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On the basis of the cycloid pin gear reducer, the paper develop a creative~ miniature transmission device ?planetary pin-ring transmission which guarantee its inherent excellence. In this paper, the structures and transmission principles are analyzed; the type analyzing of the primary and secondary planetary pin-ring transmission are analyzed by use of the principle of changing mechanical transmission and the principle of mechanism with allotropic-change. In order to adapt the development of precision transmission mechanism, such as industrial robots, the planetary pin-ring transmission with the adjustable clearance device is put forward, and several adjustable clearance mechanisms are set out in this paper. The profile of planetary pin-ring transmission and the moderating ratio are calculated in this paper; A new method is put forward to solve the safe of turning-arm bear in view of the situation of the short safe of turn-arm bear which is the weak of cycloid pin-wheel reducer. In the paper, the geometrie
     series of mesh pairs is set up, the condition of mesh continuous ,analyzing the changing of glide to scroll ,and the condition of not peak-cut and sharp-angle are performed mather馻tical caculations ; On the basis of type analyzing ,four assembly schemes are put forward and a sample is developed which accumulate experience for the industrialization.
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