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Agreement on Government Procurement had the new revised edition in 2006. Comparing to GPA(1994), this new edition occurs new content which will affect the practice of international government procurement. Thus, discussing the change of GPA(2006) not only help to provide contermeasure for relevant practice, but also help to provide pertinence advice for perfecting our country 's Government Procurement Law.
     This article starting with GPA's headstream first, discussed its developing internal rule, especially diging its internal and extrinsic causationt thoroughly. The internal reason of law's develop has closely relation with economic generally. Just about economic development enlarges the market of government procurenment, and brings free trade. The expanding of market brings the need of lawmaking and increases country's intercourse. In order to maintainning the benefit of its homaland, countries always establish some restriction on government procurement which can become trade barrier. However, free trade and trade barrier are conflicting essentially, which goes against the orderly competition of global economic. Thus eliminating the barrier and accelerating free trade require the need of international lawmaking on government procurement. Thus, free trade and market's requirement compose of the internal reasons of GPA's appearance. Discussing extrinsic reason of GPA's appearance bases on the negotiation of WTO members, according to which the article summarizes the progress of GPA in the Tokyo Round, the Uruguay Round and the Duoha Round of Trade Negotiations.
     Based on the developing rule of GPA, the article compared GPA(2006) and GPA(1994) from three layers, which are the legislative technic, general principle and content of GPA. On analysing legislative technic, the article discusses the change on language's expression, number of clause and the framework of content.At the same time , the article illustrates the academic and practical meanings of change. On discussing the general principle, the article mainly clarifies the change on National Treatment and Non-Discrimination of GPA. Then analyses the change and its meanings on scope and coverage of GPA, on manners and process of procurement and on remedy system between GPA (2006) and GPA(1994).At last, the article summarizes GPA's developing rules and the shortage of GPA(2006), and brings forward the trend of GPA 's future developing.
     The study to GPA is to serve domestic legislation, thus, the article regards China's Government Procurement Law under the standard of GPA(2006). And advances the suggestions about perfecting our countory's Government Procurement Law from two aspects. One is perfecting the law system, which mainly puts forward some advices on applying body and applying object of government procurement, on the manner and process of government procurement and on remedy system of government procurement. The other is perfecting the guarantee system of the law's actualization, which mainly put forward some advices from technic aspect and supervise aspect.
    [2]David H.Rosen Bloom.Public Administration:Understanding Mangement,Politics and Law in the Public Sector.Harvard Press 1998,307.
    [1]GATT全称为General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,是关税与贸易总协定的英文缩写。
    [2]John Coiling,CaD Fuguo、Peter Trepte.China's Accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and Opportunities for Domestic Reform:A Study in the Light of EU Experience,109-110.http://www.euchinawto.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&lang=zh&id=98(最后访问日期:2007年12月8日)
    [3]OECD全称为Organi sation for Co-operation and Development,是经济合作与发展组织的英文缩写。
    [4]John Colling、Cao Fuguo、Peter Trepte.China's Accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and Opportunities for Domestic Reform:A Study in the Light of EU Experience,110.http://www.euchinawto.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&lang=zh&id=98(最后访问日期:2007年12月8日)
    [1]John Coiling,Cap Fuguo、Peter Trepte.China's Accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and Opportunities for Domestic Reform:A Study in the Light of EU Experience,111.http://www.euchinawto.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&lang=zh&id=98(最后访问日期:2007年12月8日)
    [2]John Colling,Cap Fuguo,Peter Trepte.China's Accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and Opportunities for Domestic Reform:A Study in the Light of EU Experience,112.http://www.euchinawto.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&lang=zh&id=98(最后访问日期:2007年12月8日)
    [1]Parties and observers to the GPA,http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/gproc_e/memobs_e.htm#parties (最后访问日期:2007年11月5日)。
    [1]Singapore Ministerial Declaration.WT/MIN(96)/DEC.18 December 1996,htto://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/minist_e/min96_e/wtodec_e.htm(最后访问日期:2007年12月3日)。
    [3]Doha Ministerial Declaration.WT/MIN/(01)/DEC/1.20 November 2001,http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/minist_e/min01_e/mindecl_e.htm (最后访问日期:2008年1月3日)。
    [1]Annex F to the draft Cancun Ministerial Text.24 August 2003,http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/minist_e/min03_e/draft_decl_annex_e.htm (最后访问日期:2007年12月5日)。
    [2]参见《政府采购协议》(2006)第5条第4款,原文为"A procuring entily shall conduct covered procurement ina transparent and impartial manner that:(a)isconsisten with this Agreement,usingm,ds such as open tendering,selective tendering,and limited tendering;(b)avoids conflicts of interest;and(c)prevents corrupt practices."
    [1]GPA(1994)第1条第1款原文为 "This Agreement applies to any law,regulation,procedure or practice regarding any procurement by entities covered by this Agreement,as specified in Appendix 1.(1)."
    [2]GPA(2006)第2条第1款第1项原文为 "This Agreement applies to anymeasure regading covered procurement,whwther or not it is conducted exclusively or parttially by electronic means."
    [1]参见《政府采购协议》(2006)第18条第4款,原文为“Each Party shall establish or designate at least one impartial administrative or judicial authority that is independent of its procuring entities to receive and review a challengeby a supplier arising in the context of a covered procurement."
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