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     3.提出Ludwig积分结合SPM技术的NURBS MOM-PO方法,用于电大平台问题的高效分析。Ludwig积分需要对一个矩形区域进行剖分,为得到较高精度的计算结果,往往剖分较细,使得计算效率不高。SPM方法不需要任何剖分。因此,先对天线单元与散射体的距离进行预判断,如果距离低于一个波长则用Ludwig积分处理,反之则使用SPM方法。利用Ludwig积分结合SPM技术计算有理贝齐尔曲面上物理光学感应电流的积分,既避免了单纯使用SPM方法时近区场计算失效的问题,又避免了单纯使用Ludwig积分时计算效率较低的缺点。
     4.提出基于Ludwig积分结合SPM方法的NURBS MOM-PO快速算法。SPM方法求解过程中多次求解关键点消耗大量计算时间,本文引入两种加速技巧,通过对矩量法区域进行分组求解及计算方向图时采用插值关键点方法,极大的提高了NURBS建模MOM-PO混合方法的计算效率。数值结果与不加速的NURBSMOM-PO方法和三角形建模的MOM-PO得到的结果吻合良好。计算时间的对比说明了本文方法与传统方法相比,效率大幅度提高。
The study of electromagnetic scattering and electromagnetic compatibility ofsome wire antennas mounted on electrically large complicated platform is a mostlychallenging research topic both in theory and engineering. The technology ofComputer Aided Design (CAD) is widely adopted in the design process of industriesproducts. The emergence of computational electromagnetics reduces a large amountof cost for the electromagnetic analysis. Today, the most popular method forgeometrical design is the Nonuniform Rational B-spline (NURBS) surface.Numerical method based on NURBS surface is an urgent and important issue. Beinglinked with research projects, the NURBS based hybrid Method of Moments andPhysical Optics (MOM-PO) and higher order MOM with Uniform geometricalTheory of Diffraction (UTD) are thoroughly studied. The author’s major work andcontributions are as follows:
     1. The Physics Optics (PO) method is used to calculate the disturbed patternof an antenna around the electrically large platform modeled with NURBS surface.The improved Ludwig integral method is applied to compute the integration ofinduced current over the surface. Compared with the existing NURBS-PO method,the new technique overcomes the limitation that the antenna must be located faraway from the scatterer. Since the true scattering field of antenna is replaced byspherical wave in conventional method. The present method also avoids thecomplicated theory and the possible invalidation in searching stationary points ofstationary phase method (SPM) method. Numerical results obtained from proposedapproach show great agreement with that obtained from pure Method of Moment(MOM). The feasibility of the proposed method is obviously demonstrated. And theapproach presented in this paper has the advantage over the MOM method in speedwhen they are used to solve high frequency problems.
     2. The MOM-PO hybrid method based on Ludwig integral and modifiedimpedance matrix is used to analyze the disturbed pattern of an antenna around theelectrically large scatterer modeled with NURBS surfaces. Compared with existingiterative MOM-PO method based on SPM, the new method avoids possible problemof iterative convergence. Ludwig integral is utilized to calculate the integral of POcurrents on Bezier surfaces. It overcomes the invalidity of SPM in the traditionalmethod. The comparison of the results obtained by this method with those publishedin literatures and from pure MOM shows the feasibility and accuracy of the present method.
     3. The conventional MOM-PO method based on NURBS modeling isimplemented by modifying the voltage matrix. However, the problem of iterativedivergence may occur. To solve this problem, a method of modifying the impedancematrix is presented to avoid the potential divergence. Ludwig integral combiningwith SPM is utilized to calculate the integral of PO currents on Bezier surfaces. Itovercomes the invalidity in the conventional method while keeping its efficiency.The comparison of the results obtained by this method with those published in theliterature and from pure MOM shows feasibility and accuracy of the present method.
     4. An efficient and stable MOM-PO hybrid method is proposed to calculatedisturbed pattern of antenna around electrically large platform modeled with NURBSsurfaces. Modified impendence matrix is used to implement the interaction of MOMregion and PO region for avoiding the convergence issue. SPM is used to calculatethe integral of induced current. Both grouping of MOM region and interpolation ofstationary points, are used to accelerate the present approach. Results obtained bythis method agree well with that from traditional Triangle MOM-PO. Comparison ofcomputing time of each method demonstrates the present method is accuracy enoughand much more efficient.
     5. The radiation pattern of the complex antenna around electrically largeplatform is analyzed by means of iterative vector fields and UTD method in thispaper. The complex field vectors produced by antenna without platform can beobtained by higher order MOM. The initial currents over the closed surface enclosingthe antenna are computed according to the equivalence theorem. Scattering fieldfrom platform is calculated by UTD method to iterate the currents over the enclosedsurface. After the electromagnetic currents are stable, the disturbed pattern can beobtained by UTD. Based on this method, an approximate method is also presented toimprove the efficiency. The results of the suggested methods show more accurate andhigher efficiency than that of MOM.
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