Mn-SOD基因转化猕猴桃(Actinidia deliciosa)的研究
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    以美味猕猴桃优良品种海沃德和秦美组培苗为试材,以基本培养基、碳源、6-BA和生长素为试验因子,通过L9(34)正交试验,筛选出秦美离体叶片再生的理想培养基,即MS+6-BA4.0mg/L+NAA1.0mg/L+蔗糖30g/L。通过比较TDZ、ZT、6-BA和IBA对海沃德叶片再生的影响,获得海沃德最适培养基为MS+TDZ1.0mg/L+ IBA0.15mg/L,再生频率为82.2%,再生芽数为4.75。同时,研究了接种方式、AgNO3等因素对离体叶片再生效率的影响,进一步优化了叶片再生体系,从而建立了稳定高效的猕猴桃叶片再生体系。另外,以叶片再生不定芽为试材,进行了基本培养基和不同激素组合对猕猴桃增殖和生根的研究。
China was the original and distributed resource centre of Actinidia. Kiwifruit had a nice taste with high contents of vitamin C, sugar, all kinds of amino acid necessary to human body and other nutritive components, so it was called the king of fruits.
    Under nature conditions of growth and development, plants were invariably exposed to different environmental stress, which had profound effects on crop production. Many studies had examined that modification of Mn-SOD expression in transgenic plants can improve plant stress tolerance. In this study, we had introduced the Mn-SOD gene into kiwifruit to evealuate its effect on the persistence of environmental stress. The transformed kiwifruit derived from leaf explants would pave the way for its breeding via genetic engineering.
    Two commercial Actinidia deliciosa cultivars “Hayward” and “Qinmei”in vitro leaves of seedlings were selected as experimental materials in this study, basal medium, carbohydrate, 6-BA and auxins as factors which had three content levels respectively, an idea medium which was MS+6-BA4.0mg/L+NAA1.0mg/L+sucrose30g/L for leaf regeneration in“Qinmei” was sifted through the crossed test of L 9(34). And leaf regeneration in “Hayward” was studied on MS medium with TDZ, ZT, 6-BA and IBA. Results showed that the optimal medium for leaf regeneration was MS+TDZ1.0mg/L+IBA 0.15mg/L, which regeneration frequency was 82.2% and its buds No.Per leaf up to 4.75. And a system for in vitro high efficient regeneration was established after some factors affecting on leaf regeneration had been studied. For the multiplication and root development of the adventitious bud from leaf disc, both basal medium and hormone concentration and composition were also examined in this study.
    On the base of regeneration system from leaf explant of “Hayward” and “Qinmei”, several factors that affected genetic transformation of kiwifruit cultivars were examined, including preculture of leaf explant, selection of Kan concentrations, the suspension of strain EHA105, concentrations of Carb and Cef and Vir gene expression factors, and so on. Thus a simple and efficient genetic transformation system was developed. Selecting young leaves as explants were first precultured on the differentiation medium for 20 days, then cocultured on the differentiation medium with Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 harboring a binary vector containing chimeric genes of NptⅡ, Gus report gene and Mn-SOD gene driven by CaMV35S promoter. After 3 days cocultureation, these explants were transferred to the differentiation-resistant medium to select transgenic shoots. Some regenerated Kanamycin-resistant plants were obtained by multiplying and rooting. Through examination of GUS report gene and PCR amplification of Mn-SOD gene, it was showed that that the foreign cecropin Mn-SOD gene was introduced into the regenerated plants genome.
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