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     3、嫁接方法试验表明:瓜蒌砧低位嫁接成活率高于高位嫁接,其分别为A 30%25%;B 42.5% 32.5%;C 35%30%;D 57.5%47.5%;E 22.5%20%。劈接用牙膏皮固定的成活率较高;时间上以4月、6月、11月的嫁接成活率较高。
    小果占14.71%,外果占11 .76%。
In this dissertation, the rootstock option, rootstock seeds geronintion , grafting technology and the rigorous growth of grafted seeding are studied. Expected using the characteristic of rootstock in order to solving the Siraitia producing widespreadly esse of diseases and insect, increasing Siraitia's the yield and the quantity and expend plant district provide the basis of theories and practice. The main conclusions as follows:
    1. Trichosanthes grafting Survival rate (65%) is significantly higher than Squash, Sponge tocvel, Bitter nelou,Gourd, their survival is respectivly 20.0%, 35.0%, 30.0%, 27.5 %.
    2. That plant height, euphylis total growth of Trichosanthes rootstock treating with earthworm cast is 34.16cm, 10.42; It is distinctly higher than treating rootstock with Glomus epigaeum, Glomus mosseae, Glomus intraradices and CK. The same of Glomus epigaeum is second(25.25cm,9.45); The number of germination treating Trichosanthes's seeds with 30% earthworm cast is the highest( 24.0), but the average plant height of treating Trichosanthes with 40% earthworm cast is the highest (6.16cm).
    3. Result of grafting method trial shows: Trichosanthes's lower-grafting Survival rate is better than the same treatment highter's, Their survival rate is respectivly A 30.0%, 25.0; B 42.5%, 32.5%; C 35.0%, 30.0%; D 57.5%, 47.5%; E 22.5%, 20.0%; The Survival rate of cleft grafting and toothpaste's hull is higher than that of other way; In April, Jun, November, the Survival rate is higher than that in other grafting month.
    4. The average percentage of germination, the average root number and the average root length treating Trichosanthes's seeds with 75mg/kg ABT3 are the highest, split is 88.0%, 5.26, 4.86cm; But the average root number of treating Trichosanthes radicle with 75mg/kg ABT3 is the best( 5.79). the average root length treating radicle with 50mg/kg ABT3 is the best( 2.40cm). Treating with plant-growth regulator 10mg/kg, 15mg/kg IBA, 10mg/kg NAA, 10mg/kg 6-BA and lanolin can distinctly survival rate and their scions growth is better.
    5. The grafting seedings of rigorous growth is more quickly than tissue culture seeding and sprout seedling. The bearing number of grafting seedings is 125.4. The size of fruit is mostly big, intermediate fruit. Big fruit is 26.4%, intermediate fruit is 47.06%, small fruit is 14.71% , smaller fruit is 11.76%.
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