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With the development of tourism planning in China, tourism resources dcvelopment
     becomes marc and more popular, and the tourism planning have gone through 3 stages:
     resource-lead planning stage, markct-lcad planning stage and integrated planning stage. Great
     achievements have been made in the field of tourism planning in China.
     However, county-region, the fundamental complete administration unit, is overlooked in the
     tourism planning field. For a long time, with the guidance of simple concept of tourism resource,
     some leaders of the county developed tourism resources aimlessly, and it bring with the result of
     natural environment destroyed and human ecological spoiled.
     In fact, because of the characteristic and complexity of county-region economy,
     county-region tourism planning is more complex than others. That抯 for the reason of
     county-region economy has the typicaf characteristics of rural area and agriculture dependence;
     county-region is the segmentation line between urban and rural, and so on. In the market
     economy time, between the provincial mac-tourism planning and scenery spot mic-tourism
     planning, county-region tourism planning should be emphasized.
     Because of the complexity of the county-region tourism planning, we can not get well with
     the planning with the tradition methods of tourism planning. Here the author tried to use a new
     kind of thoughts method to consider the tourism planning of county-region, and put forwards a
     new concept of tourism planning target system, which consists of market system, product system,
     industry system, and support system. Then, author discussed the methods and the technology
     system of tourism planning with the system concept. That is: system analysis梥ystem
     control--system optimize, then, the author established a mode of county-region tourism planning:
     3131 planning mode. They are 3 analyses, I target system, 3 items planning.
     Based on the theory the author put fox-ward and the 3131 planning mode he established, the
     author take Zhixin county in Hunan as example, applied the theory and the mode in county
     region tourism planning.
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