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With the improvement of people's living standards and the adjustment of agricultural structure, the focus of agricultural development has shifted from production to circulation. The development of agricultural logistics is an important driving force to building a new socialist countryside, China's only way from an major agricultural country into an agricultural power country and of great significance for the promotion of farmers' income and protect consumer safety. But in the agricultural the logistics operation processes, whether it is theoretical or practical level can't avoid the reality of a strong agricultural supply chain endogenous instability and the weak nature. Therefore, for China's agricultural logistics development and trends, resolve agricultural supply chain endogenous source of instability and the establishment of collaborative supply chain operations, which are based on the operational mechanism, has become a top priority of China's agricultural logistics development.
     In this context, this paper relies on the National Natural Science Foundation project "Based on supply chain strategy collaboration of agricultural logistics operation mechanism and management model research"(project number:70873006), borrowing from the advanced experience of the agricultural logistics operation in developed countries and researching agricultural logistics operating mechanism has great theoretical and practical significance.
     This paper studies China's agricultural logistics development status, problems and trends, drawing on research results of many scholars to construct agricultural supply chain strategic collaboration system. On this basis, this paper research agricultural logistics operation organization mechanism, cooperation mechanism, the mechanism of interest and support. This paper has taken induction and deduction, logic and mathematical models, comparative analysis and other methods to study, draw the following main conclusions:
     (1) Based on supply chain theory and transaction cost theory, through the analysis of the main types of strategies about logistics market of agricultural products, this paper argues that supply chain is the "intermediary organizations" that between market and vertical integration, and it is constituted by the organizations with different core competencies. When they are making efforts to achieve common goal, the supply chain obtains the most efficient form of organization.
     (2) By the building of collaboration system of agricultural supply chain, this paper argues that the strategic collaboration of agricultural supply chain can form a common objective agreed and worked together for by each node, identify the development direction and position of each node; To achieve the agricultural supply chain's effect of clear unity of purpose, organized and effective, optimal allocation of resources, ability integration and enhancing, reasonable driving of benefits and harmony promotion of culture by adjusting the supply chain organization structure optimally, configuring the advantage of resource of each node rationally, fully integrating and creating the core competencies of supply chain, coordinating the benefits allocation reasonably and creating a supply chain culture widely recognized by each node, and then realize the agriculture supply chain's multiple increasing of function, smooth of logistics and efficient operation.
     (3) Through the analysis of agricultural logistics operation mechanism, this paper argues that agricultural logistics operation mechanism mainly includes organizational mechanism, cooperative mechanism, interests mechanism and support mechanism. Organizational mechanism, cooperative mechanism and interests mechanism are the core of the agricultural logistics operation mechanism. Three mechanisms can promote each other so as to promote strategic coordination between the nodes.
     (4) Through the analysis of logistics organizations status of agricultural products, this paper argues that farmers decentralized management is not suitable for requirements of agricultural products "large flow" and hinders the operation and development of agricultural products logistics. Farmers professional cooperatives are an effective way to eliminate barriers to agricultural logistics organizations. By the building a contrast model of individual decision-making and joint decision-making, taking garlic sprouts for instance, I obtained the conclusion that, in the case of certain other conditions, the total receipts of joint decision-making are greater than or equal to the total receipts of individual decision-making. Therefore, in the process of agricultural logistics, we should promote joint decision-making between supply chain nodes through strategic coordination.
     (5) By the building the game model of supply chain depot, I found that,in repeat transactions, as long as both are concerned about other's long-term interests, they will take Pareto-optimal strategy, which makes the subject of cooperative behavior to replace the non-cooperative behavior. That is, in the process of agricultural logistics, compared to non-cooperative behavior, cooperative behavior, in theory, can make the enterprise to obtain a greater income through cooperation. So, cooperation is still their best choice.
     (6)Based on the analysis of factors that influence trust among Agricultural supply chain nodes, I proposed the way to improve trust degree. The trust among nodes can improve the efficiency of the agricultural products logistics. Through the analysis of the importance and uniqueness of agricultural products logistics information sharing, I proposed that agricultural supply chain,which based on strategic collaboration, can carry out information sharing through several models, including information centralized model, electronic market model and integrated model.
     (7) Value creation mechanism is the source to supply chain benefits during the agricultural supply chain's operations. Reasonable allocation mechanism is the guarantee to supply chain nodes' co-operation. Scientific incentives mechanism is the support to agricultural supply chain's co-operation. The paper puts forward some value creation forms, such as developing agricultural agility logistics, developing supply chain multi-input, developing agricultural value-added logistics services, and the paper proposed the improved methods of profit distribution based on Shapley.
     There are several innovations in the research of this paper:
     Firstly, this paper builds the strategic coordination system of agricultural supply chain, including collaborative target, stage, content and features. Also, this paper put forward strategic coordination model, starting with organization building, cooperation forming and the coordination of interests. Secondly, based on the four typical organization interfaces, this paper proposes the organization and communication mechanisms of supply chain, which are agricultural supply chain logistics strategy committee, agricultural supply chain logistics management center and agricultural supply chain periodic regular meeting. Thirdly, in order to solve the problem that product supply chain is multi-node and easy loss, the paper introduces the agricultural product loss factors to carry out adaptability improvement on supply chain's game model. Lastly, to direct at the fresh characteristic of farm product, this paper connect the theory of physical distribution and consumption of farm produce into the agile logistics mode, concluding the concept of "freshness". Based on the theory above, this paper innovatively put forward multi-investment mechanism of farming supply chain-joint and a new value-added service mode about agricultural logistics.
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