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Social regulation is that the regulatory agencies supervise and manage theactivities of production and operations of enterprises, in accordance with relevantlaws and policies. It aims to protect the health and safety for consumers and workers,protect ecological environment, and achieve sustainable development amongeconomic,society and the environment.Since the1970s, issues on health and safety,environment become increasingly prominent with economic development.Manycountries started to deregulate in economic field,while continued to strengthen thesocial regulation at the same time. But frequent occurrence of incidents on the fieldof social regulation,people attribute to the incompetence of government regulationand moral failure of entrepreneurs,who advocates of strengthening governmentregulation and corporate social responsibilities.Obviously,the explanatory powerof this view is not enough.
     As a kind of arrangements,why the initial targets of social regulation has notbeen accomplished or replaced by the other targets?What is the logic of thebehaviors of the stakeholders in the existing institution of social regulation? How dothe institution structure and behaviors affect the performance of the regulation?Theseare the crux of the matter.
     The new institutionalism provides a good vision for the study of socialregulation, which includes rational choice institutionalism, historical institutionalismand sociological institutionalism. Different schools of thought share the core topic,that is the relationship between actors and institutional structures,and its impact oninstitution performance.
     Firstly, the institutional structure shapes the actors' preferences and goals,defines and limits the selection set of behaviors of actors,which can reduce theuncertainties of actors.The constraints from the institutional structure contain theformal institution and informal institution.
     Secondly,the behaviors of actors shape the institutional structure.The actorsunilaterally accept the constraints of institutional structure,but can be able to make strategic behaviors on the basis of calculation means. The actors are economic menwith bounded rationality,while the actors are also subject to their own values andworldview affect.In the process of maximizing their own interests,the cultural valuesare required.
     Finally,the institutional structure,behaviors and performance are closely related.The different institutional structure arrangements have direct impacts on strategies ofbehaviors and characteristics of the actors.The resource endowments and distributionof actors in the institutional structure,which to a large extent determine the revenuestructure of the actors and other actors. The interactions of actors and institutionalstructure also affect the performance of the institution.
     In the institutional structure of social regulation, the regulatory structure thatcontains the regulators,the regulated firms,the beneficiaries of regulation, socialorganizations and the media.Five different types of actors have large differences invalue preferences,resource endowments and capacity for action,which also determinetheir logic of action and behavioral characteristics in the regulatory structure.On theaspect of the regulatory powers and responsibilities of the operation system, thelegislature, regulatory agencies, consumers and the regulated firms are complexmultipal principal-agent relationship,which include principal-agent relationship ofconsumers and the legislature, the legislature and regulatory agencies, regulatoryagencies and the regulated firms,the regulated firms,the legislature and regulatoryagencies.Due to the horizontal nature of social regulation,a certain industry orenterprise are regulated by multiple regulatory agencies.Because of differences inobjectives between the principals and agents, information asymmetry, uncertaintyfactors, the principals and the agents will have moral hazard problems.Theregulatory system can be divided into an independent regulatory authority,ministerial agency and ministerial department in accordance with the degree ofindependence. By the degree of concentration of the regulatory power,it can bedivided into centralized regulatory agencies and decentralized regulatory agencies.
     In the process of social regulation, stakeholders driven by their own valuepreferences, take different strategic behaviors, and show different behavioralcharacteristics. Within the regulator system, there are differences between the central government and local government on cognition of targets and interests. In order toexpand regulatory power and maximize department budgets, the regulatory agenciesfiercely compete with each other. In the regulatory structure between the agency andregulated enterprises,the regulated firms will make strategically reaction byanalysing the external and internal environment, which include capture regulatoryagencies,obey the regulatory rules and circumvent the regulation. In the regulatorystructure between the beneficiaries and regulated enterprises,due to the disparity ofpower, the interaction happens the “after”stage,when the beneficiaries have beeninfringed by the regulated enterprises.In the regulatory structure betweenbeneficiaries and regulatory agencies,the beneficiaries can indirectly lead regulatoryagencies to strive to protect their interests by voting,while the degree ofinstitutionalized of the beneficiaries,the channels of public participation,and theattitude of regulatory agencies directly determine the relationship of the beneficiariesand regulatory agencies.
     Then, through the example of china’s food safety regulatory system,we have aresearch on how the structure and behaviors of social regulation affect theperformance of the regulation. Examining the institutional change of China's foodsafety regulatory system, we find that the factors affecting the performance of socialregulation are complex and varied,which include the path dependence of the initialmanagement system of food hygiene; vertically integrated management model anddecentralized management model; the validity and limitations of self-discipline offood industry associations; the unspoken rules of food safety; the validity and limitsof supervision by public opinion.
     In order to improve the social regulation system,we can optimize theregulatory structure,standardize regulatory process and introduce the regulatoryimpact assessment.Specificly, they can be included with enhancing the independenceand authority of regulatory agencies,strengthening the self-discipline of industryassociations, strengthening the regulation of regulatory agencies, and improving the coordination of regulatory power.
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