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     从岩石组分、古生物、测井相及地震相等方面入手,详细总结了卡洛夫—牛津阶各类沉积相相标志特征,为卡洛夫—牛津阶沉积相和层序的识别与划分提供了有力依据,并取得如下三个重要研究进展和认识上的创新:①通过相标志的识别以及对反映沉积相垂向变化的单井相分析,确定了阿姆河盆地卡洛夫—牛津阶主要发育蒸发台地、局限台地、开阔台地、台地边缘礁滩、前缘缓斜坡、盆地六种沉积相类型。在结合层序地层格架基础上,编制了阿姆河盆地卡洛夫-牛津阶沉积相平面展布图,进而建立了适合该地区的“开放性宽缓型镶边缓斜坡台地”沉积模式,在丰富和完善碳酸盐台地沉积相模式的理论体系上有所创新;②依据层序地层学原理,对阿姆河盆地卡洛夫-牛津阶进行了层序地层分析。测井、地震等资料的综合分析表明,卡洛夫-牛津阶可划分SQ1、 SQ2、 SQ3三个三级层序,经历了从缓斜坡台地→镶边缓斜坡台地→缓斜坡台地的沉积演化过程,其中SQ2和SQ3层序发育有规模较大和储集性极好的生物礁滩相沉积;③在卡洛夫—牛津阶碳酸盐岩岩石学特征、储集空间类型、孔隙结构特征分析的基础上,对卡洛夫-牛津阶碳酸盐岩储层进行了分类评价。研究发现,生物礁滩发育带以好储层为主,其它相带储层物性较差。储层物性影响因素分析表明,沉积作用和成岩作用是影响和控制研究区储层发育和物性特征的主要因素。
Amu-Darya basin in turkmenistan is our largest exploration and developmentarea of marine carbonate reservoirs out of china, where gas efficient exploration anddevelopment directly affect our strategic target of west-east gas transmission andnational energy security. Therefore, it has important significance for guidance ofreservoir exploration to analyse carbonate sediment feature,sedimentary facies andreservoir character in this area.
     Based on the observation and description of a large number of drilling cores inmacroscopic and microcosmic aspects, this article deeply analyse sequence character,sedimentary character, spreading of sedimentary facies, sedimentary mode, reservoircharacter and the like in Callovian-Oxfordian of Upper-Middle Jurassic by the theoryguidance of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology and reservoir geology with data aslogging, mud logging, seismic and analysis assay.
     Generalization of various characteri-stics of facies indices of Callovian-Oxfordian depend on rock component, palaeophyte, logging and seismic facies is aneffective evidence for sedimentary facies identification, where we can get threeimportant searching development and innovations.①With identification ofcharacteri-stics of facies indices and single well facies searching, sedimentary faciescategory of Callovian-Oxfordian can be divided into evaporate platform, restrictedplatform, open-platform, platform marginbeach, slope and basin facies. This papercompiles plane distributive maps of Callovian-Oxfordian facies with the basement ofsequence stratigraphy framework, and then builds sedimentary mode of―Open rollingtrimmed glacis platform‖which is fit for this area, which is the innovation forenriching and improving theory system about carbonate platform sedimentary face mode.②This article has sequence stratigraphy search for Callovian-Oxfordian inAmu-Darya basin under the guidance of sequence stratigraphy. The comprehensiveanalysis of logging and seismic data proved Callovian-Oxfordian can be divided intothree third-ordered sequence named SQ1, SQ2and SQ3, which experiencessedimentary processes of glacis platform-trimmed glacis platform-glacis platform,and there has large scale organic reef facies in SQ2and SQ3.③On the foundation oflithology feature,the type and evolvement of reservoir pore space and pore structurecharacter analysis, Callovian-Oxfordian reservoir has category evaluation. Theresearch show that development zone of organic reef bank mainly have wellreservoirs while other facies reservoirs have poor physical property. Sedimentationand diagenesis are main factors that affect reservoir physical property which provedby analysis of factors Influencing physical.
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