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This is a case study of pathways of transformation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology which has reacted to the changeable environment.The prime objective of the research is to reveal the specific strategies which has responsed to academic capitalism and explain why Huazhong University of Science and Technology has reacted to it in this way in the unique cultural tradition in china, what's more,this research will reflect the main responding mode of universities of china facing academic capitalism from one side.An objective of the completed study is not only to promote the international communication and understanding of the unique way of development of universities of china,but also to provide decision making for the Higher Education Institutions of the same type and lead the development of them.
     Through continued face to face interviews, field trips and the arrangement and collection of historical data,I obtain abundence materials.With a lot of first-hand data, including oral information from interviews, school history, newspapers, archives, technology industry yearbooks, conference papers, personal biography, Statistical Yearbook of Education.Using these materials, the theoretical assumptions and questions have been successfully proposed. Through further description and analysis of history, the theoretical assumptions has been confirmed.Then,through theoretical induction and construction, a management model derived from this case has been established. On this basis, taking the University of Warwick as an example to support this theoretical model, and then promote it, extends to the interpretation category of a range of universities.
     Through this case study on Huazhong University of Science and Technology and double-case examination,some new findings which differs from previous studies have been obtained.First of all, the transformation experience of European and American universities and Huazhong University of Science and Technology in the new era tells us that transformation is the only option to cope with change.The development of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has always been a management change history.To examine the development history of Huazhong University of Science and Technology from the perspective of management,we can find that clearly the reason why Huazhong University of Science and Technology has developed so rapidly is that its change in time facing the social transformation. Because in a different transition,through transformation from traditional management to innovation management,and then from innovation management to entrepreneurial management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology developed from the Initial stage to academic accumulation rapidly, then quickly leaps into the development of period. Second,the choice of pathways of transformation depends on the traditional culture and historical traditions.Only watching and surpassing the cultural traditions can the universities be adaptive survival and development. Traditional culture will be a permanent balancing force of the choice of pathways of transformation. Finally,in the new era, Huazhong University of Science and Technology has accepted the challenges bravely, seen problems as opportunities and achieved the entrepreneurial transition through entrepreneurial management reform which include five core elements,such as entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial resources, entrepreneurial team, entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurial values.This entrepreneurial university has been established through the way of management transformation,during the process of transformation, to take grasping the entrepreneurial opportunities firmly as the core, because it is the pursuit for excellence;To base on integrating the entrepreneurial resources creatively, because it is a prerequisite to grasp opportunities for development;To form entrepreneurial team dynamicly according to the need of developing opportunities, because it is superior organizational guarantee; Always to base on entrepreneurial values, because it is the internal driving forces for the pursuit of excellence; Always to aim to form entrepreneurial culture, because it is the common spirit of maintaining excellence.
     Overall,the transformation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology reflects that a transformation of management thinking and action of universities of china from "how much money to do how many things" to "to do how many things to hunt for how much money". The road of Huazhong University of Science and Technology illustrates that it is possible and neccesary to create entrepreneurial universities through the way of management reform. Moreover,the result of double-case copying has also confirmed the explanatory power of management theory model.
    ① The State of Higher Education in the World Today[EB/OL].http://portal.unesco.org/en/2009-07.24.
    ④“学术资本主义(或学术创业主义)”(Academic Capitalism))-词最早是Edward J.Hackett(1990)用来总结学术科学上重要的结构变化的,并指出马克思.韦伯早在1925年就把医学和自然科学描述为国家资本主义企业。后来,美国乔治亚大学教授希拉·斯劳特和拉里·莱斯利为形象表征学术劳动性质的变化而首次在高教界大胆引进具有浓郁商业气息的术语。他们在《学术资本主义:政治、政策和创业型大学》一书中将“学术资本主义”界定为:“院校及其教师为确保外来资金的市场活动或具有市场特点的活动。”其中具有市场特点的行为是指“院校和教师为资金而竞争,不管这些资金是来自外部拨款和合同、捐款、大学—工业伙伴关系、院校对教授的衍生公司的投资、学生的学杂费或其他一些创收活动。”市场行为是指“就院校而言的营利活动,诸如申请专利以及随之而来的版权税和许可协议,以及衍生公司、独立公司、产学伙伴关系,等等。”市场活动也包括更多的世俗运作,诸如来自教育活动的产品和服务,与饮食服务公司和书店中利润分成,等等。
    ② Gartner.A conceptual framework for describing the phenomenon of new venture creation[J]. Academy of Management Review,1985,10(4):696-706.
    ③ Low, Macmillan.Entrepreneurship:past research and future challenges[J].Journal of Management,1988,(14):139-161.
    ④ Shane, Venkataraman.The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(1):217-226.
    ⑤ Morris M H.Entrepreneurial intensity:sustainable advantages for individual organizations and societies[M].Quorum Books,1998.17-45.
    ① Janette Munro, Roger Cook. The small enterprise as the authentic learning environment opportunity (SEALEO) Aslib Proceedings. Bradford:2009. Vol.60, Iss.6; pg.686
    ③ Matthew M Mars, Sheila Slaughter, Gary Rhoades.The State-Sponsored Student Entrepreneur The Journal of Higher Education. Columbus:Nov/Dec 2008. Vol.79, Iss.6; pg.638
    ④ Kelly Smith.Embedding enterprise education into the curriculum at a research-led university Education & Training. London:2008. Vol.50, Iss.8/9; pg.713
    ⑤ Sizong Wu, Lingfei Wu. The impact of higher education on entrepreneurial intentions of university students in ChinaJournal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Bradford:2008. Vol.15, Iss.4; pg.752
    ⑥ Adela Coman. Education and entrepreneurship:Drivers for sustainable development.Human Systems Management. Amsterdam:2008. Vol.27, Iss.3; pg.255
    ① Hans Landstrom,Hermann Frank,Jose Vecina.Entrepreneurship&Small Business Research in European ECSB survey.Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing Co.,1997.
    ① William B Bonvillian. The politics of jobs Issues in Science and Technology. Washington:Summer 2007. Vol.23, Iss. 4; pg.84,4 pgs
    ② Ian J Deary, Graham Thorpe, Valerie Wilson, John M Starr, Population sex differences in IQ at age 11:The Scottish mental survey 1932 Lawrence J Whalley. Intelligence. Norwood:2003. Vol.31, Iss.6; pg.533
    ① Kinglun Ngok. Massification, bureauciatization and questing for "world-class" status; Higher education in China since the mid-1990s [J].The International Journal of Educational Management. Bradford:2008. Vol.22, Iss.6; pg.547
    ② Jose Luis Ortega, Isidro F. Aguillo.Mapping world-class universities.Cybermetrics Lab, IEDCYT-CSIC, Joaquin Costa,22,28002 Madrid, Spain
    ③ Ka-ho Mok. The quest for world class university:Quality assurance and international benchmarking in Hong Kong Quality Assurance in Education. Bradford:2005. Vol.13, Iss.4; pg.277,28 pgs
    ④ Philip G Altbach. The Costs and Benefits of World-Class Universities Academe. Washington:Jan/Feb 2004. Vol.90, Iss. 1;pg.20
    ②刘念才,Jan Sadlak.世界一流大学[J].上海:上海交通大学出版社,2007年版P4.
    ③刘念才,Jan Sadlak.世界一流大学[J].上海:上海交通大学出版社,2007年版P50-51.
    ① Poh-Kam Wong, Yuen-Ping Ho, Annette Singh. Towards an "Entrepreneurial University" Model to Support Knowledge-Based Economic Development:The Case of the National University of SingaporeWorld Development. Oxford:Jun 2007. Vol.35, Iss.6; pg.941
    ② Paul Benneworth. Seven Samurai Opening Up the Ivory Tower? The Construction of Newcastle as an Entrepreneurial University。European Planning Studies. Abingdon:Apr 2007. Vol.15, Iss.4; pg.487
    ③ Andrea Liesner. Education or Service? Remarks on teaching and learning in the entrepreneurial university Educational Philosophy and Theory. Abingdon:Aug 2006. Vol.38, Iss.4; pg.483
    ④ Rosemary Deem.Globalization, new managerialism, academic capitalism and entrepreneurialism in universities:Is the local dimension still important? Comparative Education. Oxford:Feb 2001. Vol.37, Iss.1; pg.7
    ⑤ Smilor, Raymond W, Dietrich, Glenn B, Gibson, David V. The entrepreneurial university:The role of higher education in the United States in technology commercialization and economic development International Social Science Journal. (English edition). Paris:Feb 1993. Vol.45, Iss.1; pg.1
    ① Arianna Martinelli, Martin Meyer, Nick von Tunzelmann. Becoming an entrepreneurial university? A case study of knowledge exchange relationships and faculty attitudes in a medium-sized, research-oriented universityJournal of Technology Transfer. Indianapolis:Jun 2008. Vol.33, Iss.3; pg.259,25 pgs
    ② Chunyan Zhou. Emergence of the entrepreneurial university in evolution of the triple helix: The case of Northeastern University in China Journal of Technology Management in China. Bradford:2008. Vol.3, Iss.1; pg.109
    ③ Rory P O'Shea, Thomas J Allen, Kenneth P Morse, Colm O'Gorman, Frank Roche. Delineating the anatomy of an entrepreneurial university:the Massachusetts Institute of Technology experience R & D Management. Oxford:Jan 2007. Vol.37, Iss. 1;pg.1
    ④ William T Todorovic, Rod B McNaughton, Paul D Guild. Making university departments more entrepreneurial: The perspective from withinlnternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. London:May 2005. Vol.6, Iss.2; pg. 115
    ⑤ Merle Jacob, Mats Lundqvist, Hans Hellsmark. Entrepreneurial transformations in the Swedish University system: The case of Chalmers University of Technology Research Policy. Amsterdam:Oct 2003. Vol.32, Iss.9; pg.1555
    ① Barbara Sporn. Building Adaptive Universities: Emerging Organisational Forms Based on Experiences of European and US Universities Tertiary Education and Management. Dordrecht:2001. Vol.7, Iss.2; pg.121
    ⑤[印度]阿萨.古达,徐小洲,龚艳霞译.建立创业型大学——印度的回应[J].教育发展研究,知识 创新与创业型大学专题
    ② PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE.PhD.AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF.Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M].Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p1166.
    ⑦ PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD.AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF.Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M].Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p532.
    ⑧ PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD.AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF.Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M].Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986.p1188.
    ⑨ PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD.AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF.Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M].Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p647.
    ② Matthew L Nelson, Roslin V Hauck. Clicking to Learn: A Case Study of Embedding Radio-Frequency based Clickers in an Introductory Management Information Systems CourseJournal of Information Systems Education. West Lafayette: Spring 2008. Vol.19, Iss.1;pg.55,10 pgs
    ① Munyae Mulinge, Margaret M Munyae. Managing Organizational Change in Higher Education:Lessons From the University of BotswanaJournal of African Business. Binghamton:2008. Vol.9, Iss.1;pg.167
    ② M. Paloma Sanchez, Susana Elena. Intellectual capital in universities; Improving transparency and internal management. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Bradford:2006. Vol.7, Iss.4; pg.529
    ③ Richard A Fenner, Charles MAinger, Heather J Cruickshank, Peter M Guthrie. Embedding sustainable development at Cambridge University Engineering Department International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Bradford: 2005. Vol.6, Iss.3; pg.229,13 pgs
    ④ Donal Carroll. Releasing trapped thinking in colleges. Part 1:Using creative thinking in colleges.Quality Assurance in Education. Bradford:2001. Vol.9, Iss.4; pg.208,10 pgs
    ③ PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD.AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF.Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M].Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p759.
    ④ PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD.AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF.Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M].Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p2542.威廉.A萨尔曼,霍华德.H史蒂文森,迈克.J罗伯特,阿玛.布海德著,郭武文主译.创业管理(第二版)[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005p5.
    ① The definition of entrepreneurship has evolved over the past two decades from research at Babson College and the Harvard Business School and has recently been the,enhanced by Stephen Spinelli,Jr.,the John Muller Chairholder at Babson College.
    ② J.A.Timmons,D.F.Muzyka,H.H.Stevenson,and W.D.Bygrave,"Opportunity Recognition:The Core of Entrepreneurship," in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (Babson Park,M A:Babson College 1987),p.409.
    ① Shane,S.,&Venkataraman,S.2000.The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of Management Review25:217-226.
    ② Ardichvili,AL,Cardozo,R.,&Ray,S.2003.A theory of entrepreneurship opportunity identification and development Journal of Business Venturing 18:105-124.
    ② Schumpeter,J.A.1934.The theory of economic development:Aninquiry into profits,capital credit,interest,and the business cycle.Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press.
    ① Juming zhao.The Making Of A Chinese University:A Case Study Of Organization And Administration Of A Key Chinese University. [D].A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of PH.D,McGill University,p96.
    ① PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD.AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF.Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M].Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p1583.
    ① Ardichvili,A1,Cardozo,R.,&Ray,S.2003.A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development. Journal of Business Venturing 18:105-204.
    ② Kirzner,I.1997.Entrepreneurial discovery and the competitive market process:An Austrian approach.The Journal of Economic Literature35:60-85.
    ③ Schumpeter,J.A.1934.The theory of economic development:Aninquiry into profits,capital credit,interest,and the business cycle.Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press.
    ① Shane,S(in preparation).The individual-opportunity nexus:perspectives on entrepreneurship.Aldershot,United Kingdom:Eward Elgar.
    ② See Jeffry A.Timmons,New Business Opportunities(Action,MA:Brick House Publishing,1989)
    ② PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD.AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF.Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M].Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p 1583.
    ① This definition was developed by Howard H.Stevenson and colleagues at the Harvard Business School. His work on a paradigm for entrepreneurial management has contributed greatly to this area of entrepreneurship.See Howard H.Stevenson, "A New paradigm for entrepreneurial management," in proceedings from the 7th Anniversary Symposium on Entrepreneuship,July 1983(Boston:Harward Business School,1984).
    ② See J.A.Timmons, "The Entrepreneurial Team," Journal of Small Bussiness Management,October 1975,pp.36-37.
    ① GARTNER, SHAVER, GATE W, et al. Finding the entrepreneur in entrepreneurship [J]. Entrepreneurship theory and Practice,1994,18:5-10.
    ② CHANDLER, HANKS. An investigation of new venture teams in emerging businesses [J]. Frontiers of entrepreneurship research,1998:318-330.
    ① SHANE, VENKATARAMA, MACM ILLAN. Cultural differences in innovation champ ioning strategies [J]. Manage, 1995,21 (5):931-953.
    ① CHANDLER, HANKS. An investigation of new venture teams in emerging businesses [J]. Frontiers of entrep reneurship research,1998:318-330.
    ② LLOYD. Dinosaur and company. Studies in corporate evolution[M]. New York:Viking Penguin,1986
    ③ CHANDLER, HANKS. An investigation of new venture teams in emerging businesses [J]. Frontiers of entrepreneurship research,1998:318-330.
    ③ Keller,R.T.2000.Cross-functional project groups in research and new product development:Diversity, communications, job stress,and outcomes. Academy of Management Journal 44:547-555.
    ①罗伯特.K.殷著,周海涛主译,李永贤 张衡参译.案例研究:设计与方法.[M].重庆:重庆大学出版社.2004年版,p42
    ① http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/about/history/
    [29]龚放.现代大学制度创新的“应为”与“可为”—一流大学建设的题中应有之义[J]. 高等教育研究,2006(7):40.
    [34]刘念才,Jan Sadlak.世界一流大学[J].上海:上海交通大学出版社,2007.
    [55]洪兵.真正的战略在中国.载《舰船知识》网络版,(http://jets. news. sina. com. cn/2004-10-28/1736238259. html).
    [62]李智,胡艳华.华中科技大学跨越式发展之路[M].武汉:华中科技大学出版社, 2009.
    [72]罗伯特.K.殷著,周海涛主译,李永贤 张衡参译.案例研究:设计与方法.[M].重庆:重庆大学出版社,2004.
    [98][美]弗兰克.H T罗德斯著,王晓阳,蓝劲松等译.创造未来--美国大学的作用[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2007.
    [1]The State of Higher Education in the World Today[EB/OL]. http://portal. unesco. org/en/2009-07.24.
    [2]Gartner. A conceptual framework for describing the phenomenon of new venture creation[J]. Academy of Management Review,1985,10(4):696-706.
    [3]Low, Macmillan. Entrepreneurship:past research and future challenges[J]. Journal of Management,1988,(14):139-161.
    [4]Shane, Venkataraman. The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research[J]. Academy of Management Review,2000,25(1):217-226.
    [5]Morris M H. Entrepreneurial intensity:sustainable advantages for individual organizations and societies[M]. Quorum Books,1998.17-45.
    [7]Janette Munro, Roger Cook. The small enterprise as the authentic learning environment opportunity (SEALEO) Aslib Proceedings. Bradford:2009. Vol.60, Iss.6; pg.686
    [9]Matthew M Mars, Sheila Slaughter, Gary Rhoades. The State-Sponsored Student Entrepreneur The Journal of Higher Education. Columbus:Nov/Dec 2008. Vol.79, Iss. 6; pg.638
    [10]Kelly Smith. Embedding enterprise education into the curriculum at a research-led university Education & Training. London:2008. Vol.50, Iss.8/9; pg.713
    [11]Sizong Wu, Lingfei Wu. The impact of higher education on entrepreneurial intentions of university students in ChinaJournal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Bradford:2008. Vol.15, Iss.4; pg.752
    [12]Adela Coman. Education and entrepreneurship:Drivers for sustainable development. Human Systems Management. Amsterdam:2008. Vol.27, Iss.3; pg.255
    [13]Hans Landstrom,Hermann Frank,Jose Vecina. Entrepreneurship&Small Business Research in European ECSB survey. Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing Co.,1997.
    [14]William B Bonvillian. The politics of jobs Issues in Science and Technology. Washington:Summer 2007. Vol.23, Iss.4; pg.84,4 pgs
    [15]Ian J Deary, Graham Thorpe, Valerie Wilson, John M Starr, Population sex differences in IQ at age 11:The Scottish mental survey 1932 Lawrence J Whalley. Intelligence. Norwood:2003. Vol.31, Iss.6;pg.533
    [16]Kinglun Ngok. Massification, bureaucratization and questing for "world-class" status; Higher education in China since the mid-1990s [J]. The International Journal of Educational Management. Bradford:2008. Vol.22, Iss.6;pg.547
    [17]Jose Luis Ortega, Isidro F. Aguillo. Mapping world-class universities. Cybermetrics Lab, IEDCYT-CSIC, Joaquin Costa,22,28002 Madrid, Spain
    [18]Ka-ho Mok. The quest for world class university:Quality assurance and international benchmarking in Hong KongQuality Assurance in Education. Bradford:2005. Vol.13, Iss.4; pg.277,28 pgs
    [19]Philip G Altbach. The Costs and Benefits of World-Class Universities Academe. Washington:Jan/Feb 2004. Vol.90, Iss.1; pg.20
    [20]Poh-Kam Wong, Yuen-Ping Ho, Annette Singh. Towards an "Entrepreneurial University" Model to Support Knowledge-Based Economic Development:The Case of the National University of SingaporeWorld Development. Oxford:Jun 2007. Vol. 35, Iss.6; pg.941
    [21]Paul Benneworth. Seven Samurai Opening Up the Ivory Tower? The Construction of Newcastle as an Entrepreneurial University。European Planning Studies. Abingdon: Apr 2007. Vol.15, Iss.4; pg.487
    [22]Andrea Liesner. Education or Service? Remarks on teaching and learning in the entrepreneurial university Educational Philosophy and Theory. Abingdon:Aug 2006. Vol.38, Iss.4; pg.483
    [23]Rosemary Deem. Globalization, new managerialism, academic capitalism and entrepreneurialism in universities:Is the local dimension still important? Comparative Education. Oxford:Feb 2001. Vol.37, Iss.1; pg.7
    [24]Smilor, Raymond W, Dietrich, Glenn B, Gibson, David V. The entrepreneurial university:The role of higher education in the United States in technology commercialization and economic development International Social Science Journal. (English edition). Paris:Feb 1993. Vol.45, Iss.1; pg.1
    [25]Arianna Martinelli, Martin Meyer, Nick von Tunzelmann. Becoming an entrepreneurial university? A case study of knowledge exchange relationships and faculty attitudes in a medium-sized, research-oriented universityJournal of Technology Transfer. Indianapolis:Jun 2008. Vol.33, Iss.3; pg.259,25 pgs
    [26]Chunyan Zhou. Emergence of the entrepreneurial university in evolution of the triple helix; The case of Northeastern University in China Journal of Technology Management in China. Bradford:2008. Vol.3, Iss.1; pg.109
    [27]Rory P O'Shea, Thomas J Allen, Kenneth P Morse, Colm O'Gorman, Frank Roche. Delineating the anatomy of an entrepreneurial university:the Massachusetts Institute of Technology experience R & D Management. Oxford:Jan 2007. Vol.37, Iss.1; pg.1
    [28]William T Todorovic, Rod B McNaughton, Paul D Guild. Making university departments more entrepreneurial:The perspective from withinInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. London:May 2005. Vol.6, Iss.2; pg.115
    [29]Merle Jacob, Mats Lundqvist, Hans Hellsmark. Entrepreneurial transformations in the Swedish University system:The case of Chalmers University of Technology Research Policy. Amsterdam:Oct 2003. Vol.32, Iss.9; pg.1555
    [30]Barbara Sporn. Building Adaptive Universities:Emerging Organisational Forms Based on Experiences of European and US Universities Tertiary Education and Management. Dordrecht:2001. Vol.7, Iss.2; pg.121
    [32]Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M]. Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p 1166.
    [34]Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M]. Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p532.
    [35]PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD. AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF. Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M]. Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p 1188.
    [36]PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD. AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF. Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M]. Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p647.
    [37]Matthew L Nelson, Roslin V Hauck. Clicking to Learn:A Case Study of Embedding Radio-Frequency based Clickers in an Introductory Management Information Systems CourseJournal of Information Systems Education. West Lafayette:Spring 2008. Vol. 19, Iss. 1;pg.55, 10pgs
    [38]Munyae Mulinge, Margaret M Munyae. Managing Organizational Change in Higher Education:Lessons From the University of BotswanaJournal of African Business. Binghamton:2008. Vol.9, Iss.1; pg.167
    [39]M. Paloma Sanchez, Susana Elena. Intellectual capital in universities; Improving transparency and internal management. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Bradford:2006. Vol.7, Iss.4; pg.529
    [40]Richard A Fenner, Charles M Ainger, Heather J Cruickshank, Peter M Guthrie. Embedding sustainable development at Cambridge University Engineering Department International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Bradford: 2005. Vol.6, Iss.3; pg.229,13 pgs
    [41]Donal Carroll. Releasing trapped thinking in colleges. Part 1:Using creative thinking in colleges. Quality Assurance in Education. Bradford:2001. Vol.9, Iss.4; pg.208,10 pgs
    [42]PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD. AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF. Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M]. Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p759.
    [43]PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD. AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF. Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M]. Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p2542.
    [44]The definition of entrepreneurship has evolved over the past two decades from research at Babson College and the Harvard Business School and has recently been the,enhanced by Stephen Spinelli,Jr.,the John Muller Chairholder at Babson College.
    [45]J. A. Timmons,D. F. Muzyka,H. H. Stevenson,and W. D. Bygrave,"Opportunity Recognition:The Core of Entrepreneurship," in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (Babson Park,MA:Babson College 1987),p.409.
    [46]Shane,S.,&Venkataraman,S.2000. The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research. Academy of Management Review25:217-226.
    [47]Ardichvili,AL,Cardozo,R.,&Ray,S.2003. A theory of entrepreneurship opportunity identification and development. Journal of Business Venturing 18:105-124.
    [48]Schumpeter,J. A.1934. The theory of economic development:Aninquiry into profits,capital credit,interest,and the business cycle. Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press.
    [49]PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE,PhD. AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF. Third New International Dictionary The definitive Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language[M]. Beijing:World Publishing Corporation,1986,p 1583.
    [50]Ardichvili,A1,Cardozo,R.,&Ray,S.2003. A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development. Journal of Business Venturing 18:105-204.
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    [53]Shane,S(in preparation). The individual-opportunity nexus:perspectives on entrepreneurship. Aldershot,United Kingdom:Eward Elgar.
    [54]See Jeffry A. Timmons,New Business Opportunities(Action,MA:Brick House Publishing,1989)
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