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The Roman Statute of the International Criminal Court (the Statue) which opened for ratification in 1998, creates a series of new international criminal justice standards, and appropriately combines the substantial and procedural rules as an integrated whole in the field of international criminal justice.
     The Statute consists of the main body and another two attachments named separately the Elements of Crime and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence (the Procedure). The Statue is currently the most complete international criminal code. Though it regulates only genocide, the crimes against humanity, the crimes of war and the crimes of aggression, which are all the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, but the international criminal justice principles, the function and status of the permanent criminal court and the special jurisdiction principles it creates, will pay a large role in the development of future criminal system.
     This dissertation consists of 7 chapters:
     In chapter I, the author discusses the historical rule of mutual conflicts and combination between civil law and common law systems, explains the necessity for the Statue and the Procedure to combine the procedural and evidential rules of civil law tradition and common law tradition by exploring the history of the international criminal justice. Germanen law and Roman law are the common origin of the two major legal systems, which provides historical basis for the Statute to combine the procedural and evidential rules of the two legal systems. The failure of the Leipzig trial and the Istanbul trial proved that the trial of international crime by domestic court was not workable for its complexity and the close relation with the international politics. The Nuremberg trial and the Tokyo trial held after the World War II got rid of the restriction of domestic trial, made history for individual international criminal liability, and laid the foundation for establishing a stable international criminal trail system. In 1990's UN established the ICTY and the ICTR, which accumulated rich experiences while consumed a lot of sources of the UN. The international community got the idea of establishing an international court by learning successful experiences as well as failures. The Statute is the result of extensive participation and discussion. The combination is necessary to win the support of most of the countries and also the experience of ICTY and ICTR. However, there are a lot of differences for procedural rules between the civil law and common law tradition. It's surely not easy for the Statue to combines them and adjusts the conflicts among them. The international criminal trial itself is especially complex and affects greatly by the international politics, which decides that the Roman Statute must innovate as well as interaction.
     In chapterⅡthe author focuses on the function and operation of the prosecutor. In the International Criminal Court (the Court), there is a through integration of the police and prosecutor, as there is no police organ or police, and the prosecutor in charge of the investigation, prosecution and international cooperation. The state party and the Security Council may submit situations to the Court and at the same time the prosecutor can initiate an investigation proprio motu. The prosecutor enjoys discretion when performing its duty, but the pre-trial court has the final say. The Court emphasizes the prosecutor's objectiveness to establish the truth, as the prosecutor must investigate incriminating and exonerating circumstances equally. The prosecutor has the obligation not to disclose documents or information provided by countries of international organizations on the condition of confidentiality; however the prosecutor also has the obligation to discovery material to the defense, which caused conflicts in the first case-the Lubange case. The Court is a giant without hands or feet, international cooperation and judicial assistance is very important. If the prosecutor couldn't get effective cooperation and assistance, his job will be greatly hampered.
     In chapter III the author analyzes the rights of the person and accused and the rights and compensation of victims. The Statue endows full rights of a just trial for the person and the accused. In this chapter the author focuses only on the right of defense. The person and the accused enjoy the help of attorney from the start of the investigation, and for those who couldn't afford an attorney, the Court will provide them attorneys for free. The attorney can conduct investigation, submit witness and establish the defense case. However the privileges and immunities of the attorney are much limited comparing with the prosecutor, which will hinder the attorney to investigation effectively. The accused could defense by himself according to the Statue.
     The victim enjoys full protection from the Statue, who enjoys the rights of a quasi-party. The victims could participate in the procedure as long as he submit an application to the court and win admission from the judges, and he can also hire an attorney to represent him. In practice, the court allows the victim to participate in the investigation of the situation. There are also problems for participation of the victim, causing chaos of litigation structure and delay the procedure. The Court may restrict properly on the participation of the victim and require the representation of attorneys to resolve the above problems. The victim enjoys a broad compensation pact, including material and mental damages. The Statue specially set up the Victim Trust Fund (The Fund) to hand the compensation and restitution for the victim. The Fund gets fund both from confiscation and compensation from the criminals, and from donation of the international community. They provide help not only for victim who participates in the procedure but also those who don't.
     In Chapter IV the author discusses the functions and powers of the pre-trial chamber. In addition to issue orders and warrants, the main functions of the pre-trial chamber are to check the power of the prosecutor, ensure the equality of arms and confirm the charges. In order to protect the right of the defense, the pre-trial might also take measures to collect or preserve evidence. When we examine the first case handling by the Court, we will find that efficiency is the most disturbing problems, and pre-trial detention especially calls for a fast trial, so the pre-trial must take measures to expedite the procedure. By learning the experiences of ICTY, the pre-trial chamber might strengthen procedural control, especially by supervising the investigation, and properly resist the interlocutory appeals.
     In chapter V the author explores the structure of courtroom trials and the functions and powers of the trial chambers. The goals of litigation confine trial mode. There are too many goals for ICC which includes recording history, promoting and reestablishing peace, comforting the victim and stopping the impunity and so on. Those goals will exacerbate the problem of low efficiency. The author purposes that the goal should be stopping impunity by just procedure, and so we needn't hesitate on whether to take the adversarial or inquisitorial mode. We must fully take into account of the features of international criminal trials and borrow the best from both modes. The structure of trial in the Court is adversarial, but there isn't a jury, or negative judges. The judges are both positive and negative in the trials, as the negotiation between the prosecutor and accused is not bounding to the court, and the court may call witnesses and require the parties to provide all necessary evidences, there are cross-examination and the judges may ask question before or after the cross-examination.
     In chapterⅥthe author inquires into the evidence rules of the Statue. The Statue integrates the evidence rules of common law as well as the free principle of evidence of civil law, but it doesn't adopt the complex evidence rules of the common law tradition for there is no jury trial in ICC. There is no foundation for the international trial to adopt the complex jury system. The author then focuses on the regulation on witness, especially the condition for adopting written statements, and the evidential theory connected with the giving of viva voce (oral) or recorded testimony of a witness by means of video or audio technology, as well as the introduction of documents or written transcripts.
     In chapterⅦthe author explores what China can learn from the Statue. Broadly speaking, the Statue highly emphasis the idea of due process and combines the substantial, procedural and evidential rules in one code, which are of borrowing significance for China. The safeguard for the right of defense, and the full protection to victim provided by the Statue are all of borrowing values for China's criminal procedure.
     As a conclusion, the particular procedural regulation of the Statue might find its trace from common law or civil law, however, the procedures of the Statue are unique. From the prospective of pre-trial procedure, the prosecutor and the defense enjoy parallel investigation, while the prosecutor has the obligation of objectiveness to truth. The pre-trial chamber supervises the activities of the prosecutor and ensures the equality of arms. From the perspective of trial procedures, the prosecutor case and the defense case fight before the judge, and at the same time, the judges positively control the progress of the trials. From the perspective of evidence rules, the Statue emphasis the free rules of evidence. It's appropriate for Chinese government keeps prudent attitude on whether to accede to the Statute, by observing and examining the operation and practice of the Court.
    [5]Gideon Boas, The Milosevic Trial:Lessons for the Conduct of Complex International Criminal Proceedings, Cambridge University Press,2007; Arieh J. Kovhavi, Prelude to Nuremberg:Allied War Crimes Policy and the Question of Punishment, Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1998; Telford Taylor, The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials:A Personal Memoir, New York: Knopf,1992; John A. Appleman, Military Tribunals and International Crimes, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,1954; Karin N. Calvo-Goller, The trial proceedings of the International Criminal Court:ICTY and ICTR precedents,2006, M. Nijhoff, Brill (Leiden, Boston)
    [6]Roy S. Lee edt., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statue, Issues-Negotiations Results, Kluwer Law International,1999; Antonio Cassese, Paolo Gaeta and John R W D Jones eds., The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:A Commentary, Oxford University Press,2002. Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, War Crimes and Realpolitik: International Justice from World War I to the 21st Century, Lynne Rienner Pulishers,2004; Antonio Cassese ed., the Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press,2009.
    [13]李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院罗马规约评释》,北京大学出版社,2006年版。
    [4]“罗马规约”及其“犯罪要件”未明确侵略罪的定义和构成要件。直到2010年5月,国际刑事法院成员国在坎帕拉通过“罗马规约”关于侵略罪的修正案。由于对安理会是否应具有侵略罪认定权存在很大分歧,各国代表团经过密集磋商,最终在未取得广泛共识的情况下通过修正案,规定了侵略罪的定义。这一修正案尚需至少30个成员国正式签署和批准后才能生效。会议决定以1974年12月14日联合国大会第3314(XXIX)号决议作为侵略罪定义的基础,并一致同意将侵略罪定义为由政治或军事领导人实施的、依其特点、严重程度和规模构成对《联合国宪章》的明显违反的犯罪。会议承认安全理事会在认定是否存在侵略行为方面的作用,同时决定授权检察官在安理会没有做出此种认定的情况下自行或根据缔约国的要求启动调查。http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/CAACA2CC-8015-40BF-BFCC-470419F40E4A/0/PressRel easeclosingRC12June0245_Chinese.pdf,2011/1/6访问。
    [29]Alan Kramer, The First Wave of International War Crimes Trials:Istanbul and Leipzig, European Review, Vol.14, No.4,441-455 (2006).
    [30]何勤华、朱淑丽、马贺: 《纽伦堡审判与现代国际法的发展》, 《江海学刊》2006年第4期。
    [32]Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, War Crimes and Realpolitik:International Justice from World War I to the 21st Century, Lynne Rienner Pulishers,2004, p63-64.
    [33]Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, War Crimes and Realpolitik:International Justice from World War I to the 21st Century, Lynne Rienner Pulishers,2004, p4.
    [34]Arieh J. Kovhavi, Prelude to Nuremberg:Allied War Crimes Policy and the Question of Punishment, Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1998, p22.
    1351 Report of Robert H. Jackson, United States Representative to the International Conference on Military Trials x-xi (U.S.Gov't Prtg. Off.1949)转引自王秀梅著:《国际刑事法院研究》,中国人民大学出版社,2002年版,第24页。
    [38]John A. Appleman, Military Tribunals and International Crimes, Westport, CT:Greenwood Press,1954, p239-258.
    [39]Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, War Crimes and Realpolitik:International Justice from World War I to the 21st Century, Lynne Rienner Pulishers,2004, P101-103
    [40]R. John Pritchard, The Gift of Clemency Following British War Crimes Trials in the Far East, 1946-194.7 Criminal Law Review 38.
    [41]M. Sherif Bassiouni, From Versailles to Rwanda in Seventy-Five Years:The Need to Establish a Permanent Criminal Court,1 Harvard Human Rights Journal 34.
    [42]Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, War Crimes and Realpolitik:International Justice from World War I to the 21st Century, Lynne Rienner Pulishers,2004, P106.
    [44]V. Morris and M.P. Scharf, An Insider's Guide to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Vol. I, Irvington-on Hudson, New York, Transnational Publishers 1995, p. 177, from Vladimir Tochilovsky, Rules of Procedure for the International Criminal Court: Problems to Address in Light of the Experience of the As Hoc Tribunals, Netherlands International Law Review,1999,343-360.
    [51]数据来源于卢旺达国际法庭官方网站:http://www. unictr.org/
    [52]M. C. Bassiouni, Introduction to International Criminal Law, Transnational Publishers, Inc pp493,496, from马呈元著:《国际刑法通论》,中国政法大学出版社2008年版,第160页。
    [55]Report of the Ad Hoc Committee Report on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, United Nations General Assembly Official Records, Fiftieth Session, Supplement No.22, A/50/22(1995), paragraph 30, hereinafter 1995 Ad Hoc Committee Report, from Roy S. Lee edt., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statue, Issues·Negotiations·Results, Kluwer Law International,1999, p217.
    [56]Roy S. Lee ed., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statue, Issues·Negotiations·Results, Kluwer Law International,1999, pp218,219,220-224.
    [57]UN Doc A/AC.249/L.3(1996).
    1581 Silvia A. Fernandez de Gurmendi and Hakan Friman, The Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 3,2000, p. 291.
    [59]M. Damaska, The Faces of Justice and State Authority, New Haven:Yale University Press, 1986, at 80.转引自John Jackson, Finding the Best Epistemic Fit For International Criminal Tribunals,7 J. Int'I Crim. Just.17.
    [60]参见[意]Fausto Pocar(王进喜、王桂明译): 《前南国际刑事法庭刑事程序中的普通法和大陆法传统:油能溶于水吗》, 《证据科学》2010年第3期。
    [61]Stehane Bourgon, Procedural Problems Hindering Expeditious and Fair Justice,2 J. INT'L Crim. Just.526 (2004).
    [62]Paricia M. Wald, The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Comes of Age: Some Observations on Day-To-Day Dilemmas of an International Court,5 Wash. U. J. L.& Pol'y 87.
    [64]Claus Kress, the Procedural Law of the International Criminal Court in Oouline:Anatomy of a Unique Compromise,1 J. Int'l Crim. Just.603 (2003).
    1661A. Cassese, On the Current Trends towards Criminal Prosecution and Punishment of Breaches of International Humanitarian Law,9 EJIL 1998, p13.
    [67][意]Fausto Pocar(王进喜、王桂玥译): 《前南国际刑事法庭刑事程序中的普通法和大 陆法传统:油能溶于水吗》, 《证据科学》2010年第3期。
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    [69]Peter Carmichael Keen, Tempered Adversariality:The Judicial Role and Trial Theory in the International Criminal Tribunals,17 Leiden J. Int'l L.767 (2004).
    [70][意]Fausto Pocar(王进喜、王桂玥译): 《前南国际刑事法庭刑事程序中的普通法和大陆法传统:油能溶于水吗》, 《证据科学》2010年第3期。
    [71]Mireille Delmas-Marty, Comparative Criminal Law as a Necessary Tool for the Application of International Criminal Law, Antonio Cassese, International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press 2009, p97.
    [72]Prosecutor v. Erdemovic, Case No. IT-96-22-A, Separate and Dissenting Opinion of Judge Cassese, P 4 (Oct.7,1997).
    [73]Robert Christensen, Getting to Peace by Reconciling Notions of Justice:The Importance of Considering Discrepancies Between Civil and Common Legal Systems in the Formation of the International Criminal Court,6 UCLA J. INT'L L.& FOREIGN AFFF.391 (2002).
    [74]Sara Stapleton, Ensuring a Fair Trial in the International Criminal Court:Statutory Interpretation and the Impermissibility of Derogation,31 N. Y. U. J. Int'l L.& Pol.538.
    [78]Gideon Boas, The Milosevic Trial:Lessons for the Conduct of Complex International Criminal Proceedings, Cambridge University Press,2007, forward, p1.
    [80]Bert Swart, Damaska and the Faces of International Criminal Justice,6 J. Int'l Crim. Just.87 (2008).
    [4]C Stahn, Complementarity:A Tale of Two Notions,19 Criminal Law Forum 87 (2008).
    [5]W Burke-White, Implementing a policy of positive complementarity in the Rome system justice,19 Criminal Law Forum 59 (2008).
    [6]Assembly of States Parties of the ICC, Report of the Bureau on stocktaking:Complementarity Taking stock of the principle of complementarity:bridging the impunity gap, available at http://www.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/asp_docs/ASP8R/ICC-ASP-8-51-ENG.pdf
    [7]Assembly of States Parties, Report of the Bureau on the Strategic Planning Process of the International Criminal Court,5th Session, The Hague, ICC-ASP/5/30 (Nov.20,2006), para.24-25, available at www.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/asp_docs/library/asp/ICC-ASP-5-30_English.pdf.
    [8]Office of the Prosecutor, Prosecutorial Strategy 2009-2012,1 February 2010, http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/66A8DCDC-3650-4514-AA62-D229D1128F65/281506/OTP ProsecutorialStrategy20092013.pdf
    [10]两个特设法庭成立至今,取得了不小的成绩,但也招致了许多批评。2004年,时任联合国法律事务助理秘书长拉尔夫·萨克林(Ralph Zacklin)在前南法庭成立10年的论坛上指出,前南和卢旺达法庭耗费巨大、效率过低、未起到预想的作用(costly, inefficient and ineffective)。并且指出,两个特设法庭是否能够公正、高效运转,影响国际社会是否会努力推进国际刑法执行。正是两个法庭耗费巨人、效率过低、未起到预想的作用。因此,对于新出现的情势,将不考虑设立类似的特设法庭。Ralph Zacklin, The Fallings of Ad Hoc International Tribunals,2 J. Int'l Crim. Just.541 (2004).
    [12]Roy S. Lee edt., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statue, Issues-Negotiations-Results, Kluwer Law International 1999, pp 146-147.
    [13]Roy S. Lee edt., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statue, Issues·Negotiations·Results, Kluwer Law International,1999, p180.
    [15]Roy S. Lee edt., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statue, Issues ·Negotiations·Results, Kluwer Law International,1999, pp227-229.
    [17]Andrew Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law, Oxford University Press,4th edn.,2003, p8.
    [18]Robert Cryer, Prosecuting International Crimes:Selectivity and the International Criminal Law Regime, Cambridge University Press,2005, p192.
    [26]Leila Nadya Sadat and S. Richard Carden, The New International Criminal Court:An Uneasy Revolution, (2000) 88 Georgetown Law Journal 381 at 399-400.
    [28]Sabine Swoboda, The ICC Disclosure Regime-A Defence Perspective,19 Crim. L. F.449, 467 (2008).
    [30]Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06, Decision Regarding the Timing and Manner of Disclosure and the Date of Trial, p 6 (Nov.9,2007).
    [31]Prosecutor v. Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06, Decision Regarding the Timing and Manner of Disclosure and the Date of Trial, P 28 (Nov.92007)
    [32]Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06 OA 13, Trial Chamber Decision, pp 14-19,20-22; Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06, Prosecution's Submission on Undisclosed Documents Containing Potentially Exculpatory Information, p 29.
    [33]Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06 OA 13, Decision on the Consequences of Non-Disclosure of Exculpatory Materials Covered by Article 54(3)(e) Agreements and the Application to Stay the Prosecution of the Accused, Together with Certain Other Issues Raised at the Status Conference on 10 June 2008, pp 72-75.
    [34]Prosecutor v. Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06, Decision on the Release of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (July 2,2008). [35]Alex Whiting, Lead Evidence and Discovery before the International Criminal Court:the Lubanga Case,14 UCLA J. Int'l L.& Foreign Aff.207 (2009).
    [36]Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06 OA 13, Decision on the Consequences of Non-Disclosure of Exculpatory Materials Covered by Article 54(3)(e) Agreements and the Application to Stay the Prosecution of the Accused, Together with Certain Other Issues Raised at the Status Conference on 10 June 2008, pp 46-48.
    [37]Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06 OA 13, Decision on the Consequences Non-Disclosure of Exculpatory Materials Covered by Article 54(3)(e) Agreements and the Application to Stay the Prosecution of the Accused, Together with Certain Other Issues Raised at the Status Conference on 10 June 2008, p48.
    [39]Goran Sluiter, Cooperation of States with International Criminal Tribunals, Antonio Cassese, International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press,2009, p188.
    [40]Mirjan Damaska, The International Criminal Court Between Aspiration and Achievement,14 UCLA J. Int'l L.& Foreign Aff.19 (2009).
    [41]Mirjan Damaska, The International Criminal Court Between Aspiration and Achievement,14 UCLA J. Int'l L.& Foreign Aff.19 (2009).
    [42]Hans-Peter Kaul, The international Criminal Court:Current Challenges and Perspectives,6 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev.575 (2007).
    [43]李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院罗马规约评释(上册)》,北京大学出版社,2006年版,第4504页。
    [45]Hans-Peter Kaul, The international Criminal Court:Current Challenges and Perspectives,6 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev.575 (2007).
    [46]Roy S. Lee edt., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statu Issues·Negotiations·Results, Kluwer Law International,1999, pp231,232.
    [48]Antonio Cassese, International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press,2009, p202.
    [49]Antonio Cassese, International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press,2009, p202.
    [50]Antonio Cassese, International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press,2009, p204.
    [15]Milosevic, IT-02-54, Trial Chamber, Aug 30,2001, at 18.
    [16]Michael. P. Scharf, Self-representation versus Assignment of Defense Counsel Before International Criminal Tribunals,4 J. Int'l Crim. Just.31 (2006).
    [17]Michael. P. Scharf, The Legacy of the Milosevic Trail,37 New England Law Review 2003
    [20]Mirjan Damaska, The International Criminal Court Between Aspiration and Achievement,14 UCLA J. Int'l L.& Foreign Aff.19 (2009).
    [21]Erin Anne O'hara, Victim Participation in the Criminal Process,13 Journal of Law and Policy 229 (2005).
    [26]Carston Stahn, Participation of Victims in Pre-Trial Proceedings of the ICC 4 J. Int'l Crim. Jus. 57 (2006).
    [27]Decision on Protective Measures Requested by Applicants 01/04-1/dp and 01/04-6/dp,Pre-Trial Chamber 1, International Criminal Court,21 July 2005,ICC-01/04-73.
    [28]Decision on the Applications for Participation in the Proceedings of VPRS 1, VPRS 2, VPRS 3, VPRS 4, VPRS 5 and VPRS 6, Pre-Trial Chamber I, International Criminal Court,18 January 2006, ICC-01/04-101.
    [29]Prosecutor's Application for Leave to Appeal Pre-Trial Chamber I's Decision on the Applications for Participation in the Proceedings of VPRS 1,VPRS 2.VPRS 3,VPRS 4,VPRS 5 and VPRS, Pre-Trial Chamber I, International Criminal Court,23 January 2006,ICC-01/04-103.
    [30]Decision on the applications by victims to participate in the proceedings, ICC-01/04-01/06-1119
    [31]Redacted Version of the Corrigendum of Decision on the Applications by 15 Victims to Participate in the Proceedings, ICC-01/04-01/06-2659-Corr-Red 08-02-2011.
    [32]Redacted Version of the Decision on the Applications by 7 Victims to Participate in the Proceedings, ICC-01/04-01/06-2764-Red 25-07-2011.
    [33]Mirjan Damaska, the International Criminal Court between Aspiration and Achievement,14 UCLA J. Int'l L.& Foreign Aff.19 (2009).
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    [36]Mirjan Damaska, The International Criminal Court Between Aspiration and Achievement,14 UCLA J. Int'l L.& Foreign Aff.19 (2009).
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    [39]Heikelina Verrijn Stuart, The ICC in Trouble,6 J. Int'l Crim. Just.409,410 (2008).
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    [44]Roy S. Lee edt., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statue, Issues-Negotiations-Results, Kluwer Law International 1999, p263.
    [45]Roy S. Lee edt., The International Criminal Court, The Making of the Rome Statue, Issues·Negotiations·Results, Kluwer Law International 1999, p263.
    [46]李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院罗马规约评释(上册)》,北京大学出版社,2006年版,第618页。
    [47]李世光、刘大群、凌岩主编: 《国际刑事法院罗马规约评释(上册)》,北京大学出版社,2006年版,第618页。
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    [50]Mirjan Damaska, The International Criminal Court Between Aspiration and Achievement,14 UCLA J. Int'l L.& Foreign Aff.19 (2009).
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