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     产业结构水平较低、升级缓慢的背后是技术水平较低、进步缓慢。本文以珠三角为例分析技术进步缓慢的原因,作者发现技术水平较低、进步缓慢的关键原因是在厂商技术采用和劳动力人力资本投资之间存在互补性,一定条件下这会导致多重均衡:一种是“高技术均衡”,即厂商的技术进步较快,劳动力的人力资本水平较高;另一种是”低技术均衡”,即厂商的技术进步较慢,劳动力的人力资本水平较低。本文利用人力资本(Human Capital)和干中学(Learning by Doing)的框架,对这一机制进行了刻画。作者认为,中国产业结构水平较低、升级缓慢的根本原因是我国劳动力绝对数量较大和相对素质较差,由于在技术采用和人力资本之间存在互补性,因此我们长期处于全球产业分工链的低端。这是由我国要素禀赋的特征决定的均衡结果。因此推进产业结构的升级可以从两个方而着手,分别是对企业的技术创新和劳动力的人力资本投资进行补贴。由于人力资本投资的外部性更强,因此政策的着重点应是提高劳动力的人力资本水平。
Under the circumstances of globalization, industrialization and urbanization, the present paper investigates several topics of China's economy in the light of endogenous economic growth theory, which includes the high-speed economic growth after the reform, current-account imbalance, and industry upgrade and integration.
     The most important impetus of China's economic growth includes industry transfer and labor force mobility. After the reform and opening up of China, many industries especially manufacturing transfer from advanced countries to China. At the same time, more and more rural labor force moves into the cities and enter non-agricultural industries. In this process, China's comparative advantage has been fully displayed. During the two-way transfer, China is confronted with severe current account imbalance because of structural problems, which include poor technology innovation capability, low efficiency of financial market, and investment barriers. According to the endogenous technology R&D model, the present paper constructs a formal analytical framework to investigate the mechanism of these issues. This paper rationalizes current account imbalance as an equilibrium outcome when different regions of the world differ in their economic structure.
     Industry upgrade is in fact technology upgrade. The present paper analyzes the mechanism of slow technology upgrade taking the Zhujiang delta as an example. The key reason is the complementation between technology adoption and human capital investment. This will lead to multi-equilibrium in some circumstances. One is the high-technology equilibrium, which refers to high-speed technology upgrade and high-level human capital; the other is the low-technology equilibrium, which refers to low-speed technology upgrade and low-level human capital. The present paper constructs a formal analytical framework to investigate this mechanism on the basis of human capital model and learning by doing model. China has been in the low-end of global industrial division chain since the reform and opening up, which is an equilibrium outcome of China's factor endowment. To promote industry upgrade, the government had better subsidize technology innovation and human capital investment. Because the externality of human capital investment is larger, the government should focus financial support on human capital accumulation.
     Industry integration is an important aspect of metropolitan area's optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. The principle of industry integration is to exploit comparative advantage of all the cities, and the pivot is the mode of industry integration between the central city and the other cities. There are two paths of industry integration between the central city and the other cities, respectively are sector specialization and function specialization. From the experiences of developed countries, along the advancement of communication technology, there has been a shift in the main dimension along which cities specialize, from a specialization by sector to a specialization by function. In fact, the Yangzi delta has also shown this transformation. The current paper investigates the mechanism behind this phenomenon in the light of endogenous technology innovation.
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