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质量数A-120是原子核高自旋态研究的热点核区。本论文在这个核区选择了一个核作为主要研究对象,以期达到对原子核高自旋态谱学更为全面的认识。我们在中国原子能科学研究院HI-13串列加速器上进行了融合蒸发反应116Cd(11B,5n)E=68 MeV布居了122I的高自旋态并进行了研究。
     奇奇核122I位于A~120过渡区,即是从原子序数Z=50的50Sn近球形核向大形变稀土区核La(Z=57)和Ce(Z=58)过渡的核素。处在这一核区的原子核,具有γ形变软的特点。其质子费米面位于h11/2子壳层的下部,而中子费米面一般位于h11/2子壳层的中部。势能面(potential-energy surface or PES)和推转壳模型的计算表明,占据高j值的πh11/2和vh11/2单粒子轨道的价核子对核芯的形变自由度有明显的极化效应。位于h11/2子壳层下部的价核子对核具有长椭形变(γ≈0°)的形变驱动作用,而位于h11/2子壳层中上部的价核子对核具有扁椭形变(γ≈-60°)的形变驱动作用。两种相反的形变驱动作用形成了十分复杂的集体带结构,使原子核展现出了丰富的高自旋态谱学。如在与122I邻近的奇A核113-123I同位素核中都观测到了基于low-Kπh11/2组态带的带终结现象;在119-125I中观测到不同组态的长椭和扁椭的形状共存现象。此外,基于相同组态(πh11/2组态)而K值不同(K=1/2和K=9/2)的转动带分别以不同形状(低K长椭,高K扁椭)共存于同一原子核中的现象在119,121I等核中也有所报道。
     8.基于总位能面模型(TRS, total Routhian Surface)对122I中各种不同组态进行了理论计算,从而展示了各种不同组态的核形变及其随转动频率的变化。总体上各组态在高自旋区都被预期发生y=+60°的形变,并将因此而发生带终结效应。这样的理论预期与前述πh11/2(?)vh11/2和πh11/2(?)vd5/2组态带的实验观测取得了符合。
     9.在推转壳模型框架下(Cranked Shell Model)对所建立各带进行了顺排行为的分析,并从理论上进行了带交叉频率的计算。基于二者的比较,对各带的顺排行为及带交叉机制进行了阐述。
The study of high spin states in A~120 nuclear region is very hot. A nuclide inthis region was chosen in this thesis as main research object, in order to achieve thecomprehensive understanding for the nuclear spectroscopy of high spin states. Excitedstates of the odd-odd nucleus~(122)I were populated via the fusion-evaporation reaction~(116)Cd(~(11)B,5n)at a beam energy of 68 MeV using the HI-13 tandem accelerator ofChina Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) in Beijing.
     The odd-odd nucleus~(122)I, which lies in the transitional region between theprimarily spherical50Sn nuclei and well-deformed57La and58Ce nuclei. The nuclei ofthis region haveγ-soft characteristic. The proton Fermi level lies near the low-Ωh_(11/2)obitals, prolate (γ=0) driving, whereas the neutron Fermi level lies in the mid-Ωh_(11/2)obitals, oblate (γ=60°) driving. Nuclear potential energy surface (PES) calculationshows that the nuclei in A~120 mass region are characterized with aγ-soft deformedcore and the orbitals occupied by the protons and the neutrons with competing shapeddriving tendency. A number of interesting phenomena have been exhibited in thisregion. Such as band termination phenomenon in the bands of odd-A~(113-123)I base onthe low-Kπh_(11/2)configuration, and the shape coexistence between oblate and prolatealso have been observed in~(119,121)I.
     For the odd-A iodine nuclei, a number of interesting phenomena have beenexhibited in odd-odd Z=53 nuclei. For instance, the candidate of chiral bands basedonπg_(9/2)νh_(11/2)configuration in118I, which is the first time observed in iodine isotope,is a hot topic in the study of high spin states. Band terminations have been observed in~(116-120)I, which are the basis of the observation of the fully aligned even the coreexcited states above the band termination, and furthermore, the study of thesephenomenons play an important role in improving the shell model of nuclei. Besides,one more remarkable characteristic is worth of pointing out in~(116-124)I: the yrast bandsare based on theπh_(11/2)νh_(11/2)configuration and the quasi-proton and quasi-neutron both lie in the high-K unique-parity h11/2 obital. There has been significant discrepancy in the assignment of the yrast band in 122I:the yrast band was assigned to negative parityπg7/2/d5/2(?)vn11/2 configuration in the previous work, while in the recent research is assigned to positive parityπg11/2(?)h11/2 configuration. Such an opposite assignment is necessary for us to do a further research in 122I. In addition, a number of isomeric states are observed in the nuclei of this region, such as the high-K 7- and 8- states in 120-124I. The study of isomeric states and the bands above is an important method to investigate the nuclear structure. In summary, nuclei in A-120 region provide a number of interesting informations of the nuclear structure. The research results in this work blew:
     1. The excited states of odd-odd 122I have been studied using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy. From the y-y coincidence analysis, almost 30 gamma transitions have been identified and the most complete level scheme has been established, including eight bands based on different configuration. The previously known structure has been confirmed, and we extended the yrast band to 31h, second populated negative-parity band was extended to 30h, other rotation bands also been extended to the higher spin, respectively.
     2. Based on CSM, the comparison between experimental and theoretical B(M1)/B(E2) value, extraction of alignment angular momentum, the study of exciting energy of systematics and the behavior of signature splitting, we assign the configuration of each band. Our investigation approved the previous assignment of the positive-parity yrast band, which isπh11/2)[550]1/2(?)vh11/2(α=±1/2)[523]7/2-.In the mean time, we assigned the second populated negative-parity band asπh11/2[550]1/2-(?)vd5/2[402]5/2- configuration, and rotation band 3 asπd5/2[420]1/2+(?)vh/2[523]7/2- and band 4 and 6 asπg7/2[422]3/2+(?)vh11/2[523]7/2-configuration, and we also assigned the band 5 asπg11/2[550]1/2-(?)g7/2[404]7/2+ configurations. The configuration of band 7 and 8 had been assigned toπg9/2[404]9/2(?)vh11/2[523]7/2- as twin bands.
     3. A number of transitions between the yrast band and band 2 have been identified. We assigned these transitions as E1 via the analysis of multipolarity and the opposite parity of the two bands, which is as an evidence of octupole correlation phenomenon in 122I.
     4. Band termination phenomenon in the yrast band 1 also has been studied and discussed in this thesis, and the configuration of noncollective oblate states also have been assigned. The lowest-spin oblate state at Iπ=(21+) is based on the [πh11/2(πg7/2)2]23/2-(?)[vh11/2)3]17/2structure. At this state, three quasi-protons outside the closed shell(Z=50) and three quasi-neutrons outside the semi-closed shell(N=64) aligned and provided part of the single-particle angular momenta. The spin of the Iπ=(25+) state can be generated from [πh11/2(πg7/2)2]23/2-(?)[vh11/2)3]27/2-configuration, which is provided the maxium angular momenta by the three quasi-neutrons outside the semi-closed shell. With the spin increasing, the full alignment of all valance nucleons is expected and the nuclear spin arises only from the single-particle angular momenta of these valence nucleons since the nuclear collective motion disappears at a non-collective oblate shape (γ≈60°). The nuclear spin of the Iπ=31+) state can be generated from the [πh11/2(πg7/2)2]23/2-(?)[vh11/2)3(v7/2)2]39/2- configuration. Such a configuration corresponds to a state where all valance nucleons outside the closed or semi-closed shell align their single-particle angular momenta along the symmetric axis of the nucleus. We also pointed out band 2 occur band termination phenomenon at Iπ=(26-), through the TRS calculation and experimental informations. We tentatively assgined the configuration of IπI=(26-) and Iπ(30-) states asπ[h11/2(g7/2)2]23/2-(?)v[h11/2)4d5/2]29/2 andπ[h11/2(g7/2)62]23/2-(?)]V[(h11/2)164d5/2]37/2+ respectively. It is worth pointing that different angular momenta are provided by the same quasi-particles at the two states. Only part of angular momenta are provided by the quasi-neutrons at the Iπ=(26-) state, while the spin of the Iπ=(30-) state is generated by all the quasi-nucleons outside the closed or semi-closed shell aligned their single-particle angular momenta along the symmetric axis of the nucleus.
     5. Octupole correlation in the 122I and other nuclei in this mass region was discussed and studied systematacially. The E1 transitions between yrast andπh11/2(?)vd5/2 bands confirmed in this work infers the reflection symmetry break in 122I. The measured B(E1) shows the E1 transitions are largely enhanced, which is the experimental fingerprint of the octupole correlation.
     6. The energy systemics ofπh11/2(?)vh11/2 bands in odd-odd nuclei A-130 region were studied comparatively, and we found the energy level structure exist some rules of features. The systematic study of signature inversion in odd-odd iodine isotopes based onπh11/2(?)vh11/2 configuration has been performed. With the increasing rotation frequency, the internal structure of odd-odd iodine isotopes change dramatically, which result in the inconsistency of signature inversion regulation between odd-odd iodine isotopes and Z>53 region. As we already mentioned, the systematics of the levels built on theπh11/2 orbital in odd-mass 121-125I isotopes follow the energy trends of the ground-state band in the neighboring Te core nuclei. Accordingly, the 16+level (or the 15+ level) in 120-126I might be attributed to the excitation of a pair of protons in the g7/2 orbital coupled to theπh11/2(?)vh11/2 configuration. We also calculated the B(M1)/B(E2) theory prediction value ofπh11/2(?)vh11/2(?)π(g7/2)2 configuration. The discrepancy of signature inversion between the nuclei in Z>53 region and the odd-odd iodine isotopes can be interpreted as the excitation ofπ(g7/2)2 protons.
     7. The energy systemics ofπg9/2(?)vh11/2 bands in odd-odd I were studied. The bands based on theπg9/2(?)vh11/2 configuration with high-K value were strongly coupled bands. The proton Fermi level lies near the high-j g9/2 obitals show a proton-hole property, whereas the neutron Fermi level lies above the mid-Ωh11/2 obitals show a corpuscular property, and this provides a necessary condition for chiral symmetry breaking. Protons in the higher part of the g9/2 subshell favor a noncollectively oblate shape (γ=60°) while neutrons in the middle part of the h11/2 subshell favor a collectively rotating triaxial shapo30(γ°). A systematic comparison of the candidate chiral band in odd-odd 118-122I has been performed. The near degenerateΔI=1πg9/2(?)vh11/2 bands in odd-odd 118-122I isotopes have been studied. The comparisons of the excited energy, signature splitting, B(M1)/B(E2) ratios, and TRS calculations show the partner bands in the odd-odd 118-122I fulfill the picture of chiral bands. We tentatively pointed out that band 7 and 8 were candidate chiral twin bands based on theπg9/2(?)vh11/2 configration.
     8. Theoretical calculations based on the total Routhian Surface model display the deformation parameter of nuclei changing with rotational frequence of each bands in 122I. Totally,γ=+60°deformations were expected at high spin states in each bands, and occurred with the bands termination effect. These theoretical calculations correspond to the experimental observation ofπh11/2(?)vh11/2 andπg11/2(?)vd5/2 bands very well.
     9. Cranked Shell Model calculations for the quasineutron Routhian of all bandshave been done in order to study the alignment. Based on the experimental results andtheoretical calculations, we discussed the mechanism of alignment and band crossingin each bands.
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