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人类社会的发展离不开能源,在日趋现代化的今天,人类对能源越来越大的需求与常规化石能源的日渐枯竭成为人类社会可持续发展过程中必须要解决的问题。在对各种新能源的开发利用过程中,太阳能以其清洁及可再生性被认为是最有希望的新能源。目前,基于硅片的太阳能电池由于成本太高,很难与常规能源相竞争,要想用太阳能电池替代传统化石能源,就必须降低太阳能电池的生产成本,其主要途径之一是制造薄膜电池。氢化纳米晶硅薄膜(hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films,nc-Si:H)由于量子限制效应引起的晶体硅能带结构发生改变,使其具有较强的室温光致发光(photoluminescence)和电致发光(electroluminescence)特性成为薄膜太阳能电池发展的热点。其在太阳能电池中最初应用于pin结构中的掺杂层。由于非晶相的存在又使得这种材料具有较好的光敏性,因而在提高光照稳定性的情况下,还能获得较好的光伏特性。目前已有包括本征i层在内,完全使用nc-Si:H薄膜制备的太阳能电池。同时,由于nc-Si:H本征层的带隙(1.89eV)比一般非晶硅本征层(1.72eV)宽,使其成为叠层电池的重要组成部分。
     然而,作为一种两相结构,人们对nc-Si:H薄膜尤其是掺杂nc-Si:H薄膜的制备和成膜机理的研究还不充分,例如杂质在nc-Si:H薄膜中的分布、成键态及其对薄膜电学、光学性能影响的研究尚不完善。同时,现阶段的研究还主要集中在对沉积参数与薄膜结构性能的关系上,很少有将沉积参数、等离子体反应生成的前驱基团和薄膜结构性能联系到一起的系统研究。本文采用电子回旋共振等离子体化学气相沉积(ECR-PECVD)设备,通过在沉积腔室中通入PH3和B2H6分别制备了n型和p型nc-Si:H薄膜。在实验方面,应用TEM, XRD, Raman, XPS, FTIR等手段详细研究了气体流量、沉积温度等对薄膜结构的影响,通过Hall和透射光谱测试研究了不同实验参数下薄膜的电学及光学特性。结合对沉积环境的等离子体诊断,详细讨论了本征及掺杂nc-Si:H薄膜的生长机理及掺杂特性。在丰富了nc-Si:H及其掺杂薄膜制备技术的同时,为其沉积理论和掺杂机理的完善提供了实验基础。论文主要结论如下:
In recent years, with the concept of sustainable development and environment protection deeply rooting among the people and gradual exhaustion of ordinary petrifaction energy source, tapping new energy source becomes more and more importent. In that field, PV solar energy is considered to be one of the most promising options. But in view of the limited reduction space upon cost of solar cells of silicon wafer, it is hard to compete with conventional energy. The cost of silicon wafer account for over95%of overall costs of solar cells raw material and energy consumption. Therefore, the main way to reduce the cost of solar cells is to manufacture thin films solar cells. Hydrogenated nanocrocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) has been confirmed as a promising PV absorber material, owing to its low cost, high conversion efficiency, good stability and good performance of photoluminescence and electroluminescence at room temperature.
     Impurities play a central role in semiconductor technology. In the case of Si nanocrystal-based solar cells, both phosphorus-doped n-type nc-Si:H thin films and boron-doped p-type nc-Si:H thin films are essential component. Since nc-Si:H thin films are mixed-phase material, where small and isolated Si nanocrytallites disperively distribute in an amorphous matrix, doping of Si nanocrystals is quite complicated and not fully understood yet. In this paper, Intrinsic, p-type and n-type nc-Si:H thin films were prepared by electron cyclotron resonance plasma-enhanced chemical vapar depositon (ECR-PECVD). Techniques such as TEM, XRD, Raman, XPS and FTIR were used to analyze the structure of the films. Hall system was carried out on the doped films to determine the electrical properties. The optical quality was measured by transmission spectrum. OES and Langmuir probe were used to investigate the plasma surrounding of the ECR-PECVD system. Then we made a deep research about the mechanism of nc-Si:H doping based on the experimental results. These studies provide abundant experimental and theoretical foundations to the further application of nc-Si:H. The results of this paper are showed below:
     1. Intrinsic nc-Si:H thin films
     In this work we analyze the effect of substrate temperature, depostition time, working pressure and gas-flow rate on the structure of as-deposited films. Intrinsic nc-Si:H thin films were successfully prepared at low substrate temperature (250℃) by ECR-PECVD. Some useful rules and knowledge about the preparation of nc-Si:H thin films by ECR-PECVD have been grasped for next doping experiment, e.g. crystallinity of the films increased with the increase of substrate temperature. When the deposition time extend, the crystallinity of as-deposited films increased, at the meantime the grain orientation would changed to (220) preferential.
     2. n-type nc-Si:H thin films
     The crystallinity of the as-grown phosphorus-doped n-type nc-Si:H thin films had a strong fall with the increase of PH3flow when the substrate temperature was250℃. And this effect reduced when the substrate tempereature rose to350℃. The influence of Ar/H2ratio on the characteristics of n-type nc-Si:H thin films prepared by ECR-PECVD was investigated. It was suggested that introducing Ar into the H2plasma strengthened the dissociation of PH3, and thus enhanced the doping efficiency. The content of H bonded as Si-H2and (Si-H2)n modes was getting smaller with the Ar/H2ratio increasing, which meant that both the asymmetry and stability of the films were improved. Thus it was a feasible method for improving the properties of phosphorus-doped nc-Si:H thin films that a moderate amount of Ar was introducted into the H2plasma.
     3. p-type nc-Si:H thin films
     B doped p-type nc-Si:H thin films could be prepared at low substrate temperature (250℃) by ECR-PECVD. The films showed excellent electrical properties and good optical properties, according with applicaton performance requirements of the window layer of solar cells. The influence of Ar/H2ratio on B-doped characteristics of nc-Si:H thin films prepared by ECR-PECVD has been also investigated. Diluting process gas H2with Ar did enhance the doping efficiency of B2H6. But unlike the n-type situation, Ar diluting did not increase the density of carrier, which means the increased amount of B in the films must be inactivated (B30).
     Then the plasma surrounding has been diagnosised by OES and Langmuir probe testing. The microcosmic mechanism of the influence of Ar/H2on the characteristics of P and B doped nc-Si:H films have been discussed deeply.
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