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Traditional product-oriented value creation system is turning to service-oriented value creation system. This trend also exists in the tourism industry. The traditional product-oriented marketing mode has not well met the needs of visitors. Visitors' demands show the tendency of diversification. Some visitors not only focus on the consumption of tourism product, but also pursue personalized tourism experience; they are not willing to become the passive consumers, but have a really strong desire to participate in the development of tourism product with tourism enterprise, and gradually become the new source of enterprises'competitive advantage. In this context, it is necessary for tourism enterprisers to meet the visitors'need of personalized touristic experience and participation in product development, and to construct the mechanism of co-creating experience value with visitors. Co-creating value with visitors will become the study hotspot of Tourism Management and Marketing Science in the future.
     Although the theories of tourism experience, experiential value and value co-creation have become a hot point of academic research in recent years, but the research is just at the beginning stage, the research results is not much seen. Research in touristic experience value co-creation theory is almost blank field by the application of the three theories. Even it is hardly seen to research in the influence mechanism of visitors'participation in value co-creation. So this paper probed into the basic theoretical framework of co-creating touristic experience value between visitors and tourism enterprisers, and explored and empirically tested the intrinsic influence mechanism of visitors'participation in value co-creation from the perspective of visitors'perception. Based on the results, this paper put forward specific recommendations for tourism enterprisers to construct value co-creation mechanism.
     First of all, based on the analysis of the related theories including touristic experience, experience value and value co-creation, this paper probed into the basic theoretical framework of co-creating touristic experience value between visitors and tourism enterprisers. The concept and essence of touristic experience value co-creation were clearly explained, and the basic elements (DART) were analyzed. The process of value co-creation was divided into different stages in accordance the temporal phase of consumption and the value creation process, and the content and characteristics of value co-creation in each stage were analyzed. In addition, classification systems of touristic experience value co-creation were established, from multiple perspectives concerning touristic experience, experiential value and value co-creation. The important significance of value co-creation was elaborated, and the synergistic effect of visitor experience value and tourism enterprisers'customer asset value scenic.
     Based on the above theoretical exploration regarding touristic experience value co-creation, the intrinsic influence mechanism of visitors'participation in value co-creation are analyzed thoroughly, and the theoretical framework model about the interactive influence of antecedents, behavior and results was constructed. Visitors'personality, leadership, communication intention and supply conditions of tourism enterprisers were regarded as antecedents variables; visitors'participation behavior was divided into four dimensions, including active and passive participation, shallow and deep involvement; the improvement of visitors'experience value and visitor loyalty were regarded as the outcome variables. According to previous related studies, the interactions among the above variables were deduced; the corresponding path hypotheses were put forward.
     Further, the above theoretical model and path hypotheses were empirically tested. Based on the investigation data in the Beijing Xiangshan Park, many methods of statistical analysis were used to analyze the empirical data, such as descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, structural-equation model(SEM), variance analysis and the like. The results show that, all path hypotheses are tested or partially tested, except that visitors'leadership has not positive effect on passive participation behavior. That is to say, four antecedent variables have positive correlation with visitors'participation behaviors, and visitors'participation behaviors have positive correlation with participation results. In addition, the frequency of visitors'preference for participation content and mode were analyzed, and the cross frequency between visitors'demographic characteristics, tourism characteristics and participation behaviors were analyzed.
     Finally, the empirical data analysis results were summarized, and practical suggestions on construction of touristic experience value co-creation mechanism for tourism enterprisers were put forward. According to the results of empirical analysis, some specific suggestions were proposed for tourism enterprisers to determine target groups of visitor involvement and to build communication platform. Specifically, the content of value co-creation will be set and exchange activities will be organized in the light of visitors'common characteristics and preference. At the same time, tourism enterprisers'provision conditions, such as transparent information on scenic spots and value co-creation, convenient communication channels, certain incentives, more emphasis on and timely response to visitors'advices, will be necessary to attract visitors to participate in co-creating value and to ensure the successful implementation of value co-creation mechanism. In addition, the necessary safeguard measures were put forth, including the transformation of managers'idea, the training for staff, the adoption of appropriate incentives, the clarification of the rights and obligations, the establishment of benefit distribution system, the creation of risk prediction and prevention mechanism of visitor'participation in co-creating vlue.
     In conclusion, this paper used the methods of theoretical deduction and empirical research, probed into the basic theory of touristic experience value co-creation, deduced and empirically validated the intrinsic influence mechanism, enriched and developed the travel experience and value creating theories, and lastly provided useful reference.
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