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No matter in which kind of attitude, positive or negative, we are facing the challengeto change the traditional legal structure and legislative idea. In this area the Europeanswho were the first to set up the modern country system become the forerunner again.They began law integration by transferring part sovereignty. As company is the mostimportant actor of market economy, company law integration gains special attentionfrom the very beginning.
     The dissertation begins with the background of European company law integration,after a detailed investigation on its historical process and latest development; itexplores some theoretical issues such as content boundary, mechanism, pattern, actualeffect and the challenges.Chapter1is the introduction. In this part, the dissertation presents the motives ofchoosing the topic, research aim, literature review and explains research method andrelated concepts.
     Chapter2makes a macro investigation of European company law integration. The firstsection probes into its historical, economic, political and legal background, and thenanalyzes the consequences they may bring. The second section introduces the legalframework of European company law integration, including founding treaties,company regulations, company directives, decisions, recommendations, judicialdecisions, and etc. Besides, the two action plans, namely2003action plan and2012action plan issued by Commission, are of great importance in that they providedirection for the next stage of development of European company law integration.
     Using pattern and contents as standard, European company law integration can bedivided into three parts. The first part is the harmonization and unification of companylaw of member states. The second part is the impetus for the freedom of establishmentand mobility by ECJ judicial decisions. And the third part is the creation of some typesof supra-national enterprise forms by company regulations.
     Chapter3focuses on the first type, i.e. the harmonization and unification of companylaw of member states. It covers a wide range of areas such as company establishment,capital system, merger and division, accounting, cross-border merger, branch disclosure, one-member Company, takeover bids, corporate governance, and etc. Thedissertation explores the detailed historical process and latest developments in theseareas, especially the intention of integration, controversies involved, solution, maincontents, implementation and scholar opinions, and then makes some comments.
     Chapter4involves the impetus for the freedom of establishment and mobility byjudicial decisions. ECJ broke the deadlock by a series of judicial decisions. In thesedecisions, it forces the member states to obey the principle of mutual recognition bythe interpretation of the freedom of establishment which is protected by the foundingtreaties.
     Chapter5covers the creation of new systems. Some types of supra-national enterpriseforms are created by regulations, which are parallel to and compete with the nationalcompanies. The dissertation introduces the historical process and main contents of SEstatute, makes a comparisons with traditional company established according tonational law, analyzes its breakthrough in the area of cross-border merger, employeeinvolvement and cross-border transfer of seat and emphasizes it landmark implication.The dissertation also introduces and analyzes the SPE regulation in discussion. After acomparison of SE statute, the dissertation maintains that the differences in legislativetechnique and specific rules indicate that SPE regulation will bring more challenges totraditional company law of member states. This chapter also covers the latest situationof other supra-national enterprise forms, such as EEIG, European Cooperative Society,and some forms still in discussion including European Association, European MutualSociety and European Foundation.
     After full investigation of European company law integration, Chapter6makestheoretical analysis from the perspective of contents, operating mechanism,participants, pattern, instruments, actual effects and the challenges.
     With regard to contents, although European company law integration has madesignificant achievements, it has its own boundary, which means it cannot expandwithout any limit. It relies on the relationship between market and communityregulation, regulation competition and community regulation, the establishment anddevelopment of the principle of subsidiarity, the aim of European company lawintegration and the situation of company law of member states. Furthermore, thecontents of European company law integration have some distinctive features. Firstly,it differs in content boundary and selection criteria with the company law of memberstates. Secondly, it has close connection with law integration in other areas. Finally,efficiency and administrative burden mitigation become the reform focus.
     Regarding operating mechanism, European company law integration differs from thetraditional legislation and application process. Considering participants diversity, thenon unidirectional power, the consistent competition and interaction, this mechanism iscomplicated, full of compromise and pursuing balance. The expert group report systemand impact assessment system by impact assessment board are specially introduced.The function of European Council, Council of the European Union, Commission,Court of justice of the European Union, and other participants are analyzed.
     European company law integration can be classified as positive integration andnegative integration by the standard of pattern. Positive integration requires activeaction of community legislative organ; its main instruments contain companyregulations, company directives, and soft law such as opinions, recommendations thatis not binding. The dissertation analyzes the factors that will have an effect on theselection of instruments, and further anticipates that directive will play a moreimportant role in the future. Negative integration represents the denial of memberstates rules which are obstacles of the freedom of establishment and mobility by Court.Positive integration and negative integration develop alternatively and promote eachother.
     The actual effect can be analyzed from two different perspectives. One is from theinternal part; it breaks the traditional system of clear distinction of international lawand national law by creating a new system in complete harmony. The community rulesbecome part of national law and alter the latter in essence which in turn, the nationalcompany laws of the member states become more modern and suitable for theestablishment and functioning of internal market. The other is from outside. Europeancompany law integration challenges the absolute dominance of company law of theUnited States, in the area of accounting standard, corporate governance and companyideas. It exports European company law ideas and standards to the whole world bymaking full use of collective power.
     European company law integration is still facing a series of challenges. It is mainlyreflected in the handling of the balance of several relations, i.e. the balance betweencommunity interest and national interest, the balance between fragmentation andoverall planning, and the balance between comprehensive, detailed regulation andflexible framework regulation.
     Chapter7summarizes the main standpoints, looks into the future of Europeancompany law integration, and explores its implications.
     This dissertation tracks the latest developments, investigates a large number of legislative documents and judicial decisions, by using historical analysis method,literature analysis method and regulation analysis method, and tries to answer threeimportant question of European company law integration, i.e. what is it? How is it?And why?
    5欧洲法院的名称几经变迁。1952年欧洲煤钢共同体成立时,即设立了欧洲煤钢共同体法院(Court of Justiceof the European Coal and Steel Community)。1958年欧洲原子能共同体和欧洲共同体成立时,将之更名为欧洲各共同体法院,简称欧洲法院(Court of Justice of the European Communities, ECJ)。欧洲联盟成立后,欧洲法院并未更名,其权力来源为欧盟第一大支柱,即欧共体。
    6原来的初审法院(Court of First Instance)。
    7目前只有欧盟公务员法庭(Civil Service Tribunal)。
    31Case15/81, Schul 【1982】ECR1409.
    41Case26/62,【1963】 ECR1.
    42Case6/64,【1964】 ECR585.
    43Case11/70,【1970】 ECR1125.
    50Council Regulation (EEC)2137/85of25July1985on the European Economic Interest Grouping(EEIG).
    51Council Regulation (EC)2157/2001of8October on the Statute for a European Company (SE).
    52Council Regulation (EC) No.1435/2003of22Jul.2003on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE).
    53Regulation No1606/2002/EC of19July2002of the European Parliament and of the Council on the applicationof international accounting standards (IAS).
    57Commission Decision2004/706/EC of15Oct.2004establishing the European Corporate Governance Forum.
    58Commission Decision2005/380/EC of28Apr.2005establishing a group of non-governmental experts oncorporate governance and company law.
    59Commission Decision2005/909/EC.
    60Recommendation on Quality Assurance for the Statutory Audit in the European Union: Minimum Requirements.
    61Recommendation on Statutory Auditor’s Independence in the EU: A Set of Fundamental Principles.
    62Commission Recommendation2004/913/EC fostering an appropriate regime for the remuneration of directors oflisted companies.
    63Commission Recommendation2005/162/EC on the role of non-executive or supervisory directors of listedcompanies and on the committees of the (supervisory)board.
    6465Available at http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/docs/modern/reflectiongroup_report_en.pdf.See http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/modern/index_en.htm#conference.
    66The text of the consultation is available at:
    67European Parliament Resolution of14June2012on the future of European company law, P7_TA(2012)0259:
    69First Council Directive68/151/EEC of9March1968on coordination of safeguards which,for the protection ofthe interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the secondParagraph of Article58of the Treaty, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent throughout the Community.
    70Recommendations by The Company Law SLIM Working Group on the Simplification of the First and SecondCompany Law Directive.
    71See Marco Becht,“European Disclosure for the New Millennium”, in Klaus J.Hopt, Hambury&Eddy
    7W2ymeersch, Gent (eds), Capital Markets and Company Law, Oxford University Press,2003, pp.89--90.Directive2003/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of15July2003amending Council
    Directive68/151/EEC, as regards disclosure requirements in respect of certain types of companies.
    73Second Council Directive77/91/EEC of13December1976on coordination of safeguards which, for the
    protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning
    of the second Paragraph of Article58of the Treaty, in respect of the formation of public limited liability companies
    and the maintenance and alteration of their capital, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent).
    75例如德国、比利时、西班牙、波兰等。SeeAdrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.),European CorporateLaw, Kluwer Law International,2009.p.135.note.
    76Section13Companies Act2006.
    77Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.),European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009,p.136.
    78Section7and8German Limited Liability Companies Act.
    79Section9and10Companies Act2006.
    8081Companies Act2006—Explanatory Notes,10,retrievable via .Article L225—1French Commercial Code, Art.14Spanish Stock Corporations Act.
    82Article440Belgian Companies Act.
    83Article74Book2Dutch Civil Code, Art.301Polish Commercial Companies Act.
    84E.Stein, Harmonization of European Company Laws, Bobb’s Merrill,1971, pp.292–294.
    88Vanessa Edwards, EC Company Law, Oxford University Press,1999, p.46.
    94Directive2006/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of6September2006amending CouncilDirective77/91/EEC, as regards the formation of the public limited liability companies and the maintenance andalteration of their capital.
    96Friderich Kübler,“The Rules of Capital Under Pressure of the Securities Markets”, in Klaus J.Hopt&EddyWymeersch(eds), Capital Markets and Company Law, Oxford University Press,2003, p.95.
    105Commission v. Italy, Case C—136/81,12October1982,【1982】ECR3547.
    107Article L224—2French Commercial Code.
    108Article439and448Belgian Companies Code; Article67(3)and80(1)Book2Dutch Civil Code.
    109Article L225—3French Commercial Code.
    110Article309(3)Polish Commercial Companies Code.
    111112Article80b(2)Book2Dutch Civil Code.Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.), European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009,
    113Winter report, p.49.
    121Marcus Lutter (ed.),“Legal Capital in Europe”, European Company and Financial Law Review,2006(1), pp.
    122KPMG, Feasibility Study on an alternative to the capital maintenance regime established by the SecondDirective77/91/EEC of13December1976and an examination of the impact on profit distribution of the newEU-accounting regime,2008.
    123See Reinier Kraakman, The Anatomy of Corporate Law:A Comparative and Functional Approach (SecondEdition),Oxford University Press,2009.pp.130--1.
    126Third Council Directive78/855/EEC of9October1978based on Article54(3)(g)of the Treaty concerningmergers of public limited liability companies.
    130Directive2011/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of5April2011concerning mergers ofpublic limited liability companies.
    136Six Council Directive82/891/EEC of17December1982based on Article54(3)(g)of the Treaty, concerningthe division of public limited liability companies.
    142See report by the Commission on the proposal for a Fourth Directive of10November1971, in 【1971】ECBull.Supp.735.
    147Fourth Council Directive78/660/EEC of25July1978based on Article54(3)(g)of the Treaty on the annualaccounts of certain types of companies.
    152See in the context Arts2and3in Draft COM(88)292,final version14Oct.1988.
    155Seventh Council Directive83/349/EEC of13June1983based on the Article54(3)(g)of the Treaty onconsolidated accounts.
    156Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro (et al.), European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009, p.72.
    162Grahma Diggel&Cristopher Nobes,“European Rule-Making inAccounting: The Seventh Directive as a CaseStudy”, in International Accounting and Comparative Financial Reporting. Selected Essays of Christopher Nobes,Edward Elgar Publishing,1999, p.177.
    163Luca Enriques,“EC company law directives and regulations: How trivial are they?”, in University ofPennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law,2006(27), p.26.
    164EddyWymeersch,“About Techniques of Regulating Companies in the European Union”, in Guido Ferrarini (etal.
    Eds):Reforming Company and Takeover Law in Europe,2004, p.145,166.
    166Eighth Council Directive84/253/EEC of10April1984based on Article54(3) of the Treaty on the approval of
    persons responsible for carrying out the statutory audits of accounting documents.
    167168Recommendation on Quality Assurance for the Statutory Audit in the European Union: Minimum Requirements.Recommendation on Statutory Auditor’s Independence in the EU: A Set of Fundamental Principles.
    170根据学者1994年对德国、英国和法国公司从1982年到1990年间的数据资料的分析,认为没有证据表明指令发布后实现了这三个国家会计实务的趋同。See Joos,P.and M.Lang,“The effects of accounting diversity:evidence from the European Union”, in Journal of Accounting Research,1994(32), pp.141—168.
    171Karel Vanhule,“Financial Disclosure andAccounting”, in Klaus J.Hopt&Eddy Wymeersch(eds), CapitalMarkets and Company Law, Oxford University Press,2003, p.154.
    172See Karel Vanhule,“Financial Disclosure and Accounting”, in Klaus J.Hopt&Eddy Wymeersch(eds), CapitalMarkets and Company Law, Oxford University Press,2003,pp.155‐‐157.
    174Communication of the European Commission on “Accounting Harmonization:ANew Strategy vis-à-visInternational Harmonisation”, COM95(508).
    175Karel Vanhule,“Financial Disclosure and Accounting”,in Klaus J.Hopt&Eddy Wymeersch(eds), CapitalMarkets and Company Law, Oxford University Press,2003, p.154.
    177Contact Committee on the Accounting Directive, An Examination of the Conformity Between the International
    Accounting Standards and the European Accounting Directives, European Commission, Office for Official
    Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg,1996.
    178Interpretative Communication concerning certain Articles of the fourth and seventh Council Directives on
    1a7c9counting, OJ1998, C016.Accounting Harmonization: A New Strategy vis-à-vis International Harmonization”, Com95(508).
    180Communication of the European Commission on “EU Financial Reporting Strategy: the Way Forward”, COM
    181Eleventh Council Directive89/666/EEC of21December1989concerning disclosure requirements in respect ofbranches opened in a Member State by certain types of company governed by the law of another State.
    182Explanatory Memorandum of Single-member Private Limited Companies, Bull.EC.Suppl.5/88,pp16—20.
    186Twelfth Council Company Law Directive89/667/EEC of21December1989on single-member privatelimited-liability companies.
    190Obstacles to takeover and other general bids. Communication from the Commission to the Council (COM
    (88)823final) and Amended proposal for a Thirteenth Council Directive on Company Law concerning takeover andother general bids.
    191OJ1989,C64,14Mar.1989,8; with explanatory memorandum, Suppl.3/89—Bull.EC. K.Byttebier,“Protectiveand Defensive Measures against Hostile Takeovers”, in Eddy Wymeersch(ed.):Further Perspectives in FinancialIntegration in Europe, Walter de Gruyter&Co,1994, p.181.
    192“Report of the High Level Group of Company Law Experts on Issues Related to Takeover Bids”.Jan.2002.在提交报告,这一专家组直接被欧委会任命为公司法高级专家小组,并提交了2002温特报告。
    193Press release IP/01/1237of04Sep.2001.
    194Report on Issues Related to Takeover Bids(Brussels:10Jan.2002).
    196Peer Zumbansen,“‘New governance’in European corporate law regulation as transnational legal pluralism”, in
    1E9u7ropean Law Journal,2009(15), p.249.Eddy Wymeersch, The Takeover Bid Directive, Light and Darkness, Financial Law Institute Working Paper No.
    2008-01(Jan.2008), at2, available at .
    198Hertig and McCahery,“Optional rather than mandatory EU company law: Framework and specific proposals”,
    ECFR,2006(3), p.341. See also Andrew Johnston: EC Regulation of Corporate Governance, Cambridge University
    Press,2009, p.280et seq.
    199Report on the implementation of the Directive on Takeover Bids, Commission Staff Working Document
    (Brussels,21Feb,2007),SEC (2007).
    201Proposal for a Fifth Directive on structure, powers and obligations of the organs of the public company【1972】O.J.C131; amended proposal 【1983】O.J.C240;further amended 【1991】O.J.C7and C321.This proposal has finallybeen withdrawn by the commission in2001.
    205See the Study on Monitoring and Enforcement Practices in Corporate Governance in the Member States,available at http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/ecgforum/studies_en.htm.
    207http://www.frc.org.uk/getattachment/e2db042e-120b-4e4e-bdc7-d540923533a6/UK-Stewardship-Code-September-2012.aspx, especially principles1and6.
    208http://www.eumedion.nl/en/public/knowledgenetwork/best-practices/best_practices-engaged-share-ownership.pdf,especially best practice6.
    209http://www.efama.org/Publications/Public/Corporate_Governance/11-4035%20EFAMA%20ECG_final_6%20April%202011%20v2.pdf, especially principles1,5and6.
    210https://www.icgn.org/images/ICGN/Best%20Practice%20Guidance%20PDFS/short_version_-_icgn_global_corporate_governance_principles-_revised_2009.pdf, especially point9.5. See alsohttps://www.icgn.org/files/icgn_main/pdfs/best_practice/inst_share_responsibilities/2007_principles_on_institutional_shareholder_responsibilities.pdf, especially p.12.
    211Directive2007/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of11July2007on the exercise of certainrights of shareholders in listed companies.
    213Commission Recommendation2004/913/EC.
    214Article43(1)(7b) of Directive78/660/EEC on annual accounts and Article34(7b) of Directive83/349/EEC onconsolidated accounts.
    215Statement of the European Corporate Governance Forum on Related Party Transactions for Listed Entities, of
    10March2011, available at:http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/docs/ecgforum/ecgf_related_party_transactions_en.pdf.
    217例如奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、荷兰、瑞典。See Carla Travares Da Costa andAlexandrade Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, Kluwer Law International,2003,pp.21--23.
    219Carla Travares Da Costa and Alexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, Kluwer LawInternational,2003,p.21.
    220Thomas Papadopoulos:“The Magnitude of EU Fundamental Freedoms: Application of the Freedom ofEstablishment to the Cross-Border Mergers Directive”, EBLR,2012,23(4), p.521.
    221Proposal for a Tenth Directive of the Council based on Article54(3)(g)of the Treaty concerning cross-bordermergers of public limited companies(OJ C23,25January1985,p.11.
    223Council Regulation (EC) No.2157/2001of8Oct.2001on the Statute for a European Company (SE).
    224Directive2005/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of26October2005on cross-bordermergers of limited liability companies [2005] OJ L310/1.
    230231Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.), European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009.p.241.Ibid.
    232See Commission Staff Working Document Impact Assessment on the directive on the cross-border transfer of
    registered office, Brussels,12Dec.2007,SEC (2007)1707.
    233See Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.),European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009,pp.242--3.
    234331out of a total of496replies.
    235Petri Màntysaari, Comparative Corporate Governance, Springer,2005, p.53.
    236Case81/87, The Queen v.HM Treasury and Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte Daily Mail and GeneralTrust plc.【1988】ECR5483et seq.
    238Dane Prentice,“The incorporation theory–The United Kingdom”, EBLR,2003(14),p.631.
    239Brenda Hannigan, Company Law(2nd), Oxford University Press,2009,p.4.
    240A Khan,“Corporate Mobility under Article49TFEU”, EBLR,2011,22(6), p.854; J Lowry,“Eliminatingobstacles to freedom of establishment: The competitive edge of UK company law”, CLJ,2004,63(2), p.332.
    242Carla Travares Da Costa andAlexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, Kluwer LawInternational,2003,p.46.
    244【1969】2EC Bull.Supp.7.
    245V.Edwards, EC Company Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1999, p.384.
    247Commission v. France, Case270/83【1986】ECR273.
    248Commission v. France, Case270/83【1986】ECR273,para.18
    249Ibid, paras19,20and27.
    250Ibid, paras22.
    251Case79/85, D.H.M.Segers v.Bestuur van de Bedrijfsverniging voor Bank【1986】ECR2375et seq.
    252See further Edwards, EC Company Law, pp.347—351.
    253Segers, Case79/85【1986】ECR2375paras13,14and16.
    254Case C-55/94Gebhard v Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati e Procuratori di Milano[1995]ECR I-4165.
    255Ibid, para.37.
    256Case81/87, The Queen v.HM Treasury and Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte Daily Mail and GeneralTrust plc.【1988】ECR5483et seq.
    257Ibid. paras18—25.
    258Daily Mail, Case81/87【1988】ECR5483paras15,16,23.
    259See Carla Travares Da Costa and Alexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, p.53.
    260Centros Ltd v.Erhvervs-og Selskabsstyrelsen,[1999] ECR I-1459.
    264Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.), European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009, p.33.
    265Carla Travares Da Costa and Alexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, Kluwer LawInternational,2003, p.48.
    266Case208/00,überseering BV vs.Nordic Construction Company Baumanagement GmbH(NCC),[2002] ECRI-9919.
    267Ibid, para.81.
    268Micheler E:“Recognition of Cmpanues Incorporated in Other EU Member States”, ICLQ,2003(52), p.529.
    269Roth WH,“From Centros to Ueberseering: Free Movement of Companies:Private International Law andCommunity Law”, ICLQ,2003(52),p.181.
    271Ibid, para.89.
    272Micheler E, Recognition of Cmpanues Incorporated in Other EU Member States, p.529.
    273Case167/01,Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Amsterdam v.Inspire Art Ltd,[2003] ECR I-10155.
    274Ibid, para.100.
    276Inspire Art, para.103.
    277Ibid, paras96,98and136—137.
    278Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro (et al.), European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009, p.37.
    279See William W Bratton, Joseph A McCabery and Erik P M Vermeulen,“How does Corporate Mobility AffectLawmaking?” in Dan Prentice&Arad Reisberg(eds), Corporate Finance Law in the UK and EU, OxfordUniversity Press,2011,p.449.
    281Case C-411/03Sevic Systems 【2005】ECR I-10805.
    282Ibid, paras19and21-23.
    283Opinion of Advocate General Tizzano in SEVIC, Case C-411/03【2005】ECR I-10805paras48-50.
    284Case C-210/06, Cartesio Oktató és Szolgáltató bt,[2008] ECR I-9641.
    285Klaus J Hopt,“Concluding Remarks at the1stECFR Symposium”,in European Company&Financial LawReview,2007(4), p.169.
    286Case C-210/06(Cartesio),paras112and113.
    287For more comments on Cartesio, see Borg-Barthet,“European private international law of companies afterCartesio”, ICLQ2009(58), p.1020; T Biermeyer,“Bringing darkness into the dark: European corporate cross-bordermobility in Re Cartesio”, MJ,2009(16), p.251; Syrpis PAJ&P Johnston Andrew,“Regulatory competition inEuropean company law after Cartesio”, EL Rev.2009(34), p.378; S Lombardo,“Regulatory competition in companylaw in the European Union after Cartesio”, EBOR,2009(10), p.627.
    288See decision of16December2008in case C-210/06, Cartesio, at110.
    290See decision of9March1999in case C-212/97, Centros.
    291See William W Bratton, Joseph A McCabery and Erik P M Vermeulen,“How does Corporate Mobility AffectLawmaking?” in Dan Prentice&Arad Reisberg(eds), Corporate Finance Law in the UK and EU, OxfordUniversity Press,2011,pp.429—430.
    293【1974】1EC Bull.Supp.15at20.
    295Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.), European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009,p.96.note.
    303Communication from the Commission,97/C285/10, OJ1997, C285.
    304See the report attached to the Italian draft law of March1989for the establishment of European EconomicInterest Group (EEIG) in implementation of Council Regulation No.2137/85,p.1.
    308Communication from the Commission,97/C285/10, OJ1997, C285, Ch.II.
    309Carla Travares Da Costa and Alexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, Kluwer LawInternational,2003,p.1.
    311Carla Travares Da Costa and Alexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, Kluwer LawInternational,2003, p.1.
    312【1966】Bull des CE9/10.
    313See Pieter Sanders,“From Conception to Reality”, in in.Jonathan Rickford(ed), The European Company:Developing a Community Law of Corporations: Collected Papers from the Leien University Unilever Program2002, Intersentia,2003,pp.37—39.
    314315OJ1970, C12411; Supplement to the Bulletin8-1970of the European Communities.Official Journal C131,13December1972.
    316Official Journal C93,7August1974.
    317Amended proposal for a Council regulation on the Statute for European companies (COM (75)150final).
    318Official Journal C23,30January1989.
    319Official Journal C96,17April1989.
    320OJ C263,16October1989.
    322Carla Travares Da Costa andAlexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, p.5.
    324职工参与(employee involvement)与职工参加(employee participation)是两个不同的术语。职工参加也
    334欧委会最初是基于传统的欧共体条约第44条。A.Wehlau,“The Societas Europaea:ACritique of theCommission’s1991Amended Proposal”, Common Market Law Review,1992,29(3),p.473.
    337Wino Veen,“The Law Governing SEs: An Interpretation Based on a TextualAnalysis and the ReferencingMethodology in the Regulation”, in European Company Law,2004,1(3), p.113.
    339Wino Veen,“The Law Governing SEs: An Interpretation Based on a TextualAnalysis and the ReferencingMethodology in the Regulation”, in European Company Law.2004,1(3), p.114.
    340Michel Menjucq,“Implementation in France of the Regulation on the European Company:AStrategicInterpretation”, European Company Law,2004,1(3):117et seq.
    341关于此问题的详细讨论,参见Wino Veen,“The Law Governing SEs: An Interpretation Based on a TextualAnalysis and the Referencing Methodology in the Regulation”, European Company Law,1(3), pp.111-116.
    343转化公司的条件只考虑了由其它成员国规制的子公司至少两年以上,而没有包括设有分公司的情形,之所以有这样严格的规定,是因为一些成员国在最终的讨论阶段只肯接受这一情形,因此对之进行了严格限定。See Carla Travares Da Costa and Alexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, p.17.
    344Carla Travares Da Costa andAlexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, p.34.note.
    345参见欧委会欧洲委员会在2004年10月8日发布的04/235号备忘录中的说明(The EuropeanCompany—Frequently Asked Questions,Reference: MEMO/04/235)。
    357差不多与此同时,也就是在1984年,关于公司集团的第9号公司法指令提案在其草案阶段就很快被放弃了。这一指令提案是以德国立法为基础,但是广受诟病,认为其过于僵化和细致。1993年,欧委会所要求的一项比较研究显示在这一领域一些共同的规则和原则在成员国中普遍存在且为成员国所适用。See CarlaTravares Da Costa and Alexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, p.44.note.
    359Carla Travares Da Costa andAlexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, pp.43--4.
    362Carla Travares Da Costa andAlexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, p.73.
    370The Davignon Report, Group of Experts on European Systems of Worker Involvement, Final Report (Brussels,May1997), Table1.
    372Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.),European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009,p.61.
    376Carla Travares Da Costa and Alexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, p.54.
    377See Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.),European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009,p.114.note.
    381Luca Enriques,“Silence is golden: The European company statute as a catalyst for company law arbitrage”, inJournal of Corporate Legal Studies,2004(4), p.77.
    383K.v. The Treasury and Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte Daily Mail and General Trust plc (1989) IAII E.R.328.para21.
    385Erik Werlauff, SE—The Law of the European Company, DJQF Publishing,2003, p.1.
    387在税收问题上,欧洲公司应当受到其注册机构所在国法律的规制,且其不享有比其它企业在国外设立更多的损失减免的优惠。参见Preamble, Recital20.Directive90/434/EEC on the common system of taxationapplicable to mergers, divisions, transfer of assets and exchanges of shares concerning companies of differentMember States must be amended as to include the SE.
    388Adrianan Dorresteijn,European Corporate Law,p.59.
    389Carla Travares Da Costa andAlexandra de Meester Bilreiro, The European Company Statute, p.17.
    391例如那些服装行业的公司集团,其设计可能在米兰完成,生产可能在某个中东欧国家完成,最终其标识上可毫无争议的注上“made in Europe”。
    392See Luca Enrigues,“Science Is Golden: The European Company Statutes as a Catalyst for Company LawArbitrage”, in Journal of Corporate Legal Studies,2004(4), p.77.
    393See William W Bratton, Joseph A McCahery&Erik P M Vermeulen,“How Does Corporate Mobility AffectLawmaking? A Comparative Analysis”, in Dan Prentice&Arad Reisberg(eds), Corporate Finance Law in the UKand EU, Oxford University,2011, pp.438-439.
    395Analysis of Replies to Commission Consultation Paper on Company Law (XV/6013/97).关于欧洲公司法令起草的历史可以参见Edwards, EC Company Law,399et seq.
    398OJ1992, C99and1993,C236and OJ1993,C236.
    399Council Regulation (EC) No.1435/2003of22Jul.2003on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE),OJ2003,L207and Council Directive2003/72/EC of22Jul.2003supplementing the Statute for a EuropeanCooperative Society with regard to the involvement of employees, OJ2003,L207.
    402See http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/public-consultation/past-consultations/index_en.htm.
    40361%(307out of496) in favour.
    404Commission of the European Communities,“Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Statute for a EuropeanPrivate Company”, Brussels, COM (2008)396/3.
    405Adrianan Dorresteijn, European Corporate Law, p.128.
    412例如德国学者Peter Hommerhoff和Christoph Teichmann,参见法学杂志GmbHR undschau,2008年第17期,第913页。转引自蒋舸、吴一兴:“欧洲公司法统一化新进展----简析欧盟委员会《欧洲私法公司条例草案》”,载《理论月刊》,2009年第2期,第138页。
    414参见Robert Drury,“Private Company Law Reform”,in Joseph A.McCahery, Levinus Timmerman(eds),PrivateCompany Law Reform:International and European Perspectives, Asser Press,2010,p.337.
    415The Explanatory Memorandum to the SPE Proposal, at2.
    416参见SPE条例草案第7条。关于SPE条例草案更为详尽的分析,可参见A.F.M.Dorresteijn&O.Uziahu-Santcroos,“The Societas Privata Europaea under the magnifying Glass”,in European Company Law2008(5), pp.277—283.
    418Paul Davies, The European Private Company (SPE):Uniformity, Flexibility, Competition and the Persistence ofNational Law, ECGI Working Paper Series in Law, Working Paper, No154/2010May2010, pp.29-31.
    419251out of a total of496replies.
    420Luca Enriques,“EC company law directives and regulations: How trivial are they?” in University ofPennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law,2006(27), p.2.
    421Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.),European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009,p.30.
    424Luca Enriques:“Company Law Harmonization Reconsidered: What Role for the C?” inS.M.Bartman(ed.),European Company Law in Accelerated Progress, Kluwer Law International,2006,p.65
    426William L.Cary,“Federalism and Corporate Law: Reflections upon Delware”, in YALE L.J.,1974(83), p.663,
    427Marcel Kahan, Ehud Kamar,“The Myth of State Competition in Corporate Law”, in Stan.L.Rev,2002(55),p.679.
    428Mitchell A Kane and Edward B Rock,“Corporate Taxation and International Charter Competition”, in MichiganLaw Review2008(106), p.1229.
    429See John Armour and Douglas J.Cumming,“Bankruptcy Law and Entrepreneurship”, in American Economic
    International Law Review,2008(10), pp.312–314.
    430Marco Becht, Colin Mayer and Hannes F.Wagner,“Where do firms incorporate? Deregulation and the cost of
    entry”, Journal of Corporate Finance,2008(14),pp.249–252.
    431William W.Bratton, Joseph A.McCahery and Erik P.M.Vermeulen,“How does corporate mobility affect
    lawmaking? A comparative analysis”, AJCL,2009(52), p.347.
    432Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.):European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009.p.13.
    433William W.Bratton, Joseph A.McCahery and Erik P.M.Vermeulen,“How does corporate mobility affect
    4la34wmaking? A comparative analysis”, AJCL,2009(52), p.347.See J Vella,“Sparking regulatory competition in European company law–The impact of the Centros line of
    case law and its concept of ‘abuse of law’”, in De la Feria and Vogenauer (eds.), Prohibition of Abuse of Law: A
    New General Principle of EU Law,Hart Publishing,2011, p.107.
    435(英)安东尼.奥格斯(Anthony I. Ogus):《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社,2008年版,第105页。
    437Friedrich Haaga GmbH, Case32-74【1974】ECR1201para.6.
    438Directive2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of28Jan.2003on insider dealing and
    4m39arket manipulation (market abuse), O.J.2003, L96/16.Directive2004/109/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of15Dec.2004on the harmonization of
    transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a
    regulated market and amending Directive2001/34/EC, O.J.2004, L390/38.
    444Impact Assessment Board Report for2012, p.3.
    446Communication on EU Regulatory Fitness.(COM(2012)746)
    447其主要内容就是在完全尊重辅助性原则和比例性原则的基础上进行最高质量的规制。See ‘Smartregulation in the European Union’(COM(2010)543)
    448Impact Assessment Board Report for2012, p.3.
    450参见欧委会欧洲委员会在2004年10月8日发布的04/235号备忘录中的说明(The EuropeanCompany—Frequently Asked Questions,Reference: MEMO/04/235)。
    451European Parliament, Resolution on recent developments and prospects inrelation to company law,(2006/2051(INI)).
    452See the Commission, Impact assessment on the Directive on the cross-border transfer of registered office,SEC(2007)1707, Brussels,12.12.2007.p.6.
    453Draft Report with recommendations to the Commission on cross-border transfer of company seats, Committeeon Legal Affairs,17Oct.2008,2008/2196(INI), preceded by the Draft Opinion of the Committee on Economics andMonetary Affairs,23Sep.2008,2008/2196(INI).
    454Case C-436/03Parliament v Council 【2006】ECR I-3733.
    457Karel Van Hulle,“The True and Fair View Override in the European Accounting Direcitve”, in Eur.Acct.Rev.1997,6(4),p.716.
    458ECJ4Dec.1997, Case C—97/96, Verband deutscher Daihatsu—H ndler eV v.Daihatsu Deutschland GmbH.
    459460ECJ11Jan,1990, C-38/39(Blanguernon).Simon Deakin,“Regulatory competition versus harmonisation in European company law”, in Esty and
    Gerardin(eds), Regulatory Competition and Economic Integration: Comparative Perspectives, Oxford University
    Press,2001, p.203.
    461这一类的学术著作可谓汗牛充栋。如E.Stein, Harmonization of European Company Laws,Bobb’s Merrill,1971, Reinier Kraakman,The Anatomy of Corporate Law: A Comparative and Functional Approach (SecondEdition),Oxford University Press,2009;Petri Màntysaari, Comparative Corporate Governance, Springer,2005.
    463Case6/90and9/90(1991)ECR I—5357.
    464Francis Snyder,“Soft Law and Institutional Practice in the European Community”, in S.Martin(ed.), TheConstruction of Europe, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1994, p.198.
    465Jan Wouters,“European Company Law: Quo Vadis?”, in Common Market Law Reivew,2000(37), p.257.
    466John Armour and Wolf-Georg Ringe,“European Company Law1999-2010: Renaissance and Crisis”, inCommon Market Law Review,2011(48), p.125.
    467G Hertig and J A McCahery,“Optional Rather than Mandatory EU Company Law: Framework and SpecificProposals”, in European Company and Financial Law Review,2006(3), p.341.
    468See his speech07/527on “Simplification of the business environment for companies” at a public event onBetter Regulation/Simplification of Company Law with the Portuguese Ministry of Justice, Lisbon,13Sept.2007.
    469European Commission, Communication on a simplified business environment for companies in the areas ofcompany law, accounting and auditing, COM(2007)394final.
    470European Parliament resolution of21May2008on a simplified business environment for companies in theareas of company law, accounting and auditing (2007/2254(INI)),O.J.2009, C279E/36.
    472Gareth Davies, European Union Internal Market Law (2ndeition), Cavendish Publishing,2003, p.154.
    473Ninth Company Law Directive on the Conduct of Groups containing a Public Limited Company as a Subsidiary.
    474Directorate General for Internal Market and Services, Summary Report on the Public Consultation on FuturePriorities for the Action Plan on Company Law and Corporate Governance (Brussels), p.22.
    475See feedback statement of17July2012and responses received at:http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/modern/index_en.htm#consultation2012.
    478Adrianan Dorresteijn, Tiago Monteiro(et al.),European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International,2009,p.40
    480See Luca Enriques,“A Comment from Old Europe on post—Enron Corporate Governance Reforms”,in WakeForest L.Rev.2003(38), p.911.
    481See Marco Becht,“European Disclosure for the New Millennium”, in Klaus J.Hopt, Hambury&EddyWymeersch, Gent (eds), Capital Markets and Company Law, Oxford University Press,2003, p.91.
    482Mads Andenas&Frank Wooldridge, European Comparative Company Law, Cambridge University Press,2009,p.34.
    483SeeJ Armour, S Deakin (et al),“Law and financial development: What are we learning from time-seriesevidence?”, in Brigham Young University Law Review,2010, pp.1488–90.
    485See feedback statement of17July2012and responses received at:http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/modern/index_en.htm#consultation2012.486376out of a total of496replies.
    487European Parliament Resolution of14June2012on the future of European company law, see point10,P7_TA(2012)0259:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P7-TA-2012-0259+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=EN
    489参见Commission Memorandum of15July1988, p.9.
    [98](葡)马努埃尔·卡洛斯·罗比斯·波尔图(Manuel Carlos Lopes Porto)等:《一体化理论和欧洲联盟政策》,澳门大学法学院出版社,2004年版。
    [104](美)戴维.卡莱欧(David P. Calleo):《欧洲的未来》,冯绍雪、袁胜育、王蕴秀译,上海人民出版社,2003年版。
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