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Through a typical case study of China Society of Red Cross, which hasbeen developing more than one hundred years in China, submitted to theChart of International Federation, the research draws a conclusion that,the designed frame ‘Principal-insiders Agent’, involving theprincipal-agent model and the State-insider instrument, is able toanalysis the relationship between the society and the state since thereform and opening up.
     This Principal-insiders Agent model includes an implicit contractbetween the state and the Red Cross. On the one hand, the state entruststhe Red Cross with duties of Geneva conventions and additional protocolsigned by the International Committee of the Red Cross; On the other hand,the State successes in keeping the operation control of the Red Crossby directly dispatching Principal-insiders to the Red Cross as the leader,managing its staff with reference to civil servants management, treatingits organization as a public institution(Shiyedanwei),and making anannual financial budget for its daily implementation, etc.Principal-insiders Agent model essentially helps the State maintainingthe control of the Red Cross Society of China as a branch of theInternational Federation. The model can be generalized for explainingthe Dual Control System for universal social organization administrationby demonstrating that the business supervisors from the state play ananother kind of implicit role of Principal-insiders, which executes anindirect Principal-insiders Agent on social organizations.
     Although insufficient in social efficiency, the social risk is reasonably controlled under the Principal-insiders Agent with a ratherbetter supervise on the process of social disembedding from the stateand social organizations development. Principal-insiders Agent as agovernance mechanism practically presents a vivid experience about thestate-civil society relationship in the condition of the reform andopening, while theoretically conducting a dialogue with the mediatingstructure suggested as “squire society” and “unit society”. As well,the Principal-insiders Agent model ideologically acted as an externalcounterspell dealing with organizations governance puzzle of “insiderscontrol”.
     But here has been coming the irrevocable social differentiation andcommunity self-government. The civil society should be empowered,especially supported by social property system while encountering lackof the principal ability depended on property right.
     A legal society rather than an one proxied by the state would make a moreeffective state. Only shaped by the constitution and law regulation, therelationship construction of the state-civil society could overcome“insiders trust endless loop”, and achieve good governance on the basisof effective state and societal self-government.
    ①参见Macrae, Joanna et al, Uncertain Power: The Changing Role of Official Donors in Humanitarian Action,Humanitarian Policy Group Report12, London: ODI,2002, pp.30.
    ④参见乔治萨拜因(George Holland Sabine):《政治学说史》,邓正来译,上海:世纪出版集团、上海人民出版社,2010年,第817页。
    ③Habermas Jürgen, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a category of BourgeoisSociety, Polity, Cambridge,1962trans1989.
    ②Polanyi,Karl,The great transformation,Boston:Beacon press (originally published in1944),1957, p.46,70,272.
    ④参见Portes, A.&J. Sensenbrenner, Embeddedness and Immigration: Notes on the Social Determinantsof Economic Action, American Journal of Sociology98,1993;沈原:《市场、阶级与社会:转型社会学的关键议题》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,1997年,第47页。
    ①Granovetter Mark, Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness, AJS Volume91Number3,1985, pp.481-510.
    ②Granovetter, M.&R. Swedberg (eds.), The Sociology of Economic Life(2th edition), Boulder:West view Press,2001, pp.12.
    ④Barber, B, All Economies are Embedded: The Career of a Concept, and Beyond, Social Research62,1995.
    ①Lester Salamon, The Rise of the Nonprofit Sector, Foreign Affairs73(4),1994, pp.16-39.
    ②Benjamin Gidron, Ralph Kramer, Lester Salamon,(editors): Government and the third sector: emergingrelationships in welfare states, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,1992.
    ③Lester Salamon, Partners in Public Services: The Scope and Theory of Government Nonprofit Relations, InPowel. W. W.: The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook. New Haven: Yale University Press,1987.
    ②Lester Salamon, Partners in Public Services: The Scope and Theory of Government Nonprofit Relations, InPowel. W. W.: The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook. New Haven: Yale University Press,1987.
    ①Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore, Rules for the World: International Organizations in Global Politics.Ithaca: Cornell University Press,2004.
    ②Crain Mark and Robert McCormick, Regulators as an Interest Group, in James M. Buchanan and Robert D.Tollison (eds), The Theory of Public Choice II, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,1984.
    ①Frey Bruno S, The public-choice view of international political economy. International Organization38,1984,pp.199–223.
    ②Steven Smith, Michael Lipsky. Nonprofits for Hire: The Welfare State in the Age of Contracting. Cambridge,Mass: Harvard University Press,2000.
    ①Vaubel Roland, The political economy of the International Monetary Fund: A public choice approach, in R.Vaubel&Thomas D. Willett (Eds.), The political economy of international organizations: A public-choiceapproach, Boulder, Colorado,1991, pp.204-244.
    ②参见萧公权:《中国乡村:十九世纪帝国政权对人民的控制》(Hsiao Kung chuan, Rural China: ImperialControl in the Nineteenth Century, Seattle: University of Washington Press,1960),转引自黄宗智:《华北的小农经济与社会变迁》,北京,中华书局,2000年,第24页。
    ①参见瞿同祖:《清代地方政府》(Local Government in China Under the Ching),哈佛大学出版社,1962年;范忠信等译,北京:法律出版社,2003年。
    ②Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, Chicago, IL: The University of the Chicago Press,2007, pp.22-23;Renato Cristi, Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism, University of Wales Press,1998, pp.184-186.
    ③Carl Friedrich, Constitutional Government and Democracy, revised edition, Boston: Ginn&Co.,1950, pp.22.
    ①Hegel, G.W.F., Philosophy of Right, Oxford University Press, USA,1967, Section279, note:270, addition.
    ④Cohen,J.L.&Arato, Civil Society and Political Theory, The MIT Press,1992.
    ①Ross, S., The Economic Theory of Agent: the Principal’s Problem, American Economic Review63(2),1973.
    ①Hart O. and Holmstrrom B., Theory of Contracts in Advances in Economic Theory: fifth world congress, editedby T. Bewley. Cambridge University Press,1987, pp.71..
    ①参见Holmstrom Bengt and Paul Milgrom, Multi-Task Principal-Agent Analyses: Linear Contracts, AssetOwnership and Job Design, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Vol.7,1991, pp.24-52.
    ①Itoh Hideshi, Incentives to Help in Multi-agent Situations, Econometrica,1991, Vol.59, pp.611-636.
    ①Ross, Stephen A, The Economic Theory of Agency: The Principal's Problem, American Economic Review63(2),1973, pp.134-139.
    ②Kiewiet, Roderick and Matthew McCubbins, The logic of delegation: Congressional parties and theappropriation process, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1991, pp.5; Kassim, Hussein and Anand Menon, Theprincipal-agent approach and the study of the EU: promise unfulfilled?, Journal of European Public Policy,2003,Vol.10(1), pp.121-139; Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore, Rules for the World: InternationalOrganizations in Global Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,2004. pp.19-44.
    ②Jensen, M., and Meckling, W., Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure,Journal of Financial Economics3,1976, pp.305-360.
    ③Helen Versluys and Jan Orbie, Theorizing EU Humanitarian Aid Policy, Paper prepared for the ThirdPan-European Conference on EU Politics21to23September2006–Istanbul.
    ①参阅Herrington Bryce, Players in the Public Policy Process: Nonprofits as Social Capital andAgents, PalgraveMacmillan, New York,2005.
    ①参见Roland Vaubel, Principal-agent problems in international organizations, The Review of InternationalOrganizations, Springer, Volume1, Issue2,2006, pp.125-138.
    ①Anthony Giddens, Profiles and Critiques in Social Theory, London: the Macmillan Press Ltd,1982, pp.38-39.
    ②Anthony Giddens, Classes and the Division of Labor, London: Cambridge University Press,1982, pp.29.
    ③Anthony Giddens, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory—Ananalysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim andMax Weber, London: Cambridge University Press,1971, pp.50-52.
    ①Cassidy J. The Nature of a Child's Ties//Cassidy J, Shaver PR. Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research andClinical Applications. New York: Guilford Press,1999, pp.3–20.
    ②Harlow Harry, The Nature of Love, American Psychologist13,1958, pp.573-685.
    ①UN document, The Economic Development of Latin America and Its Principal Problems, no. E/CN.12/89/Rev.1.Lake Success, N.Y.: United Nations,1950.
    ②Fernando Cardoso and Enzo Faletto, Dependency and Development in Latin America, University of CaliforniaPress,1979.
    ③Evens Peter, Dependent Development, Princeton: Princeton university press,1979, pp.10,312.
    ④参见Immanuel Wallerstein, The modern world system, NewYork: Academic Press,1974.
    ①Radner, R., Monitoring Cooperatirve Agreements in a Repeated Principal-Agent Relationship, Econometrica49,1981, pp.1127-1148; Repeated Principal-Agent Games with Discounting, Econometrica53,1985, pp.1173-1198.
    ①Rubinstein, A. and Yaari, M. E., Repeated Insurance Contracts and Moral Hazzard, Journal of Economic Theory30,1983, pp.74-97.
    ②Eugene F. Fama, Agency Problem and the theory of the firm, The Journey of Public Economy, Vol.88, No2,Published by The University of Chicago Press,1980, pp.288-307.
    ③Holmstrom B., Moral Hazard in Teams, Bell Journal of Economics13,1980, pp.324-340.
    ①Lazear, E., Why is There Mandatory Retirement? Journal of Political Economy87,1979, pp.1261–1284.
    ②参见McAfee, R.P., and McMillan, J. Optimal Contracts for Teams, International Economic Review, Vol.32, No.3,1991, pp.561-577.
    ①Hamilton G., Business Networks and Economic Development in East and Southeast Asia, Centre of AsianStudies, Hong Kong University,1991.
    ③Hui, C. H. and Triandis, H. C., Individualism-Collectivism: A Study of Cross-Cultural Researchers, Journal ofCross-Cultural Psychology17(2),1986, pp.225-248.
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    ①Marx and Engels, Collected Works, London,1975, VI, Moscow,1976, pp.212.
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    ①Hart O. and Holmstrrom B., Theory of Contracts in Advances in Economic Theory: fifth world congress, editedby T. Bewley. Cambridge University Press,1987, pp.71.
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    ①Carl Friedrich, Constitutional Government and Democracy, revised edition, Boston: Ginn&Co.,1950, pp.45.
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    [87]瞿同祖:《清代地方政府》(Local Government in China Under the Ching),哈佛大学出版社,1962年;范忠信等译,北京:法律出版社,2003年。
    [1] Anthony Giddens, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory—Ananalysis of the writings ofMarx, Durkheim and Max Weber, London: Cambridge University Press,1971, pp.50-52.
    [2] Anthony Giddens, Classes and the Division of Labor, London: Cambridge University Press,1982, pp.29.
    [3] Anthony Giddens, Profiles and Critiques in Social Theory, London; the Macmillan Press Ltd,1982, pp.38-39.
    [4]Barber, B, All Economies are Embedded: The Career of a Concept, and Beyond, SocialResearch62.1995.
    [5]Barnett Michael and Finnemore Martha, Rules for the World: International Organizations inGlobal Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,2004. pp.19-44.
    [6]Benjamin Gidron, Ralph Kramer, Lester Salamon,(editors): Government and the third sector:emerging relationships in welfare states, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,1992.
    [7]Buchanan.J.M. Liberty, Market and State, Brighton: Harvester Press,1986, pp.232.
    [8]Burton Weisbrod, Toward a Theory of the Voluntary Nonprofit Sector in Three-SectorEconomy, in Phelps E. eds, Altruism Morality and Economic Theory, New York: Russel Sage,1974.
    [9]Carl Friedrich, Constitutional Government and Democracy, revised edition, Boston: Ginn&Co.,1950, pp.22,45.
    [10]Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, Chicago, IL: The University of the Chicago Press,2007, pp.22-23.
    [11]Cassidy J. The Nature of a Child's Ties//Cassidy J, Shaver PR. Handbook of Attachment:Theory, Research and Clinical Applications. New York: Guilford Press,1999: pp.3–20.
    [12]Crain, W. Mark and Robert E. McCormick, Regulators as an Interest Group, in James M.Buchanan and Robert D. Tollison (eds), The Theory of Public Choice II, Ann Arbor: University ofMichigan Press,1984.
    [13]Cristi Renato, Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism: strong state, free economy,University of Wales Press,1998, pp.182,190.
    [14]Eugene F. Fama, Agency Problem and the theory of the firm, The Journey of Public Economy,Vol.88, No2, Published by The University of Chicago Press,1980, pp.288-307.
    [15]Evens Peter, Dependent Development. Princeton: Princeton university press,1979, pp.10,312.
    [16]Fernando Cardoso and Enzo Faletto, Dependency and Development in Latin America,University of California Press,1979.
    [17]Frey Bruno S, The public-choice view of international political economy. InternationalOrganization38,1984, pp.199–223.
    [18]Fukuyama F., Trust: The social virtues and the creation of prosperity, New York: The FreePress,1995.
    [19]Garnham Nicholas, The Media and the Public Sphere, in Calhoun, Craig (ed.),1992, pp.359~360.
    [20]Georg Simmel, Soziologie: Untersuchungen über die formen der vergesellschaftung, Berlin,1968, P109-149.
    [21]Granovetter Mark, Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness,AJS Volume91Number3,1985, pp.481-510.
    [22]Granovetter, M.&R. Swedberg (eds.), The Sociology of Economic Life (2th edition),Boulder: West view Press,2001, pp.12.
    [23]Habermas Jürgen, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into acategory of Bourgeois Society, Polity, Cambridge,1962trans1989.
    [24]Hamilton G., Business Networks and Economic Development in East and Southeast Asia,Centre of Asian Studies, Hong Kong University,1991.
    [25]Hansmann Henry, The Role of Nonprofit Enterprise, Yale Law Journal89,1980, pp.835-901.Harlow Harry, The Nature of Love, American Psychologist13,1958, pp.573-685.
    [26]Hart O. and Holmstrrom B., Theory of Contracts in Advances in Economic Theory: fifthworld congress, edited by T. Bewley. Cambridge University Press,1987, pp.71.
    [27]Hegel, G.W.F., Philosophy of Right, Oxford University Press, USA,1967, Section279, note:270, addition.
    [28]Helen Versluys and Jan Orbie, Theorizing EU Humanitarian Aid Policy, Paper prepared forthe Third Pan-European Conference on EU Politics21to23September2006–Istanbul.
    [29]Herbert Spencer, Stanislav Andreski, Herbert Spencer: structure, function, and evolution,London: Scribner,1971, pp.109-110.
    [30]Herrington Bryce, Players in the Public Policy Process: Nonprofits as Social Capital andAgents, Palgrave Macmillan, New York,2005.
    [31]Holmstrom B., Moral Hazard in Teams, Bell Journal of Economics13,1980, pp.324-340.
    [32]Holmstrom Bengt and Paul Milgrom, Multi-Task Principal-Agent Analyses: Linear Contracts,Asset Ownership and Job Design, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Vol.7,1991, pp.24-52.
    [33]Hsiao Kung chuan, Rural China: Imperial Control in the Nineteenth Century, Seattle:University of Washington Press,1960.
    [34]Hui, C. H. and Triandis, H. C. Individualism-Collectivism: A Study of Cross-CulturalResearchers, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology17(2),1986, pp.225-248.
    [35]Hussein Kassim and Menon Anand, The principal-agent approach and the study of the EU:promise unfulfilled? Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.10(1),2003, pp.121-139.
    [36]Immanuel Wallerstein, The modern world system, New York: Academic Press,1974.
    [37]Itoh Hideshi, Incentives to Help in Multi-agent Situations, Econometrica,1991, Vol.59,pp.611-636.
    [38]Jensen, M., and Meckling, W., Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs, andownership structure, Journal of Financial Economics3,1976, pp.305-360.
    [39]Karl Polanyi, The great transformation, Boston: Beacon press (originally published in1944),1957, pp.46,70,272.
    [40]Lazear E., Why is There Mandatory Retirement? Journal of Political Economy87,1979, pp.1261–1284.
    [41]Lester Salamon M, Of Market Failure, Voluntary Failure, and Third-Party Government,Journal of Voluntary Action Research, Vol.16(1),1987, pp.29-49.
    [42]Lester Salamon M, Partners in Public Services: The Scope and Theory of GovernmentNonprofit Relations, In Powel. W. W.: The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, New Haven:Yale University Press,1987.
    [43]Lester Salamon M, Rethinking Public Management: Third-Party Government and theChanging Forms of Government Action, Public Policy29(3),1981, pp.255-275.
    [44]Lester Salamon M, The Rise of the Nonprofit Sector, Foreign Affairs73(4),1994,16-39.
    [45]Lim Chong Yah&Peter J. loyd(ed.) Singapore Resourse and Growth, Singapore, oxfordUniversity Press,1986, pp.241-242.
    [46]Macrae Joanna et al, Uncertain Power: The Changing Role of Official Donors inHumanitarian Action, Humanitarian Policy Group Report12, London: ODI,2002, pp.30.
    [47]March J.G and Olsen J.P, The logic of appropriateness, To appear in M. Moran, M. Rein andR.E. Goodin (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2006.
    [48]Marx and Engels, Collected Works, London,1975, VI; Moscow,1976, pp.212.
    [49]McAfee R..P and McMillan J, Optimal Contracts for Teams, International Economic Review,Vol.32, No.3,1991, pp.561-577.
    [50]Olson M., Big Bills Left on Sidewalk: Why Some Nations are Rich and Others Poor, Journalof Economic Perspectives,1996(3),Vol.10, No.2,12.
    [51]Ostrom V, Tiebout and Warren, The Organization of Government in Metropolitan areas:Theoretical Inquiry, American Political Science Review55,1961, pp.831.
    [52]Portes A&Sensenbrenner J, Embeddedness and Immigration: Notes on the SocialDeterminants of Economic Action, American Journal of Sociology98,1993.
    [53]Radner R, Monitoring Cooperative Agreements in a Repeated Principal-Agent Relationship,Econometrica49,1981, pp.1127-1148.
    [54]Radner R, Repeated Principal-Agent Games with Discounting, Econometrica53,1985, pp.1173-1198.
    [55]Renato Cristi, Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism, University of Wales Press,1998,pp.184-186.
    [56]Roderick Kiewiet and McCubbins Matthew, The logic of delegation: Congressional partiesand the appropriation process, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1991, pp.5.
    [57]Ross S, The Economic Theory of Agent: the Principal’s Problem, American EconomicReview63(2),1973.
    [58]Ross Stephen A, The Economic Theory of Agency: The Principal's Problem, AmericanEconomic Review63, No.2,1973, pp.134-139.
    [59]Rubinstein A and Yaari M E, Repeated Insurance Contracts and Moral Hazzard, Journal ofEconomic Theory30,1983, pp.74-97.
    [60]Smith Steven, Lipsky Michael, Nonprofits for Hire: The Welfare State in the Age ofContracting. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press,2000.
    [61]Stepan, A, State Power and the Strength of Civil Society in the Southern Cone of LatinAmerican, in P. Evans et al ed., Bring the state back in, Cambridge,1985, pp.317-343.
    [62]Tan Chwee Huat, State Enterprise System and Economic Development in Singapore, Ph.D.dissertation, University of Wisconsin,1974, pp.102.
    [63]Tirole Jean, The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press,1988, pp.35.
    [64]Torstensson Johan, Property Rights and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study, Kyklos47,1994, No.1, pp.231-242; Issue2, pp.231-247.
    [65]UN document, The Economic Development of Latin America and Its Principal Problems, no.E/CN.12/89/Rev.1. Lake Success, N.Y.: United Nations,1950.
    [66]Uphoff Norman, and Wijayaratna C. M, Demonstrated Benefits from Social Capital: TheProductivity of Farmer Organizations in Gal Oya, Sri Lanka, World Development28,2000, pp.1875-1890.
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