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     两个不同位置的5μm微滤膜、活性炭以及阳离子交换树脂对中水中COD有很好的去除作用,而1μm的微滤膜、阴离子交换树脂以及超滤膜对COD的作用不明显。第一个位置微滤膜有效处理量仅0.4m~3,而第二个位置5μm微滤膜达1.96m~3,且处理率较大。而活性炭在使用前需要先用大约1.04m~3水冲洗,有效处理量超过0.72 m~3。阳离子交换树脂对COD的有效处理水量也超过1.96m~3。
     两个不同位置的5μm的微滤膜和超滤膜对COD的去除分别在流量0.25m~3/h、0.30 m~3/h、0.20 m~3/h达到最大去除率30.96%、30.00%、29.04%。而1μm的微滤膜、活性炭及离子交换树脂对COD没有很好的去除能力。
     各处理方法对TDS的去除作用都不大,活性炭后面的微滤膜、活性炭和超滤膜作用相对明显,但去除率均不超过3.76%,有效处理量分别为1.96m~3、1.34m~3和1.04 m~3。
     活性炭在流量为0.20 m~3/h对电导率有最大去除率10.11%,且去除效果随流量的增大先增加后降低然后趋于稳定值0。其他方法的有效处理流量范围很小,且去除率不高,但各处理方法之间能相互补充。
China belongs to the country which be grave short of freshwater resource , occupancy amount of per capita freshwater resources is only 23.4% of average level of the whole world, is 123rd in the whole world, especially a lot of big cities in Chinese north , the situation of lacking water is pretty grave. In Chinese the city domestic sewage treatment amount has been less than 10% , a large amount of sewage has directly entered the river without being disposed, this have wasted a large amount of precious freshwater resources while bringing grave environment pollution, being more unfortunate is than the domestic and industry effluent in existence is reused only through the first step disposal, the most is not continuously carried out the depth disposal, let reclaimed water is reused to drinking water, this reason is that the depth disposal technology of the reclaimed water is not very maturity in our whole country , the equipment and material function is not very stabile, more mainly aspect is that there is not the whole set of the safe , economic and reliable reclaimed water depth disposal technology. This item begins from studying the transfer flux and the transfer law of the harmful components in the reclaimed water in different disposal crafts, to study the transfer law of the harmful components in the reclaimed water such as the organic matter, solubility solid matter, ammonia-nitrogen, inorganic ion passing different aperture MF, UF, activated carbon, Ion-exchange Resin granule bed in different flux, different working-hours, different combination craft. Finding that by studying:
     1. treatment effect of every method to COD
     5μm MF membranes in two different positions, the activated charcoal and the cation exchange resin have very good removal action to COD in reclaimed water, but the removal action to COD of 1μm MF membrane, the anion exchange resin and the UF membrane are not obvious. The effective throughput of the MF membrane in the first position is only 0.4m~3, but that of the second position MF membrane reaches 1.96m~3, and disposal rate is bigger. Activated carbon requires to be cleaned with approximately the approximate 1.04m~3 water before be used, its effective throughput exceeds 0.72m~3 to COD. Cation exchange resin's throughput exceeds 1.96 m~3 to COD.
     The 5um MF membranes in two locations and UF membrane have respectively maximal removal rate 30.96%, 30.00%, 29.04% to COD when their flux is 0.25m~3 /h, 0.30m~3 /h, 0.20m~3/h. The 1μm MF membrane, the activated charcoal and the ion exchange resin have not very great removal ability to COD.
     2. treatment effect of every method to BOD
     Two 5μm MF membranes in the first position, the activated charcoal and the UF membrane can fairly well remove BOD, especially two 5μm MF membranes in the first position and the UF membrane, their effective throughputs exceed 1.96m~3.
     3. treatment effect every method to ammonia-nitrogen
     Only working a time can the MF membrane can adsorb the ammonia nitrogen. The effective throughput of the activated charcoal to ammonia nitrogen only is 0.2m~3. The removal action of the cation exchange resin to the ammonia nitrogen is stable, and the effective throughput exceeds 1.96m~3. But the anionic exchange resin can remove NO_3~- under weak alkaline condition.
     5μm MF membrane in the first position, 1μm MF membrane and the activated charcoal respectively reach greatest removal effect 48.24%, 54.05%, 60.00% to the ammonia nitrogen in flux 0.35m~3/h, 0.25m~3/h, 0.20m~3/h. The action of other disposal methods is not obvious.
     4. treatment effect of every method to TDS
     The removal action to TDS of each disposal method is not great, the action of MF membrane behind the activated charcoal , the activated charcoal and the UF membrane is relatively obvious, but removal rate of all does not exceed 3.76%, the effective throughput respectively is 1.96m~3,1.34m~3 and 1.04 m~3.
     Each disposal method has not obvious removal effect to the soluble solid in the water, even if has the effect, but only within the very small flux scope, and removal rate is quite low, but various methods may mutually supplement in the treating process.
     5. treatment effect of every method to conductivity
     The removal action of each disposal method to the inorganic ion is not very obvious, and the ion exchange resin increased the ion content in the water.
     The activated charcoal has greatest removal rate 10.11% in the flux 0.20 m~3/h to the conductance, and the removal effect enhances firstly, falls, reaches a stabile value 0 lastly with flux increasing. The effective processing flux scopes of the other methods are very small, and the removal rate is not high, but various methods may mutually supplement in the treating process.
     6. mutual effect between each treatment method
     The activated charcoal can enhance the removal ability to COD and the ammonia nitrogen of the MF membrane, so laying the activated charcoal in front of the MF membrane is reasonable. The ion exchange resin can enhance the removal of to ammonia nitrogen, too. Except that the ion exchange resin increased the ion content in the course of removing the inorganic ion, and make the pressure of MF membrane flowing it increase, other treatment methods have advantaged influence to the methods behind of them.
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