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Innovation is the eternal subject of human beings, and talents are the first element and core power of innovation. As an important force of innovation, college facultyare the vital force of the national innovation system. To studyhow to improve college faculty' innovation ability and their innovation behavior is of far-reaching strategic influence, and is also the new requirement proposed for college talent development and management, which has won widespread concern and attention from boththe theoretical and practical circle.
     Today, studies on innovation behavior of college faculty have made great achievements, and most of them explore subjects such as high-level talents, team development, quality requirements and environmental construction from a macro perspective. The study on individual college teachers focuses on ability and psychological quality or centers around one or several points among talents motivation, innovation initiative, innovation psychology, or innovation investment. Givencurrentstudies, the authoradopts the theory of social identity, social exchange and social role as the baseand tries to presents an in-depth analysis of the micro-mechanism of innovation and thenprobes into the influence and inherent mechanism of professional identification, organizational identification, innovation atmosphere and behavior of college facultyfrom the psychological perspective of perception and emotional reaction of faculty.The author regards for the first time organizational identification as the intermediate variable between professional identification and innovation behavior and thereby discusses the impact of professional identification of college facultyon their innovation behavior. Meantime the author investigates into the role of organizational innovation atmosphere in innovation behavior, and its regulating effecton organizational identification and innovation behavior of college faculty.
     In this study, research methods include document analyses, interviews, questionnaires and data analyses. Firstly,the authorreviews and summarizes the current research findings related to professional identification, organizational identification, organizational innovation atmosphere and individual innovation behavior. Secondly, the author conductsintensive interviews with12college teachers. Then, based on document analyses and interviews, the author summarizes and analyzes the relationships among professional identification, organizational identification, organizational innovation atmosphere and innovation behavior of college faculty, and makes assumptions and constructs a theory model. Next, the authorrevises and designs measurement scalesconcerning several variables in this dissertation, and forms the original questionnaire, and begins the formal research after preparatory investigation, examination and revise. The author chooses37collegesfrom Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Shanghai and so on to conduct this questionnaire, and gets418sample data from these collegefaculty. Then based on the formal research data, the authoranalyses the accuracy of samples, the examination of efficiency and the investigation of different features of independent samples. Finally, the author proves the relationship of all variables and theproposed assumption, quests the theory and puts forward advice for management based on the empirical findings.
     This author draws thefollowing research conclusions:(1) Professional identification of collegefacultyhas positive predictive effect ontheirorganizational identification and innovation behavior.(2) Organizational identification has positive predictive meaning and effect for individual innovation behavior.(3Organizational identification is the intermediaryberweenprofessional identityand individual innovation behavior.(4) Organizational innovation atmosphere has positive predictive meaning and effect for individual innovation behavior.(5) Organizational innovation atmosphereplays the role of regulatingthe relationship between organizational identification and individual innovation behavior.(6) Through comparative analysis of models, the authorfinds that faculty'sprofessional identity, organizational identification and organizational innovation atmosphere in"211project" universities are more relevant to innovation behavior than these universities that do not belong to"211project".(7) The characteristics of demography exert diverseinfluence on each variable, especially on individual innovation behavior. Research conclusions reveals the mental process of how individual innovation behavior produces, and have important theoretical value and practical guidance for Chinesecollegesto inspire college faculty's professional identification and organizational identification and to improve individual innovation behavior. The author also provides the theoretical and practical support for Chinese higher education tomake use of professional identification and organizational identification to improve individual innovation behavior and even topromoteorganizational innovation achievements.
     The author features some innovative points as follows:
     First, the author constructs the conceptual model based on college faculty's professional identification, organizational identification and the atmosphere of organizational innovationas well as the mechanismof innovation behavior, which enrich and deepen the studies for individual innovation behavior theory. At present, the currentstudieson innovation behaviormainly focus on manufacturing, and other fields also value science and technology researchers, such as qualified scientists and science-technology manpower. However, studies especiallyon college faculty's innovatiion behavior are in infancy, and model construction is to perfect and deepen the theory and findings of individual innovation behavior.
     Second, the author tries to investigate the formation mechanism of individual innovation behavior from psychological perspective of individuals'cognition and emotional response. Previous researches about innovation behaviorfocus on the organizational level and have few in-depth analyses from psychological perspective of the microscopic mechanism of the formation of innovation behavior. The author takes social identity theory and social exchange theory as the foundation, and perception, emotion and reaction as the framework, bringing professional identification and organizational identification into one model for analysis. And the author believes that during the processof pursuing professional ideal and achieving professional development, college faculty can get strong psychological impetus and positive attitude from professional perception and identity, which also will promote faculty to form professional identification, and when individuals have strong organizational identification, they will combineself-recognition with internal organizational value to inspire and bring the occurrence of individual Innovation behavior.
     Finally, this author raises the point for the first time that professional identification has some direct and indirect influence on individual innovation behavior, and first regards organizational identification as the intermediary variable between professional identification and individual innovation behavior, which is the main innovative point and key content in this dissertation. The existing researches at home and abroad are mainly to explore the influence of some factors on innovation behavior from organizational strategy and organizational structure characteristics, organizational atmosphere and culture or individual's personal traits, motives, preferences and so on, lacking the researches about the relationship between social identity(professional identity and organizational identification) and faculty's individual innovation behavior. In addition, at the present stage, the researches about professional identification outcome variables are also mainly centering onsome emotion and attitude variables includingjob satisfaction and job hopping trend, having not enough and thorough researches on behavioral variables. The author proves the assumption based on the collected data from Chinese college faculty, and further enrich the professional identification theory.
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