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Along with the development of global industrialization, environment pollutionbecomes an increasingly serious problem. Decomposing organic pollutants viaphotocatalysis and cleaning dirt by super-hydrophobic surface have attracted muchattention around the world. As a wide band gap semiconductor, ZnO is amultifunctional and environmentally friendly material, one-dimensional (1D) ZnOnanostructures could be fabricated easily and have various morphologies. Because ofall these merits,1D ZnO nanostructures have served as building blocks for applicationin light-emitting devices, photodetectors, solar cells, photocatalysts and hydrophobicsurfaces. But, there are still some drawbacks of ZnO, such as photochemical problemsin practical applications of photocatalysis and hydrophobicity: photocorrosion duringthe photocatalysis process and the photoinduced surface wettability conversion afterultraviolet irradiation. This paper presents the study of the above problems and theresults are outlined as follows:
     (1) The ZnO nanowire arrays showed good photocatalytic activity and stabilityunder air environment. Only20%organic material remained afterphotodecomposition of60min and photocatalytic efficiency did not decrease muchafter cyclic experiments. The photocatalytic properties were studied under differentgas atmosphere. The oxygen and the water both played important roles in photocatalytic process and could enhance the photodecomposition efficiency.
     (2) The structural defects and photocorrosion of ZnO were serious afterphotocatalytic process under solution environment. But these phenomena were notobserved after the photodecomposition process under air environment and thephotocatalytic efficiency was stable. ZnO was suitable for the photocatalytic processunder air environment.
     (3) The ZnO/Ni nanorod arrays were fabricated by electrodeposition method.The super-hydrophobic surface was realized without modification of low surfaceenergy organic material. The ZnO/Ni nanorod arrays avoided photoinducedwettability conversion and exhibited durable super-hydrophobicity under long-termultraviolet irradiation.
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