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     3、基于动态模量参数基础上,运用有限元软件建立梁板三维实体混合有限元模型,以港珠澳大桥工程为背景,结合桥梁分析软件Midas Civil采用两层次分析法对不利位置处铺装层力学状态进行分析,首先建立全桥梁单元模型,考虑整体变温、梯度变温及车道荷载作用下的结构整体变形;其次,针对变形不利位置,运用“板-壳”模型理论进行局部分析,并采用多车道整体布载方式确定最不利荷载作用下的铺装层力学状态,进而明确钢桥面铺装层各项应力状态的最大值,最后分析了车载与温度耦合作用下铺装层的力学状态。研究结果为疲劳试验应变水平的选择和铺装层材料疲劳性能设计提供理论依据。
Steel deck pavement technology is one of the key technologies of the long span bridgeconstruction, has been attented and concerned greatly by academia and engineering sector ofdomestic and abroad. At the present stage, the pavement program of domestic and abroadsteel bridge deck are main double-SMA type, Gussasphalt type, Epoxy asphalt type and ERStype, especially the epoxy pavement type has the largest proportion in the domestic andabroad steel deck pavement. Epoxy asphalt is a mixture of epoxy resin, a curing agent and amatrix asphalt by the complexity of the chemical modification, the cured epoxy asphaltmixture is good material which has high strength and mechanical properties. As far as epoxyasphalt which is an excellent paving materials, but the survey showes that part epoxypavements appear poor skid resistance, prone to fatigue cracking and some pits diseases inthe course of using, The reasons are main that structure depth and friction coefficient ofdesigned epoxy asphalt mixture are slow; fatigue properties are not included in the Mixdesigns, just as a verification indicator of road performance, and the research for fatiguefailure mechanism and life prediction of epoxy asphalt mixture are not deep enough; theresearch for viscoelastic behavior and the ductile-brittle transition temperature of the epoxyasphalt mixture are less. Solving these problems can not be done overnight, need multi-angleresearch from material performance evaluation, mechanical analysis mechanism, mixturedesign method. Based on the above background, this article is in accordance with the“targeted,practicality”research guideline, try to resolve some of the key technical issues of epoxyasphalt concrete pavement by the status survey, the theoretical analysis, numerical simulationand experimental verification means, fill epoxy asphalt mixture design method and level,contribute for the construction of steel bridge deck pavement.
     First of all, this article carries out survey and research work for the using condition ofdomestic and abroad epoxy asphalt mixture of steel bridge deck pavement, summary andanalysis disease characteristics and existing inadequate aspects of the mixture pavement atthis stage; Secondly, proposed design methods and evaluation of sliding and anti-fatiguecracking, and study epoxy asphalt mixture ductile-brittle transition temperature and transitioninterval; then carry out viscoelastic behavior research for the designd epoxy asphalt mixture,provide basic data parameters for mechanical behavior analysis of the pavement; using finiteelement analysis method to study the mechanical behavior of pavement, carring out thefatigue endurance limit research for mixture performance based on the basis of laboratory test;at last, complete fatigue life prediction of the epoxy asphalt mixture pavement based on the real bridge load spectrum and environmental spectrum. The main research work of this articleare as follows:
     1、In order to improve the skid resistance and fatigue resistance of epoxy asphalt mixture,improve the original gradation and design methods, introduce Course Aggregate Void Fillingmethod (CAVF) and impact toughness to the mix design, establish the relation between Jintegral and impact toughness; according to designed asphalt mixtures, carry out skidresistance performance,waterproofing performance and fatigue performance research works,proposed “porosity, structure depth, impact toughness” to be design evaluation index of epoxyasphalt concrete mixture design. Based on the basis of the impact toughness, reveals theductile-brittle transition temperature and transition range of epoxy asphalt mixture.
     2、Using DMA test methods to research wide temperature broadband viscoelasticbehavior for epoxy asphalt and mixture, and elaborate test principle, test equipment and testparameters. Get different temperature and different frequency viscoelastic parameters ofepoxy asphalt and mixture by DMA tests, analysis and summarize the load temperature andfrequency impact on epoxy asphalt and mixture viscoelastic behavior comprehensively, andbase on the time-temperature equivalence principle and the nonlinear least-squares method toidentify a wide frequency range of epoxy asphalt mixture dynamic modulus master curveequation and the shift factor, provide basic data parameters for the proposed model mechanicsanalysis, provide basic data parameters for mechanical behavior analysis of the pavement
     3、Based dynamic modulus parameters,using finite element software to create the beamand slab three-dimensional entities mixed finite element model, in the back ground of HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge project, Combine bridge analysis software Midas Civil and usetwo-level analysis method to analyze mechanical state unfavorable position. At first, establishfull-bridge beam unit model, consider the structure overall deformation by the overall variabletemperature, the gradient variable temperature and lane loads; Secondly, according todeformation unfavorable position, use the theory of plate-shell model to carry out localanalysis,and determine pavement mechanical state under the most unfavorable load usingmulti-lane overall layout load way, moreover, clear the maximum value of steel bridge deckpavement stress state; and analysis mechanical state of the pavement because of moduluschange, provide the basis for the design of material performance.
     4、Explore the impact of different load level of epoxy asphalt mixture on fatigueperformance, determine the epoxy asphalt mixture fatigue endurance limit based on epitaxyand dissipated energy ratio, analyze the fatigue endurance limit impact factors comprehensively because of epoxy asphalt types and dosage, mixture gradation type, theaverage asphalt film thickness and long-term aging, provide a reliable basis for late pavementmixture fatigue life prediction.
     5、Carry out asphalt mixture fatigue damage degree research, put outside air temperatureand solar radiation as the independent variable,using multiple linear regression analysismethod to estimate steel bridge deck pavement temperature field formula, proposed fatiguecumulative damage superposition principle and formula based on the temperature and loadcoupling, deduced steel bridge deck pavement fatigue life prediction methods and procedures.As a case of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge deck pavement engineering, carry outfatigue life prediction based on the actual bridge load spectrum and environmental spectrum.
     6、 Put Zhaoqing MaFang bridge steel deck pavement engineering as the entityengineering application, analyze the disease main influencing factors of Zhaoqing MaFangsteel deck pavement, according to ChemCo epoxy asphalt mixture and TAF epoxy asphaltmixture,carry out pavement performance, construction temperature and curing time comparedresearch. Finally, apply the results of this paper study into engineering practice, from thecurrent situation, use of the effect is very ideal with great promotional value.
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