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Look from the economics angle of view, the finance is the economic contents of politics. Because the finance is close to public fund raising and resource allocating.If property rights protect, society justice, law and so on are all looked as public goods, the finance is a kind of social mechanism that the public goods are allocated. Because the government budget management system is the core of finance management system, the government budget management system is the economic issue of politics as well as the political issue of economy.
     The reform of government budget management system involves all the aspects of politics, economy and society, towing a hair but moving the whole body.The adjustment and good order among all levels governments is related to state stability and convulsion, unity and abruption, prosperousness and contabescence. Only the problem of government budget management system has be solved well, can other economic and political issues be solved better. As a result, it is significant to deepen the reform of government budget management system in politics, economy and society.
     The thesis discussed the necessity and feasibility on the reform of government budget management system from two lays between theory and practice, taking the market economy system and the public finacne as the background, and footing on the " power-avail' framework among governments. In the course of research, the thesis always implements the following principles:One is to realize the combintion between theory and practice, history and reality, macro and micro, and try to innovate;Two is to explore the running mechanism and the essential request on the reform of the government budget management system in our country, applying many subjects knowledge and ways comprehensively, such as economics, politics, administration, law, constitution, behavior science etc; Three is to solve the practical problem prospectly and operably, following the law of reform and development, syncretizing the last word of many subjects, such as finance, administration and institutional economics etc..
     The thesis elaborated the connotation and the law of government budget management system firstly, giving the answer of its connotation, content and function. Afterward, basing on the public goods theory, fiscal decentralization theory, intergovernmental expenditure dividing theory, intergovernmental revenue dividing theory, intergovernmental fiscal competition theory, intergovernmental fiscal harmony theory, the thesis explored the running mechanism of government budget management system. In succession, holding the basic standpoint and way of the historical materialism and the dialectical materialism, the thesis summarized the reform contents, running effect and historical limitation of government budget management system in each stage, analyzed historical vicissitude impact factor and character from the system lay. And selected USA, Germany and Japan etc. taking the emphasis on introducing their system construction and good experience, expecting to offer the beneficial apocalypse and reference to our country system reform. On the above mentioned, taking the globalization of politics and economy as background, the thesis analyzed the international and domestic situation from the strategic lay in current stage as well as the opportunity and challenge facing to, raised the countermeasures on deepening the reform of government budget management system in our country, and worked out corresponding system arrangement.
     Taking a wide view of the vicissitude course on the establishment, development and reform of government budget management system in our country, mostly it can be divided into four stages:before PRC's founding, from founding to the reform and opening-up, from reform and opening-up to1994, from1994to now. Began from slavery society, developed by feudality society and republic times, the government budget management system took its shape gradually, and did much exploration and attempt in dividing the revenue and the expenditure as well as harmonizing fiscal relations among central and local governments. In the period of30years from1949to1979, the system implementation of making all the revenue and expenditure wholly consolidated the new social regime, founded the socialism economic system, boosted the industrial system to establish and social enterprise to develop. At the same time, the social resource allocation efficiency of the system is low, it went against inspiring the activity of each aspect, the finance running and managerial effectiveness was very low. In order to adapt to the economic system shunt, during1980to1993, the fiscal wrap system was implemented. The system broke the situation of high power centralization, inspired the local energy, provided powerful guarantee for the reform and opening-up as well as the development of national economy. But fiscal wrap system weakened central government macro-control capability, enhanced local protect and out-of-order competition, could not match with the inherent request of market economy. In order to adapt to the development of market economy, since1994, the taxation-dividing system reform was implemented,established the stable growth machenism of fiscal revenue, strengthened central government macro-control capability, normalized fiscal distribution relations among all levels governments, optimized the industrial structure and resource allocation, boosted regional economy to develop harmoniously, improved the running efficiency of socialistic market economy. Compared with developed market economy countries with100years'history on taxation-dividing system, China's taxation-dividing system is not perfect enough. In handling avail relations among all levels governments, the system contained the compromise overmuch. The dividing in affairs rights and expenditure was not clear enough, the dividing in fiscal rights and revenue was not scientific enough, the fiscal transfer payment was not normative enough. To say it from the system, China's government budget management system reform has been carried out encircled relations changes between government and market as well as the centre and the local.The history of system vicissitude in nature is the cyclic shift course between centralization and decentralization in power. This course has five characters:gradual reform strategy was selected, forcible vicissitude ways was adopted, the system vicissitude was a Pareto improvement course, the centre and local governments had shaip economic rationality, the system law degree was not high enough.
     Internationally, the taxation-dividing system was practised widespreadly, regardless of the federal state or unitary state. Although the situation of the countries are different, existing discrepancy in centre and local fiscal relations, this kind of system is more mature, it affects all countries economy and society weightily. The developed market economy countries,such as USA, Germany, France and Japan etc., all accumulated some beneficial experience gradually in the establishing and improving course of government budget management system, though differring greatly in the political system, cultural tradition, economic develop level etc. In the dividing of intergovemment affairs rights and expenditure responsibility:dealing with the dividing of affairs rights according to the request of justice and efficiency; attaching importance to improving the legality and stability of affairs rights dividing; dividing basic public service affairs rights clearly footing on the country situation. In the dividing of intergovemment revenue:allocating each level government revenue following the tax attribute and macro-control require; the central government enjoying the superiority of the primary distribution; the dividing of main tax incarnating the centre authority and the country unique feature.In the fiscal transfer payment system:setting on the equalization target definitely; enriching the allocate forms to diverse; transfer payment pattern coinciding the country situation; establishing the equalization fund administration; paying attention to the legality of the equalization system. These good experience and ways are worthy of our studying and drawing lessons from. In the process of improving government budget management system, we should divide intergovernment affairs rights definitely, provide enough financial guarantee for all levels governments, especially for grass roots governments to fulfil their functions; we should improve the effect following-asking and supervising mechanism of transfer payment fund, push the administrative and fiscal levels to adjust and optimize, impel the intergovernment fiscal relations to legalization.
     Since entering new ages, the degree of economy globalization and integration continuously becomes deeper and deeper. China's economy has already integrated into the whole world, and becomes the strong engine towing the world economy to increase. China's finance also shoulders important mission and plays the more and more crucial role in the international economy. As the superstructure, the government budget management system is also far from fixed and unchangealbe, it ought to be adjusted continuously with the change of objective situation like economy, society etc. The taxation-dividing system has run for over ten years, the economic and social condition in our country has changed markedly. To look it internationally, the economic globalization trend is not reversible, the external economy condition is complicated and changeful, the international politics and economy framework appears new adjustment, the developed countries governmental debt is rising continuously, the world supply and demand structure appears obvious changes. To look it domestically, the harmonious society is strengthening roundly, the developing mode comes into key transition times, the reform enters the hard stage, the income distributive condition needs to be improved, the resource and environment pressure is increasing day by day. As the core issue of our country fiscal reform and development, the government budget management system reform is not only the improvement of the fiscal management system itself, but also under the restriction of administrative system and other related fields reform as well as many factors of the situation of a country, it is a long-term and gradual course. For the strategic target sake of carrying out scientific develop view, changing the develop mode, shaping the harmonious society, in the twelfth "five-year plan" times, the taxation-dividing system needs to be improved further, implementing the necessary avail adjustment to all levels governments and different regions. Not only keeping the macro-control capability of the centre government to maintenance social justice, but also making the relations among all levels governments orderly to fully inspire the activity all-around. Thus, the system and mechanism which fiscal force and affairs rights match mutually is sound so as to advance the economy to develop well and rapidly. Firstly, the affairs rights of all levels governments should be bounded scientifically. One is to change government function and norm fiscal supply range to make the boundary between government and market specific; Two is to optimize the governments and finance levels as well as impel the reform of "province administrating county" and "county managing township finance" etc.; Three is to improve the dividing of intergovernment affairs rights and expenditure to make the right and duty of all levels governments specific. Secondly, the fiscal rights and revenue of all levels governments should be divided reasonably. One is to advance the reform of government revenue management system to normalize the distributive order of government revenue; Two is to make the government revenue management authority orderly to inspire the activity of all levels governments; Three is to make all levels governments revenue system perfectly to provide the guarantee for the effective perform on fiscal function. Again, the intergovernment transfer payment system should be improved. One is to make the main frame of transfer payment system perfect to reasonably determine the target, the mode,the scale and the object of the transfer payment; Two is to strengthen the running supervision of the transfer payment to optimize the structure, the fund distribution and the inspiriting-restricting mechanism of the transfer payment; Three is to improve the law of the transfer payment to normalize fiscal transfer payment system. Ultimately, the system reform related to budget management should be advanced steadily. One is to improve the budget distributive mechanism to push the synthetical fiscal budget, to sound budget system, to enhance budget scientific character; Two is to enhance budget implementing supervision to improve fisc concentrated receiving-paying system, to sound government procurement system, to innovate national debt manage system; Three is to deepen budget supervision reform to evolve budget performance examine actively, to push budget open verily, to improve budget supervision mechanism.
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