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     (1)在全局层和过程层,提出了EPMM白盒方法建模与CEPMM建模的转化准则,在活动层,本文定义一种AML(Activity Modelling Language)非形式化规约语言,对活动建立非形式描述,同时给出了根据AML非形式规约借助于进程二叉树为活动的建模方法。
     (5)本文对软件演化过程的性能分析,为了支持软件演化过程进行性能评价,将进程代数CCS扩展了时间概率成本进程代数TCPCCS, TCPCCS支持软件演化过程时间、概率以及成本的分析,分析的结果可以作为决策的参考依据。
In this dissertation, on the basis of EPMM, software evolution process Meta-Mode CEPMM is proposed with CCS as fomal tool. Tasks are inseparable, EPMM supports modeling problem of software evolution process with formulation in global level and process level and activity level.This dissertation aims to the research on software evolution process modeling, verification and performance evaluation of software evolution process, for this purpose, there main progresses have been made in this dissertation.
     Firstly, in global level and process level, the rule of transferring modeling based on EPMM by white box modeling approach into on CEPMM is proposed, and in activity level, according the informal specification of activity by AML(Activity Modelling Language), the approach modeling activity with the fomal tool CCS is proposed by means of process of binary tree.
     Secondly, for verification the local structure, the concurrent structure and DFA sub-activity are introduced, an model decomposition approach to digging the local structure of it is put forward, with the local structure model as the properties analysis and verification object.
     Thirdly, in order to verify the structure rationality of software evolution process, the dynamic properties safety and reachability of software evolution process model must be verified. The method for regular expression to describe safety and accessibility is introduced, and combining the Labeled Transition System (LTS) with the finite automaton, an efficient model verification method is proposed. Reference the idea of commositional reachability analysis, all safety verification objects in the model can be divided. For each Hasse diagram of patrtion, with minimal element of it beginning, properties analysis and verification objects in this model are safety verified step by step. Under the premise of this method, state space can be greatly reduced, and problems in the model can be timely and accurate positioning so that the modeler can timely improve the model.
     Fourthly, resources is closely related to performance of the software evolution process, therefore in this dissertation, the software evolution process involves resources are analyzed and classified, and its properties are analyzed according to the characteristics of each type of resources.
     At last, the performance of software evolution process is analyzed, in order to support modeling performance of software evolution process, process algebra CCS is extended to be process; algebra TCPCCS, TCPCCS support analyzing time, probability and cost of software evolution process, and the analysis of the results can be a reference for decision.
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