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Abstract:The industrial agglomeration has been researched for a long time, especially about terrestrial industries and enterprises based on micro-scale, focusing on the "bottom-up" or spontaneous formation. This thesis takes the industrial layout theory of the marine economic geography as a starting point, and researches spatio-temporal characteristics and formation law of marine industrial agglomeration activities and its coordination with the regional resources and environment in China based on interprovincial scale. Marine economic geography is an important part of economic geography, and marine industrial layout is also an important research. Non-balanced industrial development in space is a general law of industrial layout and it also works for marine industry layout. Research on marine industrial agglomeration begins lately, it is extension and supplement of the original industrial agglomeration theory based on terrestrial industries. The result of meso-scale is an overall performance of the activities and interacts of industries and micro-enterprises. Industrial agglomeration has positive effects accompanied with negative effects, so self-evolution often takes a risk of blindness. In the long run we obtain the positive effect at the cost of compensating for the negative effect. Geographic perspective focus on its Spatio-temporal characteristics, and marine industrial layout theory pay more attention to the "top-down" regulation and control on the basis of the understanding of industrial agglomeration law in order as much as possible to reduce the risk of blindness, to enhance the positive effects, to diminish the negative effects, and in the end to make human factors play a positive role and provide reference and theoretical basis for the layout plan of marine industries in China.
     To clear the foothold and the starting point is the key to research, the concept and classification is the basis of quantitative analysis, therefore, this thesis first organizes and takes an brief analysis on the related concepts and classifications of the disciplines relevant to it, and based the perspective on the theory of marine industrial layout, the author arranges and observes the relevant literatures domestic and overseas. On this basis, taking the11coastal regions as the object of study, the thesis makes qualitative and quantitative description and analysis on spatio-temporal characteristics of China's marine industry:measuring the agglomeration degree of the marine by centralization index and mainly focusing on its temporal changes, dividing and phasing the marine industries according to the agglomeration degree and the evolution characteristics and making comparative analysis; on the other hand, this thesis also gives expression, description and analysis of the spatial characteristics to the marine industries by location entropy, excel and GIS. The spatio-tempora characteristics of marine industrial agglomeration is the external manifestation of the complex interaction and mutual interaction of various factors, various systems, with cumulative causation theory. Therefore, the research of this part summarizes the driving factors of marine industry agglomeration based on theories relevant to industrial agglomeration, makes analysis one by one, and constructs an driving mechanism theoretical model on the basis of system theory, dissipative structure theory, synergetics and cumulative causation theory. Whether the development of the marine industrial agglomeration system is healthy on the whole or not, and how to make human factors play an positive role of are questions of most concern. At the end of this thesis, the author selects four specimens, mesures and analysizes the coordination degree between the regional marine industrial agglomeration system and resource-environment system with the coupling coordination model, and through comparation and analysis, puts forword the conclusions and recommendations of the development of marine industrial agglomeration in China.
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