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Now a lot of large-scale engineering projects are under construction in our country and this tendency is growing up. The equipment in quite a number of these engineering occupies an important place even plays a leading role. So it is well worth of researching that how to introduce and efficiently use equipment engineering supervision in engineering construction. This dissertation will research the quality, cost and time control, and the main contributions are as follows:
    1. A concept of equipment engineering supervision is put forward and defined.
    2. The control process and type are studied, and a basic architecture of equipment engineering supervision is built up.
    3. Some target control models, including the statistical warp analysis model and forecast warp analysis model of single target and multi-target control warp analysis model, are built. Then a novel method is proposed for defining the quality, cost and time of engineering projects.
    4. Some integrated cost control models are built.
    5. The cost control method with cost warp analysis is proposed.
    6. By using the system reliability and optimum allocation principle, feasibility of the relations between quality control and cost control reasonably is analyzed when the equipment engineering is in progress. The beneficial research for the application of the system reliability allocation principle in quality and cost control is made.
    7. We propose the time control methods including cure comparison and warp analysis method.
    8. A time-cost optimization model is given by means of introducing the min-cut max-flow theory, and a solution to this model is provided. The result shows that this method can solve effectively time-cost optimization problem in complex project plan.
    9. The optimization problem of resource- constrained allocation is solved by the adoption of the genetic algorithm technique in resource planning optimization. This method has its practical application value for the resource planning optimization of project.
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