Bookroom.
    Joseph S. Nye, Understanding International Conflicts:An Introduction to Theory and History,5th ed. (Pearson Education,2004),北京大学出版社,2005年影印版,p.221.
    Robertson, Roland (1994)'Globalisation or Glocalisation?'Journal of International Communication,1(1):p.34.
    Joseph S. Nye, Understanding International Conflicts, p.195.
    ① Office of the Prime Minister, Royal Thai Government ed. The Thailand in the 90s, National Identity Office of the Prime Minister, Thailand,1991, p.145,转引自潘一宁等著《国际因素与当代东南亚国家政治发展》,第149页。
    ②其中影响较大的有北大年民族解放阵线(The National Liberation Front of Pattani)、北大年共和国解放阵线(The Liberation Front of Republic Pattani)、北大年联合解放组织(The Pattani United Liberation Organisation)等
    ③冯德麦登(Fred R. Von Der Mehden)著、张世红译:《宗教与东南业现代化》(Religion and Modernization in Southeast Asia),北京:今日中国出版社1995年版,第203页。
    ①高明道(Don Cormack)著、郑林生译:《杀戮中的再生——柬埔寨教会剪影》,香港:海外基督使团,2004年版,第265页。
    ② Joe Cummings, Laos, Victoria, AU:Lonely Planet,1988, p.44.
    Averil Bennett,《湄公河畔的教会》,载《出征》1991年秋,总23期,第3页。
    ⑤笔者刘Joshua Kim的访谈,2011年1月6日于香港OMF办公室。
    ⑥ The Japan Christian Year Book (1996), cited in Operation Japan:A Handbook for Prayer (Tokyo:Operation Japan & Japan Evangelical Missionary Association,1997), p.23.
    ①另,按Harley C. Schreck和David B. Barrett在Unreached Peoples:Clarifying the Task附录"Registry of the Unreached"第219页提供的数字,1987年前后,悉尼日侨人数为2,000人。
    ① David Hayman, "Japanese in Australia",1st October 1988, pp.1-2, Archive Box, Melbourne School of Theology.
    ③ David Hayman, "Japanese in Australia",1"'October 1988, pp.3-4, Archive Box, Melbourne School of Theology.
    ④ Rev. Myron S. Harrison,50 Years of God's Faithfulness, p.57.
    ⑤Yomiuri Newspaper,6/23/1996, cited in The Japan Christian Year Book (1996), cited in Operation Japan:A Handbook for Prayer (Tokyo:Operation Japan & Japan Evangelical Missionary Association,1997), p.23.
    ⑥,2011年10月18日:Daily Prayer News, OMF UK,30'" March 2011.
    ⑦ Daily Prayer News, OMF UK,12'" June 2011.
    ①Daily Prayer News, OMF UK,11th April 2011.
    ② Daily Prayer News, OMF UK, 1th October 2011.
    ③ Daily Prayer News, OMF UK,17th July 2011,4th August 2011,10th August 2011,26th September 2011,6th October 2011.
    ④ Serving Asia NZ News & Prayer, Auckland:OMF NZ, August/September 2011/Issue 10.
    ①“兰茂密尔团队”中的Miss Degraz为瑞士人。
    ①两人皆出生于韩国,差派本部为费城。丈夫曾任中学教师和军牧,在韩国和美国的加尔文派神学院、维斯特敏神学院和坦普尔大学受教育,博士候选人;妻子为日本韩侨,曾为中学老师,亦在加尔文和归正神学院受教。"Sailing soon for Singapore", East Asia's Millions, North American Edition, Jan.1966, pp.6-7.
    ①譬如,笔者曾于2012年1月31日至2月11日在OMF的国际总部以参与式观察法(participatory observation)接触该机构职前集训(Orientation Course)的团队,为数37人的团队中,来自亚洲本部的人数虽然很少(1人来自香港,3对夫妇来自韩国),但
    ① Warren R. Beattie, "Model of Missional Engagement in Asia", p.4.
    ② Warren R. Beattie, "Model of Missional Engagement in Asia", pp.3.4.
    ④笔者对Roderick Lam的访谈,2011年8月12日于香港。
    ① Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions, pp.144,292.
    ②英国第一个这类组织为1834年成立的“东方女子教育促进协会”(Society for Promoting Female Education in the East),美国第一个同类组织为1860年成立的“妇女联合宣教会”(Women's Union Missionary Society)。
    ③这一理念深受“平信徒运动‘'(lay movement)的影响。
    ⑤譬如:[新]戴乐安(Harry Taylor)为了获得主持传教站的资格,而向一女同事求婚(笔者对戴氏儿女的访谈,2010年7月21日于奥克兰)
    ①按A. Warneck在Missionslehre一书第114页的统计,CIM传教士的组成成分为:358名男性,290名单身女性,231名已婚女性和21名寡妇(年份不详)。转引自Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions, p.309, note 9大部分新教差会(尤其是信心差会)的男女性比例皆在1:2左右。
    ②详参:Valerie Griffiths (2004). Not Less Than Everything:the Courageous Women Who Carried the Christian Gospel to China. Oxford:Monarch Books.
    ③ Prayer Directory, OMF,1990, p.145.
    ④ Prayer Directory, OMF,1990, p.144.
    ①) Phillip Brotchie, (1999). The Importance of the Contribution of Australians to the Penetration of China by the China Inland Mission 1888-1953,with Particular Reference to the Work of Australian Women Missionary, PhD. Thesis (Arts), Deakin University, pp.153-163.
    ②Valerie Griffiths (2004). Not Less Than Everything:the Courageous Women Who Carried the Christian Gospel to China. Oxford:Monarch Books,p.325.
    ③ Zenana在波斯语和北印度语中特指妇女的闺房,19世纪初,浸信会差会(Baptist Missionary Society)在印度成立了塞拿拿分支,专门招募西方女性传教士从事当地妇女事工,其他宗派的差会也开始效仿这一宣教模式。
    David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China and the redeployment to New Fields in East Asia, and the redeployment to New Fields in East Asia:An Understanding
    ① OMF Handbook, September 2011, p.31.
    A Rosemary Aldis'cover letter to prospective participants,7 April 2001, cited in Lois Michell, Leading Women, p.33, footnote 55.
    Lois Michell, Leading Women, p.33 footnote 49.
    Rosemary Aldis'personal email to Lois Michell,9 Aug 2002, cited in Lois Michell, Leading Women, p.31.
    ⑥分别为Lesley Mostert(南非)和Christine Harding(新西兰)。
    ⑦ Lois Mitchell, "The Role of Women in CIM-OMF Leadership", Mission Found Table: The Occasional Bulletin of OMF Mission Research, Oct 2005, Vol.1, No.4, p.13.
    ①Field Manual of the China Inland Mission, chapter 4, p.27.
    ① Twenty Questions About OMF's Medical Program", East Asia Millions, Apr.1965, North American Edition, p.54
    ③譬如:1984年成立的STEM International,1986年成立的Teen Mania Ministries,1989年成立的Adventures in Missions。
    ④ John Maust, "Short-term missions boom:Growing numbers of lay Christians take 'vacations with a purpose,'serving the church overseas, " Latin America Evangelist, Apr-Jun 1991, p.18; Susan G. Loobie, "Short-term missions:Is it worth it?" Latin America Evangelist, Jan-Mar 2000, p.7.
    ⑤ Michael J. Anthony (1994). The Short-Term Missions Boom, Grand Rapids:Baker,p.237,笔者尚未见2000前后的相应数据。
    ③ Robert Wuthnow & Stephen Offutt, "Transnational Religious Connections, " Sociology of Religion 69 (2008):218.
    ④ Jenny Trinitapoli & Stephen Vaisey, "The Transformative Role of Religious Experience:The Case of Short-Term Missions, " Social Forces:International Journal of Social Research 88, no.1 (September 2009)参与率指曾参加过一次及以上短宣队者在整个采样人群中所占比例。
    ⑤James Engel & Jerry Jones, Baby Boomers & the Future of World Missions, Orange, Calif.:Management Development Assoc.1989, pp.32-39.
    Robertson McQuilkin, "Six Inflammatory Questions-Part 2, " Evangelical Missions Quarterly, July 1994, p.260
    ⑦太平洋战争时期,很多北美士兵被分派到亚洲战场,第一次亲眼目睹发展中地区种种社会 nt opportunities,2011年10月31日。
    ⑦Serving Asia:NZ News and Prayer, August/September 2011, issue 10, p.22.
    ⑨如1924年巴黎奥运会400米短跑冠军得主李爱锐(Eric Henry Liddell,1902-1945)在华传教期间的职务,便是教会中学新书学院的体育教员。
    ③详参:, s,2011年10月3日。
    ④A. Warneck, Missionslehre, p.114, cited in Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions:From Hudson Taylor to Present Day Africa. (Oxford:Regnum Books International,1994) p.309, note 9.
    ⑤ "OMFWho" (announcement), East Asia's Millions, Summer 1994, UK Edition, p.10.
    ①表6.14中未显示的另一大型国际差会为WEC:其最初机构名为Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade,后以Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ取代,保留原名缩写,后再度更名为WEC International,期冀世人忽视其全名中的“福音化”与“十字军”语训。其他类似的案例还包括:拥有120年历史的Australian Baptist Missionary Society于近年更名为Global Interaction,;1922年从英行教会(CMS)分化出来的Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society于1982年更名为Crosslinks,年2月15日。北美跨宗派海外差传协会(IFMA)本身亦于2008年更名为CrossGlobal Link,参,2012年2月26日。
    ②由Tetsunao Yamamori出任召集人。
    ①类似的名词为Patrick Lai提出的“双重身份宣教士”(dual identity missionaries) ("Tentmaking-In Search of a Workable Definition, " Paper presented at Combined Brethren Churches (Singapore) Tentmaking Conference 06/05/1995, cited in Ian C. H. Prescott, Creative Access Mission in East Asia, PhD Dissertation, Fuller Theological Seminary, March 2000, p.150)
    ③ Intent委员会成员Gary Ginter接受Stan Guthrie采访时所拟一词,引自Stan Guthrie, Missions in the Third Millennium, p.119。
    ②该共识的其他三因素为:福音布道与建立教会,承认耶稣基督的独一神性,社会工传教工作中的实际合作,详参:James Alan Patterson, "The loss of a Protestant Missionary Consensus:Foreign missions and the fundamentalist-modernist conflict, " in J. A. Carpenter and W. A. Shenk ed., Earthen Vessels:American Evangelicals and Foreign Missions,1880-1980 (Grand Rapids:Eerdmans,1990), pp.73-91.
    ①Edward R. Dayton and Samuel Wilson, eds., The Future of World Evangelization:The Lausanne Movement (Monrovia, CA:MARC,1984), p.76;张慕皑:《西方福音派的社会改革策略》,载《中 国神学研究院期刊》1996年7月,第21期,第153-154页。
    ②附属成员制共分五种,F1为借调人员(seconded),F2为在禾场当地招募的外籍人员(field affiliate); F3为在亚洲本部从事国内跨文化差传的同工(home mission); F4已婚夫妻中单方在本部服务者(homeside service); F5为自我资助者;FE为特例。
    ③OMF Handbook, September 2011, p.37.
    ④OMF Handbook, September 2011, p.19.
    ①OMF Handbook, September 2011, p.19.
    ②Ian C. H. Prescott, Creative Access Mission in East Asia, p.150.
    OMF Handbook, September 2011, p.19.
    ①OMF Handbook, September 2011, p.18.
    ③Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, Britain:OMF, undated, pp.22 & 25.
    ①) Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, pp.23 & 34.
    ②这十个机构除OMF之外,还包括青年使命团(YWAM)、SIM、World Concern、Tear Fund、 Interserve、the Orebro Mission、the Mennonite Board of Mission、Ministry to the Unreached Inc.、Missionary Training Institute。
    ⑤ OMF Handbook, September 2011, pp.19-20.
    ⑥维多利业瀑布旁的利文斯顿纪念像之下,便铭刻着“基督教·通商·文明”(Christianity, Commerce, and Civilization)的字样。
    ⑦Daily Prayer news, UK OMF,25'" May 2011,5th Jul 2011.
    ① Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions:From Hudson Taylor to Present Day Africa. (Oxford:Regnum Books International,1994) p.11“信心差会”更重要、或言最重要的特征——跨宗派原则——则留至下一节探讨。
    ② Field Manual of the China Inland Mission,1947, Chapter 1, Section 4, pp.2-3.
    ②笔者对Roderick Lam的访谈,2011年9月16日。但1986年香港籍成员胡钦礼加入OMF之际,已有按禾场生活指数设定津贴金额一说,参:胡钦礼:《我爱内地会》,载《宣教分享》1986年4-5月号(总第33期),第18页。
    ③参Dr. David Huntley与笔者的电邮,2011年10月21日。
    ④其他三大确认圣召的许可为:本部之接受(home acceptance),禾场之欢迎(field welcome),身心健康体检许可(medical clearance)。
    ①笔者对David Lin的访谈,2011年1月4日,OMF香港办公室。
    ①笔者对Roderick Lam的访谈,2011年9月16日,香港OMF办公室。
    ① Robert J. Priest, (2010)'Short-term missions as a new paradigm', in Ogbu U. Kalu, Peter Vethanayagamony, Edmund K. Chia, (Eds.) Mission after christendom emergent themes in contemporary mission, Louisville, Ky., Westminster John Knox Press, p.86.
    ②OMF Handbook,September 2011,pp.71-72.
    ③笔者对Ian Farr的访谈,2012年2月3日,于OMF新加坡国际总部。
    ① Bournemouth summary p.6, Bournemouth Meeting Minutes, p.64, cited in Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China and the redeployment to New Fields in East Asia, p.180.
    ②与台湾CIM传教士合作多年的李秀全牧师反复提及,其他传教士一到台湾,便忙着租洋房、买汽车、找保姆,而CIM的传教士住所和交通工具都很朴素(笔者对李秀全牧师的访谈,2011年1月7日十香港华福办公室)。而在马来亚禾场早期,CIM-OMF传教士选择与华侨一起居住在铁丝网围绕、基础设施简陋的“新村”,而其他差会的传教士则选择巡回布道的“非定居进路”(non-residential approach),详参:黄伟恩:《铁刺网内花盛开——记内地会在马来西亚的新村事工》,吉隆坡:文桥传播中心2008年版。
    ③OMF的总主任为了减轻宣教士子弟的教育经费,甚到在内部通讯中呼吁成员重视计划生育(参,"Letter from the General Director on'Family Planning'", O.M.F. Bulletin, Jan.1975, Vol. XXXVII, No.1, pp.5-10.).
    ②笔者对David Lin的访谈,2011年1月4日,OMF香港办公室。另,据胡钦礼所列数据,1980年代中,驻港传教士每月个人零用钱在300-400元之间(胡钦礼:《我爱内地会》,载《宣教分享》,1986年4-5月号(总第33期),第19页)。
    G. M. Longley, "Secretary-Treasurer's Report", Overseas Bulletin,1969, p.76.
    ④OMF前财务主任Jim Nesbitt在笔者刘Roderick Lam访谈笔录上所做的补充,2011年9月16日。
    ⑥笔者对Roderick Lam的访谈,2011年8月12日于香港OMF办公室。
    ①如传教士子弟寄宿学校(即著名的芝罘学校)、语言学校(如中国时期的扬州女校和安庆男校)、研发部、研讨会议、禾场监督、职前集训(每名新成员履新之前都需前律新加坡总部受训)、传教士关怀(包括退修营会的维持和活动费用)、出版宣传、巡回演讲(deputation)、述职津贴、传教士招待所(mission home)等经费。这笔费用约占TSF的5-8%(杜其彪牧师的答复,2011年3月11日)。
    ② OMF Handbook, September 2011, pp.71-72.
    ③ Alvyn Austin (2000) "No solicitation:The China Inland Mission and Money",
    ① Field Manual of the China Inland Mission,1947, pp.7-8,14-15.
    ③主要是艾伦1912年初版的Missionary Methods:St. Paul's or Ours? A Study of the Church in the Four Provinces和1927年初版的The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church and the Cause which Hinder it。
    ①赖恩融(Leslie T. Lyall)著、唐华、范约翰译:《万有主宰》(God Reigns in China),台北:中国信徒布道会1988年版,pp.43-44.
    ②其父母[英]梅怀仁(G. E. Metcalf)和[澳]杜沐恩(Elizabeth Mary Donnelly)在中国服务约45年。
    ④参:Stephen Arnold Metcalf, My Story, unpublished manuscript, pp.72,78,97.特此感谢Metcalf先生的协助与信任。该英文原稿的浓缩版已于2010年出版,名为In Japan Crickets Cry.
    ⑤ Stephen Arnold Metcalf, My Story, p.101.
    ① L. C. W. "Indigenous Principles", The Overseas Bulletin, Vol. XVI, No.3, May1954,p.45.笔者查考1950年之际CIM成员名单中,只有[英]吴林德(Laurie C. Wood)的姓名的首写字母符合“L.C.W”。
    ② Mac Bradshaw, "The Development of Indigenous Financial Principles", O.M.F. Bulletin, Vol. XXXIII, No.4, Oct.1971, pp.117-122.
    ③Peter Beyerhaus, "The Three-Selves Formula:Is it built on Biblical foundation?" in International Review of Mission, LIII (1964), p.397.
    ④美国全国福音派联会(National Association of Evangelicals)有感于成员组织之间缺乏沟通与联络,故于1945年成立EFMA。
    ⑤全称为Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America, 于1917年成立,至2008年更名为Cross Global Link (
    ⑥ V. Gerber, ed. Missions in Creative Tension; the Green Lake'71 Compendium. (South Pasadena, Calif., William Carey Library,1971), pp.208-230.
    ②Peter Beyerhaus, "The Three-Selves Formula," pp.403-407.
    ③ Peter Beyerhaus, "The Three-Selves Formula, " p.407.
    ④ H. L. Fenton, Myths about Missions (Downers Grove,Ill., InterVarsity Press, 1973), p.83.
    ⑤ P. G. Hiebert, Anthropological Insights for Missionaries (Grand Rapids, Mich. Baker Book House,1985), p.195.
    ⑥ W. H. Fuller, Mission-Church Dynamics (Pasadena, CA, William Carey Library, 1980), p.272.
    ⑦转引自Brian J. Michell, The Role of Missionary Partnership and Closure in Indigenous Church Development:A Malaysian Case Study, Philippines Asia Graduate School of Theology, Ph.D.,2004, p.35.
    ⑧ P. G. Hiebert, Anthropological Insights for Missionaries, (Grand Rapids, Mich. Baker Book House,1985), pp.195-196.
    ① MARC Newsletter,93-3, cited in Klaus Fielder, The Story of Faith Missions, p.145, Notes 229.
    ② Chapter 2:Supporting National Workers, in Stan Guthrie, Missions in the Third Millennium, Cumbria & GA:Paternoster Press,2000, pp.10-17.
    ④高明道(Don Cormack)著、郑林生译:,《杀戮中的再生——柬埔寨教会剪影》,香港:海外基督使团,2004年版,第77页。
    ① Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions, pp.143-144.
    ④伦敦会(LMS)和美部会(ABCFM)已演变为公理会宗派的差会,戴德生最初从属的中国布道会(CES)早已解散,而其他欧陆背景的传统跨宗派差会的“跨越范畴”皆局限于施行婴儿洗礼的宗派之间(Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions, p.21)。
    ① Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions:From Hudson Taylor to Present Day Africa. (Oxford:Regnum Books International,1994) pp.172-173,178.
    ② Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions, p.177
    ③ R. Pierce Beaver, (1962) Ecumenical beginnings in Protestant world mission; a history of comity, New York,, Nelson, p.15.
    ⑤Dana L. Robert在Christian Mission:How Christianity Became a World Religion (West Sussex, UK:Wiley-Blackwell,2009)一书第47-48页将十九世纪初的“宣教版图’描绘为:格陵兰为挪威路德宗的传教区;南太平洋为英国公理会的传教区;缅甸为美国浸信会的传教区;西非为圣公会的传教区;加纳为卫理公会的传教区;阿留中群岛为俄国东正教
    ①姚西伊(2004年春) 《教会合一理念的冲突--中国 CIM与中华全国基督教协进会关系之演变(1922-1926)》. 《道风:基督教文化评论》,第20期,第252-253页。
    ② IHQSA-Wheaton Ch.6, cited in David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.32. 而 Edwin L. Frizen Jr则在75 Years of IFMA 1917-1992:The Non-denominational Missions Movement (Pasadena:William Carey Library)一书第96页记载,CIM退出爱丁堡大会委员会的年份为1916,并成为促使CIM北美主任Henry Frost推动IFMA于1917年成立的主要原因之一。
    George Hood, Neither Bang Nor Whimper, p.142.
    ① IHQSA OC minutes,1954, p.19, cited in David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.34.
    ② David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.159.
    ① IHQSA 6.2.4, p.814, cited in David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.144.
    ②详参:David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China,pp.117-132.
    ①譬如,贝恩斯以新加坡主教的身份,要求CIM-OMF所有赴新马的圣公会背景的神职人员必须得到许可资历(license),并由会督委任指派工作,完全降服在主教裁判权(episcopal jurisdiction)治下。而时任海外主任的李亚农则认为,在圣公会传教区服务的CIM-OMF的成员固然应该听命于主教,但在非圣公会传教区服务的CIM-OMF成员,即便是圣公会会友,CIM-OMF作为差会当有最终发言权。另一次,贝恩斯有意将新加坡圣彼得神学院(St. Peters Hall)的神学生(ordinand)分派到CIM-OMF负责的传教区实习,但李业农则处于神学差异的考量而婉拒,详参David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, pp.120 & 123。
    ②时代论为基督教神学中“前千禧年论”(premillennialism)的一种形式。IHQSA AR6.2.4 Box 1.4, cited in David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.121.
    ② David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, pp.30-32.
    ③ Ralph Winter在多处使用此词,如:Ralph D. Winter, "The New Missions and the Mission of the Church", International Review of Mission, Vol.60, Iss.237, pp.89-100, Jan 1971; Ralph D. Winter and Kenneth S. Latourette, The Twenty-five Unbelievable Years,1945-1969, South Pasadena:William Carey Library,1970, p.67.
    ④David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.160.
    ⑤ IHQSA AR5.1.5 file 6, and AR5.2.4 Box 1, folder 4, p.19, cited in David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.160.
    ①单北美就在1940-1960年间成立了130个左右新差会,参:Direc tory of North American Protestant Missionary Agencies,4th. ed.,1960,转引自R. Pierce Beaver, Ecumenical Beginnings in Protestant World Mission, p.295.
    ②早在1951年,《基督教世纪》便刊登过一篇以此为题的编者论述,参:Editorial, "After comity, What?"Christian Century, vol. LXVIII, no.23(June 6,1951).
    ①Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions,p.142,p.164 note 212 & 214.
    ③当时标志性事件包括:首名新加坡籍圣公会主教于1966年的任命,新加坡圣公会于1970年成立独立于马来西亚的新教区;新马卫理公会于1968年在本地人出任的主教治下成为独立教区。David B.Barrett,ed.,World Christian Encyclopedia-A Comparative Study of Churches and Religions in the Modern World AD 1900-2000,0xford & New York:Oxford University,1982,p.615.
    ① Patrick Johnstone,OPeration World, Grand Rapids, Zondervan,2001, p.567.
    ③ =0&Charset=big5_hkscs&page=0,2012年1月3日。
    ① Dietrich Kuhl, "Prinzipien der theologischen Ausbidung am Institut Injil Indonesia in Batu (Indonesien) " in Evangelische Mission, Jahrbuch 1985, pp.83-93, cited in Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions, p.142.
    ④安达姬著(Caroyln Armitage)著、黄从真译:《艾得理传——全力以赴的一生》(Reaching for the Goal----The Life Story of David Adeney),台湾:校园出版社1994年版,第182页。
    ⑥作为参考数据:据某项统计,21世纪初,业洲海外传教士占全球新教传教士总人数的35%,仅次于北美洲1%(Joseph D'Souza, "Global Missions and the Role of the Two Thirds World Church, " in David Greenlee, ed., Global Passion:Marking Goerge Verwer's Contribution to World Mission, Waynesboro:Authentic Lifestyle,2003, p.188).
    ① "1965-The Fire Burns On", East Asian Millions, North American Edition, Jan 1965, p.5.
    ② "Registry of the Unreached" in Harley C. Schreck,& David B. Barrett, (eds.) (1987) Unreached Peoples:Clarifying the Task, Monrovia, CA Birmingham & MARC:New Hope, pp.246-254,276-278.
    ③ Anne Ruck, God Made it Grow, pp.57-58.
    ④ John Suwahjo, "A Call to Grow in Dependence on Him Alone", in Anne Ruck, God Made it Grow, p.54.
    ⑦日本禾场主任Wolfgang Langhans于2011年6月8日与笔者的电邮,。
    ①如“海外主任”取代“中国主任”,“海外咨委会”取代“中国咨委会”,当时CIM-OMF的内部通讯名也由《禾场通讯》(Field Bulletin)变为《海外通讯》(Overseas Bulletin)等。
    ②主标题典出《圣经·新约》之《罗马书》一章17节,英皇钦定本(KJV)为"from faith to faith",新国际译本为"by faith from first to last"。
    ① Daniel W. Bacon,1982, From Faith to Faith:The Influence of Hudson Taylor on the Faith Missions Movement, Illinois:OMF pp.120-127.
    ② "Learn to Live a Deeper Life with J.0. Sanders", Handbill, Melbourne School of Theology(MST), Archive Box; "J.0. Sander Itinerary and Who Accompanies Him July 17-Aug 26 1991", Document, MST Archive Box.
    Edwin L. Frizen, Jr.,75 Years of IFMA 1917-1992:The Non-denominational Missions Movement, Pasadena:William Carey Library, pp.103-117,132.
    ① Huntley1971年对OMF澳洲本部主仃Howard Knight的访谈,转引自David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China and the redeployment to New Fields in East Asia: An Understanding of the Methodology and Decision-Making Processes. Ph.D. Diss. Trinity Theological Seminary, (Newburgh, Indiana),2002,p.33.
    ③据OMF新西兰总主任Christine Harding估计,OMF体系中约一半新西兰籍成员来自浸信会。笔者对哈丁的访谈,2011年10月11日,OMF奥克兰办公室。
    ④ =0&Charset=big5_hkscs&page=0,2012年1月6日。
    ⑤ http://www. wheaton. edu/bgc/archives/GUIDES/421. htm,2012年1月14日。
    ⑥后史名为Bible College of Victoria,今为Melbourne School of Theology.
    ⑦后更名为Bible College of New Zealand,今为Laidlaw College。
    ①譬如,澳洲著名圣公会领袖之一C. H. Nash (1866-1958),出任CIM咨委会成员凡27年(1916-1943),先后担任过City Men's Bible Class的圣经教师(1925-)、CMS的咨委会成员(1927-)、协助CMS成立League of Youth、圣雅各老教堂的助理牧师(1927-1941)、Campaigners for Christ的奠基人(1936),同时也是Bible Union of Australia的成员并曾出任其首届主席、各大培灵会议的讲员、。详参:Australian Dic tionary of Biography, Melbourne:Melbourne University Press,1986, p.10, p665f;,2012年1月12日:D.Paproth, Failure is not Final:A Life of C. H. Nash, Sydney:CSAC,1997.
    ②如David B. Barrett的World Christian Encyclopedia-A Comparative Study of Churches and Religions in the Modern World AD 1900-2000, (Oxford & New York:Oxford University,1982)一书中,只有泰国和菲律宾两章在表格部分提到OMF(第566和666页)。
    ①OMF要求每名短宣队员在出发前找到5名代祷支持者,(Serve Asia Handbook (Draft), pp.17&22)。OMF对长宣队员代祷团队的要求不详,但另一信心差会SIM,在1960年代推出“40人团契”(forty fellowship)的财政方案,要求每一名传教士候选人找到40名愿意承诺财政和代祷责任的支持者(Richard L. Roberts, (1977). The growth of interdenominational mission societies in New Zealand. Unpublished Research essay (MA, History), University of Auckland,1977., p.64.)。
    ② Stuart Piggin, "Introduction:The Reflex Impact of Missions on Australian Christianity", in Hutchinson, Mark and Geoff Treloar, eds. This Gospel Shall Be Preached:Essays on the Australian Contribution to World Mission. Sydney, Australia: Center for the Study of Australian Christianity,1998. p.17.
    ①OMF人事总监与笔者的通邮,2012年2月11日。另,截止到1989年底,台湾籍赴日传教士林雪玲(丈夫为宋义哲)为CIM-OMF成立以来第4634名成员。参Australian OMF, East Asia's Millions, Century Edition, Apr/Jun 1990, p.49;《内地会140周年感恩特刊》<内地会来台大事记>,2005年中华内地会台湾办事处,第5页。
    ①详参:R. G. Tiedemann (2009) Reference Guide to Christian Missionary Societies in China:from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century, Armonk, New York; London, England, Me. Sharpe, Inc.
    ②详参:Norman Grubb C. T. Studd:Cricketer and Pioneer,陈锡麟译《施达德传——运动家和开荒者》香港证道出版社1964年版,或1982?版《中国、印度、非洲宣教先锋:施多得》。
    ③详参:Audrey N. M. We there 11 Johnson, Created for Commitment----the Remarkable Story of the Founder of the Bible Study Fellowship (Illinois:Tyndale,1982)
    ① Dr. Norman G. Owen, "'This One Thing I Do':A Single-Minded American In China" conference paper on women and diplomacy,2004.
    ②详见叶氏女儿所著家族史:Kari Malcolm, We signed away our lives:how one family gave everything for the Gospel, Downers Grove,Ill., InterVarsity Press,1990.(中文版为节译本:赵斌译:《叶牧师一家在中国》,北京:团结出版社1994年版。
    ③详参:Werner Burklin:Jesus Never Left China-the Rest of the Story; The Untold Story of the Church in China Now Exposed, WinePress Publishing,2005;中译本:林明胆著,徐德安(The-An Daniel Hsu)译《耶稣从未离开中国——故事余留未被报道的部分》,香港:方舟机构有限公司,2008;,2012年1月7日。
    ① David Huntley, The Withdrawal of the CIM from China, p.85, footnote 4.
    ② Marshall Broomhall, "The German Branch of the China Inland Mission, " China's Millions, Jun.,1903, pp.71-72.
    ③ E. Baumann, "C. I. M.-0. M. F. in Switzerland", p.58.
    ④ Daniel W. Bacon, From Faith to Faith, p.130.
    ⑤ Daniel W. Bacon, From Faith to Faith, pp.127-128.
    ⑥1952年出中国之际出版了第14版(George Hood, Neither Bang Nor Whimper:The End of a Missionary Era in China, Singapore:Presbyterian Church, p.145.)。
    ① Broomhall, The Man Who Believed God, London:CIM,1929, p. vii; Daniel W. Bacon, 1982, From Faith to Faith, Illinois:OMF p.133.
    ②1950年,只有12本基督教书籍达到2000册的发行量,其中突破5000册发行量者不足6本。Leslie T. Lyall, A Passion for the Impossible::The China Inland Mission, 1865-1965 (Chicago:Moody Press,1965), p.178.
    ③ Daniel W. Bacon, From Faith to Faith, p.133.
    ④ Daniel W. Bacon, From Faith to Faith, pp.133-134.
    ⑤ Daniel W. Bacon, From Faith to Faith, pp.134-135.
    ⑥ Daniel W. Bacon,1982, From Faith to Faith, Illinois:OMF p.137.
    Daniel W. Bacon, From Faith to Faith, pp.137-138.
    ④④详参其传记:Charles G. Trumbull, The Life Story of C. I. Scofield, New York:Oxford University Press,1920, p.68, cited in Daniel W. Bacon, From Faith to Faith, p.100.
    ⑤详参:Rowland V. Bingham, "A Story of Beginnings:Dr. Andrew Murray and the South Africa General Mission, " The Missionary Witness, Sep.1915, p.271, cited in Daniel W. Bacon, From Faith to Faith, p.101.
    ⑥ Amy Carmichael, Foreword in Joy Guinness, Mrs. Howard Taylor:Her Web of Time, (London:CIM,1939), p.1.
    ①详参:J. F. Swanson ed., Three Score Years … and Then Sixty Years'of Worldwide Missionary Advance, Chicago, n. d.,1950.
    ②该单行本的第一个标题为A Missionary Band-A Record of Missionary Consecra tion,发行量二万册(一说一万五千册),售馨后再版时定为此名。详参:Leslie Lyle, A Passion for the Impossible, p.55; Marshall Broomhall, The Jubilee story of the China Inland Mission, CIM,1915, p.166.
    ③详参:柯喜乐著、韦华林译:《圣爱的火焰——中国宣教史上的海家班》,台北:宇宙光出版社,2006年版,第101-102页。(原版:Norman Cliff, A Flame of Sacred Love, Cumbria, UK:OMF,1998)
    ⑤详参:Australian OMF, East Asia's Millions, Century Edition, Apr/Jun 1990, p.40.
    ⑥该差会1907年更名为Australia Aboriginal Mission,1929年再度更名为United Aborigines'Mission。详参:Alison Longworth, "'Upon Past Ebenezers We Built Our Jehovah-Jireh':The Vision of the Australian Aborigines'Mission and Its Heritage in the China Inland Mission", Journal of Religious History, Vol.31, No.2, June 2007.
    ①详参:Pearls from the Pacific, London,1925; Janet and Geoff Benge. Florence Young: Mission Accomplished. YWAM:Publishing,2005.
    ②Lesley Dixon, The Australian Missionary Endeavour in China,1888-1953, PhD. Thesis, History Department, University of Melbourne,1978.
    Johan D. Tahgelder, Faith Mission,2001, p.1.
    ⑤ R. Pierce Beaver, (1962) Ecumenical Beginnings in Protestant World Mission; a History of Comity, New York:Thomas Nelson & Sons., p.296.
    Edwin L. Frizen, Jr.,75 Years of IFMA 1917-1992:The Non-denominational Missions Movement, Pasadena:William Carey Library, p.446.
    ⑦CIM新西兰分部差派了55人,但澳洲和英国分部另外差派了3人,共计58人。参Hugh D. Morrison,'It is Our Bounden Duty', p.1.
    ①虽然PIVM在三年内招募到40名新西兰成员,但是截止之1930年,其新西兰籍成员的总人数仅为46人。详参:Hugh D. Morrison,'It is Our Bounden Duty':the Emergence of the New Zealand Protestant Missionary Movement,1868-1926, Ph.D. Diss. (History), Massey University,2004, pp.52,342.
    ⑥ Edwin L. Frizen, Jr.,75 Years of IFMA 1917-1992:The Non-denominational Missions Movement, Pasadena:William Carey Library, pp.15-19.
    ⑦详参Miwa Hirono, Ci vilizing Missions:Interna tional Religions Agencies in China, New York:Palgrave MacMillan,2008, p.108;,2012年1月24日。
    ① Report of the Bournemouth Conference, issued with China's Millions, London Edition, Jan 1952.
    ② Fellowship一词本意为“团契”,“使团”则是Mission的对应词。团契通常指小型团体,很多大教会下分为不同的小型团契,团契也可以发展为教会,或在正规教会之外成立跨教会的团契。
    ③ Ron Roberts, & Gwen Roberts, (1989) To Fight Better:A Biography of J. Oswald
    ① Ralph A. Ward,'Do Institutions Ruin Missions?,'The Christian Century LXVIII: 46, (Nov.14,1951), p.1305.
    ③ Allen D. Hertzke, "Evangelicals and International Engegement, " in Michael Cromartie, ed., A Public Faith, Evangelicals and Civic Engegement, Lanham:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,2003, p.218.
    ①高明道(Don Cormack)著、郑林生译:《杀戮中的再生——柬埔寨教会剪影》,香港:海外基督使团,2004年版,第121页。
    ⑦[美]艾伦·D-赫茨克(Allen D. Hertzke)著、徐以骅等译:《在华盛顿代表上帝:宗教游说在美国政体中的作用》,上海人民出版社2003年版,第72-81页。
    ① Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, Britain:OMF, undated, p.9.
    ② Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, p.17.
    ③ Denis Lane, Keeping Body and Soul Together, p.18.
    ② Robertson, Roland (1994)'Globalisation or Glocalisation?'Journal of International Communication,1(1):pp.33-35.
    ③ Roland Robertson and JoAnn Chirico, "Humanity, Globalization, and Worldwide Religious Resurgence:A Theoretical Exploration", in Sociological Analysis, vol. 46, no.3,1985, pp.219-242.
    Roland Robertson, "Globalization, politics, and religion", in James A. Beckford and Thomas Luckmann, eds., Changing Face of Religion. (London:Sage,1989), pp.11-14.
    ① Dana Roberts,'The First Globalization:The Internationalization of the Protestant Missionary Movement Between the World Wars', International Bulletin of Missionary Research, originally presented at "Interpreting Contemporary Christianity:Global Processes and Local Identities", held in Hammanskraal, South Africa, July 2011.
    A. D. King,1991. Introduction:Spaces of culture, spaces of knowledge. In A. D. King (ed.). Culture, Globalisation and the World System (London:Macmillan,1991), p.420.
    ① Robertson, Roland (1994)'Globalisation or Glocalisation?', pp.37-38.
    ② Robertson, Roland (1994)'Globalisation or Glocalisation?', p.38.
    ③ Antony Giddens, Modernity and Self-Identity(Oxford:Polity,1991) p.21.
    Robertson, Roland (1994)'Globalisation or Glocalisation?', p.39.
    李锦兴著、张文光译:《马来亚新村的西方宣教士(1951-1960年)》(Western Missionaries in Chinese New Villages in Malaya,1951-1960),载邓雅荣主编:《最大的福音浪潮涌进来:1948年——19—年从紧急法令到宣教士撤离》,吉隆坡:文桥传播中心2009年版,第40-89页。
    徐以骅: 《中华学生立志传道运动的盛衰》,载徐以骅论文集: 《中国基督教教育史论》,广西师范大学出版社,2010年版,第204-222页。
    张陈一萍、戴绍曾(Hudson Taylor IIl)《虽至于死——台约尔传》,香港:海外基督使团2009年版。
    张陈一萍、戴绍曾(Hudson Taylor IIl)等编译:《惟独基督——戴德生生平与事工图片纪念册》,香港:海外基督使团2005年版。
    《基督教中华CIM之性质与工作概要》/China Inland Mission-Its Character and Work,1949年7月印,存上海档案馆,u112-0-13。
    卢俊义,《牧师专栏》,载《台北东门教会周报》,2009年6月21日,参 zed_people,2011年10月7日。
    Averil Bennett,《湄公河畔的教会》,载《出征》1991年秋,总23期,第3页。
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    Denis Lane,《沙漠中的一朵花——海外基督使团文字事工史》,《出征》1989年4月,总第13期,第2页。
    连大理(Danis Lane)《宣教事工中的缺环》,载《宣教分享》1984年10月号,总24期,第3页。
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    'What Has Happened to the China Missionaries?'China Bulletin III:1, (Jan.12,1953), p.1.
    'Where Have the China Missionaries Gone,'The Christian Century LXIX 48, (Nov 26, 1952), p.1372.
    Washington Post, Jan.11,1947, p.13.
    Field Manual of the China Inland Mission, CIM,1947.
    Pray Directory, CIM/OMF,1950-1992.
    Operation Japan:A Handbook for Prayer (Tokyo:Operation Japan & Japan Evangelical Missionary Association,1997.
    The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, Foochow:Rozario, Marcal Co., Shanghai: The American Presbyterian Mission Press,1905.
    The China Mission Year Book, Christian Literature Society for China,1916.
    30 Stories from Taiwan's Working Class-A Prayer Guide, OMF,2006.
    OMF Handbook, September 2011.
    Daily Prayer News, OMF UK.
    Serving Asia:NZ News and Prayer, August/September 2011, issue 10.

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