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     研究结果表明:1.白光有利于葡萄试管苗的增殖、生物量积累及叶绿素的合成,且净光合速率最强;红、黄光促进试管苗根、茎的伸长生长;蓝光有利于白藜芦醇的积累,而叶绿素a/b的比值最小。2.绿光可促进叶片、叶柄和茎段愈伤的启动,蓝光可促进根部愈伤的发生。不同光质下愈伤组织的出愈时间顺序依次为:蓝光>红光、绿光>白光、黑暗>黄光,叶片、叶柄、茎段的诱导率可达100%,而根的诱导率在蓝光下最高,为91.1%,黄光下最低,为60.7%。白光最有利于葡萄愈伤组织中白藜芦醇的累积,且收获后紫外处理可提高愈伤组织中白藜芦醇含量,最佳照射强度为8μmol·m-2·s-1,最佳处理时长为10 min。
The growth of plants is a process of photomorphogenesis, and light quality plays an important regulative role in some processes of morphogenesis, also in the multiplication and dedifferentiation of callus, especially in accumulation of secondary metabolites in plant tissue culture. As one of secondary metabolites from grape, resveratrol has many biological activities which have been paid more attention to, such as estrogenic activity, cardiovascular protective effect, neuroprotective capacity, and cancer chemopreventive activity.
     The paper studied the effects of different light qualities on growth and development of plant test-tub plantlet, callus inducement of explants and accumulation of resveratrol in it, in order to find out a proper light condition to culture the test-tube plantlet, and accumulation of resveratrol.
     Test-tube plantlets of different grape varieties (Fenghuang No.51, Pinot Noir, Beta and Kyoho) were used in the experiment to study their growing development under 5 different light qualities (red, yellow, green, blue and white light);‘Pinot Noir’was used as the material, to study the effects of different light qualities on multiplication and differentiation of callus from different positions. The callus from leaves of‘Pinot Noir’were used to study the synthesis of resveratrol in callus which were cultured in different light qualities and irradiated in post-harvest with UV-C. The results showed that:
     1. White light was propitious to the proliferation, biomass, chlorophyll synthesis, and had the highest net photosynthetic rate of grape test-tube plantlets. The shoot and root elongation growth were improved under red or yellow light. Under blue light resveratrol production was highest, oppositely, the chlorophyll a/b ratio was the lowest.
     2. Green light was benefit to the differentiation of leaf, petiole and stem, blue to the root. The order of inducing term in different light qualities was: blue, red, green, white, dark and yellow. The inducing rates of leaf, petiole and stem were 100% in different light qualities, but the highest rate of root was 91.1% in blue and the lowest was 60.7% in yellow. White light was the best for the accumulation of resveratrol in callus, and post-harvested irradiated with UV-C could improve the content of resveratrol. The best conditions of intensity and treatment time were 8μmol·m-2·s-1 and 10 min.
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