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Pro-social behavior of individuals begins to appear at the age of3to6and will have a great impact onhuman life. From the perspectives of sociology, psychology and pedagogy, this study discusses thepromoting role of scenario sports games on pro-social behavior of children aged from3to6. Assumingproper sports games which are suitable for the physical and psychological characteristics of young childrencan help develop children’s pro-social behavior effectively, this study will provide theoretical foundationand practical reference for young children’s physical education
     After analyzing the data, consulting some experts and interviewing the teachers and parents of someyoung children, through analyzing the data by means of Statistical Product and Service Solutions(SPSS)and Analysis of Moment Structures(AMOS), a conclusion is drawn as follows: pro-social behavior ofyoung children aged from3to6can be divided into four dimensions, including compassion andconsolation in emotional dimension, help and donation in altruistic dimension, cooperation and sharingin coordinative dimension, and keeping promises and taking turns in responsible dimension. Pro-socialbehavior develops gradually and increases with age. The result of the study shows that the children inintermediate classes in kindergarten develop well in sympathy and consolation behavior, and thechildren in eldest classes and preschool classes get a certain level of development in help, donation,cooperation, sharing, keeping promise and taking turns behavior. Experiments prove that scenariosports games play a promoting role in the development of pro-social behavior of young children. Thesupporting evidence for this study includes the observation of teachers and parents, talking with youngchildren, measurement of physical fitness and health and case study. Children in intermediate classesare aged from3to4, children in eldest classes from4to5, and children in preschool classes from5to6.
     The study shows that scenario sports games can help develop the pro-social behavior of youngchildren in emotion, altruism, coordination and responsibility. The concrete results are as follows:1. Theydevelop remarkably the sympathy behavior of the children in intermediate classes; they develop thesympathy behavior of the children in eldest classes to a certain degree and the effect is not as remarkable asit is in intermediate classes.2. They develop the consolation behavior of children and the effect isremarkable in intermediate classes, eldest classes and preschool classes.3. They develop the help behaviorof children and the effect is remarkable in eldest classes and preschool classes.4. They develop thedonation behavior of children in eldest classes to a certain degree while they fail to develop the children inpreschool classes.5. They develop the coordination behavior of children both in eldest classes and inpreschool classes and the effect is considerably remarkable.6. They develop the sharing behavior ofchildren both in eldest classes and in preschool classes and the effect is considerably remarkable.7. Theydevelop the keeping promises behavior of children both in eldest classes and in preschool classes and theeffect is considerably remarkable.8. They develop the taking turns behavior of children both in eldestclasses and in preschool classes and the effect is considerably remarkable.
     The study on cases shows that scenario sports games play a role in helping correct bad conduct. Firstintervention can reduce the frequency of bad conduct. The cessation of intervention will cause it to rebound,but it will not return to its original level, which shows intervention can maintain its effect. Furtherintervention can make the frequency of bad conduct lowest, which proves that scenario sports games canhelp correct bad conduct very effectively.
     Children’s physical health is closely related to the development of their sociality. The study finds outthat sports games can promote physical health of young children to some extent. But there are still manyproblems in the process of measurement of children’s physical fitness and health, including the inadequatepopularizaton of the test, the delay of feedback mechanism and the errors of tests results. These problemsmay result in the evaluation on children’s physical health to be unscientific and will restrict the study of theconnection between physical health and the development of young children’s sociality.
     Based on the conclusions above, suggestions are given as follows:1. Curriculum for young children’sphysical education should be laid down and perfected. Sports games should be increased so as to promoteyoung children’s pro-social behavior.2. Certain laws should be made to guarantee young children’s right ofjoining in sports games so that they can develop their personality freely.3. Kindergarten teachers should begiven some courses about physical education in order to ensure the reasonableness of young children’sphysical education.4. Emphasis should be focused on the connection between young children’s physicalhealth and the development of their sociality, and the system of measurement of young children’ physicalfitness and health should be established and perfected.5. The study of young children’s physical educationshould be probed deeply so that sports games will make contribution to the development of youngchildren’s sociality.
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