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为了使对象能够更好地自动适应环境的变化,更好地处理和描述面向对象系统中对象与对象之间的关系,更好地组织和管理面向对象系统中的各种对象,并使程序设计更加符合客观世界的本来面貌,本文把奥地利语言哲学家路德维格·维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)在《逻辑哲学论》(Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus,注:拉丁文)和《哲学研究》(Philosophical Investigations)中关于世界和语言逻辑结构的哲学论述应用到程序设计中,并结合现实世界中对象能自动适应环境(事实或场景)变化的特性(即对象在不同的环境中会表现出不同的属性和行为,有一部分属性和行为只有在某些特定的事实中才会表现出来,而有一部分属性和行为在某些特定的事实中一定不会表现出来),提出了一种新的程序设计语言——面向事实程序设计(Fact-oriented programming——FOP)。
In order to make the objects more adaptable to the changes of environment, more easily to cope with and depict the relationship between objects and organize the objects to take part hi all kinds of affairs, and in order to make the programming design more suitable for the originally reality of the real world, we propose a new-type and more abstract programming language ?Fact-Oriented programming language. It is based on the logic structure of language and the real world that was expressed in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (The title is written in Latin) and Philosophical Investigations which were written by an Austrian linguist and philosopher (Ludwig Wittgenstein). In real world, a certain object will display different features in different environments and scenes, for example some features will only appear in a given environment or scene while other features will not appear in the same environment or scene.
    Firstly, we give a brief analysis of the merits and demerits of Object-Oriented technology, introduce Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical views on the logical structure of the real world and language, analyze and introduce the features of objects that they will appear different attributes and behaviors in different environments and scenes. Then we propose a new programming language named Fact-Oriented Programming that is based on the Object-Oriented Programming and is centered on objects. Compared to the Object-Oriented Programming, Fact-Oriented Programming is more adaptable to the change of condition and more abstract and more easily handle the relationship between objects and organize objects to take part in all kinds of affairs. It strengthens the polymorphism and encapsulation of software. Finally we come up with the principles, characteristics, frame and functions of it and then illustrate them in program instances.
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