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Capillary distillation is a new-type separation process dating back to the1970s,which is mainly used for the separation of the binary azeotropic liquid mixtures. Theprinciple of capillary distillation is totally different from conventional distillationprocess. It relies on the surface tension of the gas-liquid interface to make vaporcondensedinthecapillary,andthenutilizestheinterfacialforcebetweenthetubewallandthecondensedliquidtoalterthecomponentactivity,therebychangingtherelativevolatility to break azeotropic point of the two components. Nowadays, due to thetechnical privacy protection, there are few literatures that can be found at home andabroadregardingthefundamentaltheoryofcapillarydistillation,soaninsightintothecharacteristics of two-phase flow in capillary would be helpful for the application ofthetechnologyinChina.
     FLUENT6.2, a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package, wereadopted for the numerical simulation of gas-liquid two-phase flow in the capillary.Under2Dmodel,itcouldbeseenthatboththesurfaceintentionandthewalladhesionhad almost no effect on the shape of droplet, and the capillary length also did littleeffect on the flow. Besides, compared to vertical-straight pipe, the inclined or bendpipe could dramatically increase the breakup degree of droplet, and prolong theoutflow time. The simulation results were found to be in good agreement with theliteraturedata.
     As for 3D model, a series of capillaries which had different shape of crosssection were used to simulate the deformation and breakup of a droplet. The squarecapillarywas found to have greater interfacial interaction than the circular one, whichwas proved by the vapor-liquid equilibrium data of the sintered porous stainless steelplate. Under square model, using dimensional analysis and regression calculationdealt with pressure drop over the droplet,and the computed values of the pressuredropofmaterialsthathaddifferentsurfaceintentionfitwellwiththeliteraturedata.Inthe high vapor rate condition, the droplet can assemble to liquid column. To simulatethe process of the liquid column breaking up into small droplets when the liquidcolumn moved upward in capillary and the correlation between liquid column anddropletmotionwasdevelopedthroughdrop-size-distributionequation.
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