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     结果:HE染色显示端端吻合组和对照组大鼠膀胱尿路上皮结构层次清晰,未吻合组大鼠膀胱尿路上皮普遍存在死亡伞细胞。免疫荧光染色显示三组中ZO-1表达没有显著性差异,在端端吻合组和对照组大鼠膀胱尿路上皮AQP-3主要表达于尿路上皮基底膜,而在未吻合组中AQP3表达于尿路上皮全层, uroplakinⅢ染色中显示尿路上皮伞细胞层被破坏。尿路上皮电镜研究显示:端端吻合组和对照组大鼠膀胱尿路上皮中没有中性粒细胞浸润,紧密联结结构清晰,伞细胞顶壁含有大量梭状囊泡,而未吻合组大鼠膀胱尿路上皮中出现中性粒细胞浸润,紧密联结结构模糊,含有大圆盘状囊泡。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示未吻合组大鼠膀胱中炎症因子TNF-α、IL-6和IL-1β的表达明显高于端端吻合组和对照组,差异具有统计学意义。
Objective: To investigate the number and ultra-structural features of the regenerated fiberswith neural morphological techniques, the morphology of the bladder and ureter
     Methods: Sixty female SD rats (120~160g) were randomly divided into three groups:End-to-end anastomosis group (n=20), the bilateral lumbar4ventral root (L4VR), lumbar6ventral root (L6VR) and sacral1ventral root (S1VR) were transected at lumbar4level andthe distal stump of L6VR was sutured to L4VR through end-to-end anastomosis. Nocoaptation group (n=20), the bilateral L6VR and S1VR were transected but withoutneurorrhaphy; Control group (n=20), the bilateral S1VR were transected only. At16weeks,the bilateral L4VR-L6VR nerve anastomosis were found along the dorsal original incision.10mm long nerve segments of the regenerated L6VR and nerve anastomosis wereharvested under operating microscope. Regenerated L6VR was cut into1-μmthick sectionswith Toluidine blue staining and then total regenerated nerve fibers counts of L6VR werecalculated. Ultrastructure and morphology of Regenerated L6VR was examined bytransmission electron microscopy. The morphologies of rat bladder and ureter wereobserved by naked eye and under the operating microscope respectively. Then residualurine of all rats was measured.
     Results: A large number of mythlinated axons of the regenerated L6VR were observed inEnd-to-end anastomosis group and The average number was700.4±50.7. A large numbersof myelinated fibers and Schwann cells were observed in the cross-sections under thetransmission electron microscopy. The normal bladder morphology without ureteraldilatation were observed in both end-to-end anastomosis group with some residual urine 0.7±0.9ml, but significant expansion of the bladder and ureter was observed in Nocoaptation group and the average residual urine up to14.2±5.6ml. The normal bladdermorphology without ureteral dilatation were observed in No coaptation group with someresidual urine0.3±0.2ml.
     Conclusion: The rat models of neurogenic bladder and artificial somatic-autonomic reflexpathway procedure were successfully constructed, and The motor axons of L4VR canregenerate into L6VR. A lot of myelinated fibers and Schwann cells were observed in theregenerated L6VR.
     Objective: To investigate the neural regeneration and innervations in the efferent pathwayof the bladder after end-to-end anastomosis by Neural tracking and cystometry
     Methods: Sixty female SD rats (120~160g) were randomly divided into three groups:End-to-end anastomosis group (n=20), the bilateral lumbar4ventral root (L4VR), lumbar6ventral root (L6VR) and sacral1ventral root (S1VR) were transected at lumbar4level andthe distal stump of L6VR was sutured to L4VR through end-to-end anastomosis. Nocoaptation group (n=20), the bilateral L6VR and S1VR were transected but withoutneurorrhaphy; Control group (n=20), the bilateral S1VR were transected only. At16weeks,10rats from end-to-end anastomosis group, no coaptation group and control group,respectively, were used for nerve regenerationstudy. Fluorogold (FG)1μl was injected intothe bilateral major pelvic ganglion (MPG).7days later,the rats were perfusion fixed by4%paraformaldehyde and the spinal segments of L4, L6and S1were taken for serialcross-sections(20-μm thick) on a cryostat and then the fluorescent labeled neurons wereexamined under an ultraviolet fluorescence microscope. Additional10rats from end-to-endanastomosis group, no coaptation group and control group, respectively, were used forcystometry study. the bilateral L4VR-L6VR nerve anastomosis, distal stump of L6VR andnormal L6VR were found along the dorsal original incision in the three groups. Homemadecystometry tube were fixed into the bladder and then connected to micro infusion pumpand BL-410biological and functional acquisition system respectively. The free nerves wereelectrical stimulated and bladder pressures were measured at the same time.
     Results: A large number of FG labeled neurons were mainly found in the ventral horn ofthe bilateral L4spinal cord segment in the end-to-end anastomosis group and not found in the L6and S1spinal cord segment. FG labeled neurons in the no coaptation group were notobserved in all the spinal cord segment. A small amount of FG labeled neurons onlyappeared in the L6spinal cord segment. Bladder pressure rapidly increased to peak was thefirst observed when the the donor nerve L4VR was electrical stimulated, then the pressurewas gradually decreased to baseline levels along with the urine excreted in the end-to-endanastomosis group, similar to the control group. The bladder pressure increased slowly withcontinuous bladder infusion without significant volatility and maintained at baseline levelsin the No coaptation group.
     Conclusions: The motor axons of L4VR can regenerate into L6VR to innervate the bladderand the bladder regained functional innervation.
     Objective: To investigate the urothelial Permeability barrier function with ordinary HEstaining, immunofluorescence, transmission electron microscopy, and real-time PCR
     Methods: Sixty female SD rats (120~160g) were randomly divided into three groups:End-to-end anastomosis group (n=20), the bilateral lumbar4ventral root (L4VR), lumbar6ventral root (L6VR) and sacral1ventral root (S1VR) were transected at lumbar4level andthe distal stump of L6VR was sutured to L4VR through end-to-end anastomosis. Nocoaptation group (n=20), the bilateral L6VR and S1VR were transected but withoutneurorrhaphy; Control group (n=20), the bilateral S1VR were transected exclusively. At16weeks,the bladder were used for ordinary HE staining, immune fluorescence staining ofuroplakinⅢ、AQP3、ZO-1, transmission electron microscopy of urothelial and real-timefluorescence quantitative PCR for inflammation factor of TNF-α, IL-6and IL-1β。
     Results: Clear structural levels of urothelial were found in both end-to-end anastomosisgroup and control group, but a few deaths umbrella cells were observed in the Nocoaptation group in optical microscope. no significantly difference of the expressions ofZO-1in the urothelial were found among the three groups. urothelial AQP-3was expressedmainly in the urothelial basement layer in both end-to-end anastomosis group and Controlgroup, but in the No coaptation group the AQP-3was expressed all the urothelial layer in afluorescence microscope. urothelial umbrella cell layer in the staining of uroplakin III wasdamaged. In the transmission electron microscopy, Neutrophil infiltration, the fuzzystructure of Tight junctions and Multivesicular bodies(MVB) were found in the apicalsurface of umbrella cells in the No coaptation group, but clear structure of Tight junctionand numbers of discoidal/fusiform-shaped vesicles (DFV) appeared in the apical surface ofumbrella cells without Neutrophil infiltration in both end-to-end anastomosis group and Control group. The inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6and IL-1β were higher in the Nocoaptation group than both end-to-end anastomosis group and Control group.
     Conclusion: These results demonstrated that the artificial somatic-autonomic reflexpathway procedure can successfully repair the urothelial permeability barrier functions ofneurogenic bladder and reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections.
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