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     作者于2007至2011年期间,工作主要着眼于中国北黄海和南海沿岸的红树林、河流入海口、淡水以及土壤生境,进行纤毛虫区系研究,所涉及的广义腹毛类(尾柱类、排毛类、尖毛类/散毛类)为最复杂和高等的纤毛虫类群,具有重要细胞分化、系统演化意义。建立若干新阶元,并对已知种进行新种群的细致描摹;揭示一系列新的发生学现象;丰富所涉及类群核糖体小亚基SSU rRNA基因序列和RNA二级结构等分子信息。为探讨关键类群的种间鉴别、科属级界定,以及在系统进化上争议的解决、构建更合理的新系统等方面,提供全面的形态学、细胞发生学和分子系统学信息支持。
     在核糖体小亚基SSU rRNA基因测序、序列分析和RNA二级结构预测基础上,结合形态学特征、细胞发生模式等信息,对伪角毛虫科进行了更为清晰的厘定和清理,将偏角毛虫属和趋角虫属移入尾柱虫科。对小双虫属、管膜虫属中来自GenBank的多个核糖体小亚基SSU rRNA基因序列,进行形态学信息的追踪和分子信息的细致分析,辨识可能存在的鉴定错误,对这两个属的分子信息做出可靠的清理。
Ciliated protozoa, which are the most complex and highly differentiated groupamong single-celled organisms, with the unique conjugation pattern and specialnuclear dualism, are important in the research fields of cell biology, development andevolution. Recently, it is one of the most active research areas of Protozoology, thatusing modern microscopic observation in vivo and silver-staining technique, toinvestigate the morphological identification of the long-term confused groups, toclarity the confusion and carry out the ontogenetic processes, and to explore thephylogenetic and evolutionary relationships among ciliated protozoa combing withmolecular data.
     During2007to2011, the work is including fauna survey of ciliated protozoa inthe mangrove, estuary, freshwater and soil habitats along the coasts of Yellow Sea(northern China) and South China Sea. It is mainly focused on the hypotrichousciliates (urostylids, stichotrichids and oxytrichids), which are the most complex groupin Ciliophora and significant in cell development and evolutionary phylogeny. Severalnew taxa are established, detailed redescription is carried out, unknown ontogeneticprocesses are newly investigated, new sequences data for small subunit (SSU) rRNAgene are deposited in GenBank and the secondary structures for RNA are constructed.For accurate identification among species and definition on the family and genus levelof key taxa, as well as resolution for controversial phylogenetic problems andrebuilding more reasonable system, it is providing comprehensive support informationfrom morphological, ontogenetic and molecular systematic data.
     The main achievements are following:
     1)Morphogenetic part:
     The twelve important, representative and significant species are selected in celldifferentiation, in taxa evolution and in phylogenetic evolution, from the unknowngroups, which own different ontogenetic patterns in three orders and six families. Thenew information during the ontogenetic processes for twelve species in nine genera(Bakuella, Metaurostylopsis, Pseudokeronopsis, Pseudourostyla, Amphisiella,Strongylidium, Rigidohymena, Rubrioxytricha and Sterkiella) is revealed and a seriesof uncertainties are clarified.
     Comparing and analyzing the ontogenetic characteristics among the taxa in thefamilies or sub-families, morphogenetic data are investigated as the importantsupportive references, to question the monophyly of Pseudokeronopsidae and Bakuellidae, to clarify the phylogenetic relationships among the morphologicalrelated genus of Strongylidium, and to support the establishment of Rigidohymena andits systematic position in the sub-family Stylonychinae.
     2)Phylogenetic and systematic part:
     The small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences from ten genera and thirteenspecies are submitted to the GenBank for the first time. On this basis, thephylogenetic trees are constructed, the special regions in alignment are compared, andthe putative secondary structures of RNA are predicted. Using all availablemorphologic, ontogenetic and molecular data to analyze, the familyPseudokeronopsidae is redefined and the genera Thigmokeronopsis andApokeronopsis are removed out to the family Urostylidae. For the SSU rRNA genesequences for Amphisiella and Cyrtohymena from GenBank, their morphological dataare tracked and the molecular data from cryptic species are recognized.
     Based on the morphological, ontogenetic and molecular data of urostylid ciliatesfrom previous researches and myself, selecting characteristics from bothmorphological and ontogenetic and distinguishing the apomorph or plesiomorph ofthem, an assessment of phylogenetic relationships is given. Meanwhile, it is the firsttime to apply this particular analysis method combined with molecular phylogeneticinformation, to help rebuild new system and explore the phylogenetic relationshipamong the urostylid ciliates.
     3)Taxonomic part:
     As an additional result, one new genus(Monocoronella)and ten new species(Bakuella subtropica, Metaurostylopsis cheni, Monocoronella carnea, Monocoronelladragescoi, Pseudokeronopsis erythrina, Pseudourostyla saltans, Amphisiella pulchra,Amphisiella candida, Strongylidium orientale and Sterkiella subtropica) areestablished. And the detailed redescription for four species (Pseudourostyla cristata,Pseudourostyla nova, Rigidohymena candens and Rubrioxytricha haematoplasma) iscarried out.
     It supplies the biodiversity information of hypotrichous ciliates from differenthabitats, clarifies much confusion, and determines new definitions among genera andspecies.
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