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Humanity is not only product of environment, but also shapers of environment. Humans can protect and improve the environment for the benefit of mankind and also can damage the environment and threatens the humans’existence and development. With the accelerating process of urbanization, natural disaster is becoming more and more serious in China, which severely threatens people’s living. At the beginning of his century, natural disasters like Wenchuan earthquake, snow storm in South of China, flooding in Taiwan, Yushu earthquake, which reminded us clearly recognize the imperative and urgency of the urban comprehensive disaster prevention construction.
     Since ancient times, green space has played an important role in urban disaster prevention and mitigation. The book of“Beginners Mind”in Tang Dynasty had recoded that forest and pool could prevent disasters. Urban green space as an important component of emergency shelters, which played an indispensable role in resisting natural disaster, but in recent years, construction of urban disaster prevention and urban green building did not attract public attention. This paper mainly focused on the planning and construction of disaster prevention green space according to the type of urban natural disaster and it’s regional distribution characteristics.
     This study starts from the characteristics of urban natural disaster, combined with the type of natural disaster and it’s regional features together, analyzed the function and character of urban disaster prevention green space, summarized the planning and construction conception and system main points of urban disaster prevention green space. On this basis, explored the planning of different types of disaster prevention green space, come to the following conclusions:
     1. The overall planning and construction of disaster prevention green space should imply with the principle of peaceful and disaster combination, comprehensive planning principle, reasonable layout principle, rational distribution principle, the principle of local conditions and safety principles.
     2. Urban earthquake prevention green space include the following section: emergency shelter space, fixed shelter space, central shelter space, evacuation and rescue access channel etc. In the specific planning project, we should select safety location, scientific distribution, according to the per capita area of disaster prevention and effective service radius of space to reasonably determine the size of various types of disaster prevention in the construction of green space. At the same time the import and export, road planning, square distribution, plants and planting design elements and disaster prevention facilities of green space should be scientific and rational set.
     3. Under the guidance of construction principles of regional, systematic, focused and feasibility, urban flooding prevention green space should focused on within and outside the reach of water network systems, the region which below urban flooding prevention level should build ecological forestry and urban wetland, enhancing and constructing underground storage facilities, parks and green roof within the urban area.
     4. Urban Typhoon prevention green space planning should build a sound internal and external forest belt system, combined with flood control construction in the city and do well in the external and internal city water network protection systems and waterfront green space system planning, to build disaster prevention and complexed ecological green space system network. On this basis, selecting reasonable plant species according to the plant’s wind resistance capacity.
     5. Urban sand-storm prevention green space planning should be based on the city’s dominant wind direction, building external and internal urban green space system protection which composed of windbreaks, shelterbelts and soil and water conservation forest shelterbelt system, and constructing an urban green barrier. At the same time should be combined with physical geography climate, selecting wind resistance, drought tolerance and fast-growing, long-lived native plants.
     6. At the beginning of urban planning and construction, we should analyze local geology, terrain condition, and forecasting division of landslide hazard areas, where take engineering measures and plant protection combination, and reasonably design anti-landslide green space.
     7. The planning and construction of urban disaster prevention green space in different cities should in accordance with their priorities, and contrapuntally selecting and integrating, building to earthquake disaster prevention as the basement, with multiple functions of natural disaster prevention urban green space.
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