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Ciliated protozoa is the most complex and highly differentiated among unicellularorganisms,of which some groups are closely related to occurrence of red-tide,bait-animalculture in aquaculture,disease of animal,water quality purification in polysaprobicenvironment,material cycle and energy flow in“micro-food-loop”.
     From 2006 to 2009,faunistic and taxonomic studies on free living ciliates mainly fromcoastal waters off Qingdao and Guangzhou (including sand,mollusks-culturing and-breedingwaters,tidal zone,mouth of the Pearl River,mangroves near Shenzhen) have been carried out.The morphology and infraciliature of 46 species representing 9 orders (Prostomatida,Haptorida,Synhymeniida,Nassulida,Cyrophorida,Suctorida,Heterotrichida,Licophorida,Hypotrichida),23 families and 33 genera were investigated using living observation and silverimpregnation methods.Main achievements are summarized as follows:
     Two new genera were established,Apocoleps nov.gen.and Paramucophrya nov.gen..
     Diagnosis of Apocoleps nov.gen.:Colepidae with spiny armour composed of eight tiers;plate with reniform uni-windows,ridge near left plate margin serrated and wing-like,teeth ofright plate margin arranged alternately with windows;three adoral organelles.
     Diagnosis of Paramucophrya nov gen.:body hemispherical,composed of inner and outerplasma,the outer of which is a transparent mucous coat;without stalk or lorica,attached tosubstrate;tentacles sparsely scattered.
     The complicated genus Condylostentor Jankowski,1978 which has never been studiedusing modern methods since it is originally established,is reactivated and restudied basedon investigation on the type species of this genus.
     Improved diagnosis of Condylostentor:Slightly contractile,free-swimming Stentoridae;vestibular cavity deep and prominent,apical border with conspicuous ventral groove;ciliaturein Stentor-like pattern,i.e.ventral suture and contrast zone of somatic kineties present;adoralzone almost closed,interrupted on ventral side by a deep cleft;vestibulum kineties andparoral membrane present.
     Eleven new species were established based on living morphology and infraciliature:Nolandia orientalis Chen et al.,2009;Nolandia sinica Chen et al.,2009;Apocoleps magnusChen et al.,2009;Apocoleps paramagnus Chen et al.,2009;Metacystis parastriata nov.spec.;Nassula rubra nov.spec.;Cyrtophoron tropic nov.spec.;Aegyriana rostellum nov.spec.; Dysteria pseudopectinata nov.spec.;Paramucophrya semisphaerica Chen et al.,2005;Parabirojimia multinucleata Chen et al.,2009.
     Four new combinations were suggested and their infraciliature was reveal for thefirst time which has never been studied using modern staining methods:Pinacocolepssimilis (Kahl,1933) Chen et al.,2009;Zosterodasys oblonga (Maupas,1883) nov.comb.;Zosterodasys vorax (Stokes,1887) nov.comb.;Zosterodasys elongata (Kahl,1931) nov.comb.
     Infraciliature of 8 species was revealed for the first time and their neotypes havebeen deposited.These included:Tiarinafusus (Clapar(?)de & Lachmann,1857) Bergh,1881;Lagynus elegans (Engelmann,1862) Quennerstedt,1867;Lynchella nordica Jankowski,1968;Chlamydonys paucidentatus Deroux,1976;Hypocoma parasitica Gruber,1884;Condylostentor auriculatus (Kahl,1932) Jankowski,1978;Climacostomum virens (Ehrenberg,1933) Kahl,1932;Anteholosticha scutellum (Cohn,1866) Berger,2003.
     Fifteen species of suctorid ciliates were recorded and described for the first time inChina:Ephelota gemmipara (Hertwig,1876) Bütschli,1889;E.mammillata Dons,1915;E.crustaceorum Hailer,1880;E.truncata Fraipont,1878;Acineta tuberosa Ehrenberg,1833;A.compressa Clapar(?)de & Lachmann,1859;A.foetida Maupas,1881;Paracineta limbata(Maupas,1881) Collin,1912;P.patula (Clapar(?)de & Lachmann,1861) Collin,1911;Conchacineta complatana (Gruber,1884) Curds,1985;Actinocyathula crenata (Fraipont,1878) Curds,1987;Loricophrya parva (Schulz,1932) Matthes,1956;L.tuba (Zelinka,1914)Curds,1987;Paramucophrya semisphaerica Chen et al.,2005;Flectacineta livadiana(Mereschkowsky,1881)Jankowski,1978.
     Nine species were redescribed based on characteristics of living feature andinfraciliature from the Qingdao and Guangzhou populations:Placus salinus Dietz,1964;Licnophora lyngbycola Faur(?)-Fremiet,1937;Folliculina simplex (Dons,1917) Song et al.,2003;Folliculinopsisproducta (Wright,1859) Faur(?)-Fremiet,1936;Peritromusfaurei Kahl,1932;Fabrea salina Henneguy,1890;Condylostoma minutum Bullington,1940;Condylostoma spatiosum Ozaki & Yagiu in Yagiu,1944;Condylostoma curva Burkovsky,1970.
    Aescht,E.(2001).Catalogue of the generic names of ciliates (Protozoa,Ciliophora).Denisia.,1:1-350.
    Andrews,E.A.(1923).Folliculina:case making,anatomy and transformation.J.Morphol.,38:207-278.
    Andrews,E.A.(1953).Valletofolliculina bicornis,a unique new genus and species of folliculinid (Ciliata:Heterotricha) from California.J.Washington Acad.Sci.,43:189-194.
    Batisse,A.(1994).Sous-Classe des Suctoria Clapar(?)de et Lachmann,1958.Trait(?) Zool.,2:493-563.
    Berger,H.,Foissner,W.(1989).Morphology and biometry of some soil hypotrichs (Protozoa,Ciliophora) from Europe and Japan.Bull.Br.Mus.Nat.Hist.(Zool) 55:19-46.
    Berger,H.(2003).Redefinition of Holosticha Wrzesniowski,1877 (Ciliophora,Hypotricha).Europ.J.Protistol.,39:373-379.
    Berger,H.(2004).Uroleptopsis Kahl,1932 (Ciliophora,Hypotricha):morphology and cell division of type species,redefinition,and phylogenetic relationships.Acta.Protozool.,43:99-121.
    Berger,H.(2006).Monograph of the Urostyloidea (Ciliophora,Hypotricha).Monogr.Biol.,85:1-1304.
    Bock,K.J.(1952).Zur (O|¨)kologie der Ciliaten des marinen Sandgrundes der Kieler Bucht.Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Kieler Mecresforschungen.Bd.IX.
    Borror,A.C.,Wicklow,B.J.(1983).The suborder Urostylina Jankowski,(Ciliophora,Hypotrichida):morphology,systematics and identification of species.Acta.Protozool.,22:97-126.
    Borror,A.C.(1972).Tidal marsh ciliates (Protozoa):morphology,ecology,systematics.Acta Protozool.,10:29-71.
    Bott,T.L.,Kaplan,L.A.(1990).Potential for protozoan grazing of bacteria in streambed sediments.J.N.Am.Benthol.Soc.,9:336-345.
    Bullington,W.E.(1940).Some ciliates from Tortugas.Pap.Tortugas Lab.,32:179-221.
    Burkovsky,I.(1970).The ciliates of the mesopsammon of the Kandalaksha gulf (White Sea) I.Acta Protozool.,7:475-499.
    B(u|¨)tschli,O.(1887-1889).Protozoa.Abt Ⅲ.Infusoria und System der Radiolaria.In:Klassen und Ordnungen des Their-Reichs (Ed.H.G.Bronns),C.F.Winter,Leipzig,1098-2035.
    Calkins,G.N.(1902).Marine protozoa from Woods Hole.Bull.U.S.Fish Comm.,21:413-468.
    Carey,P.G.(1992).Marine interstitial ciliates.An illustrated key.Chapman and Hall,London.
    Chatton,E.,Lwoff,A.(1930).lmpr6gnation,par diffusion argentique,de l'infraciliature des cili(?)s matins et d'eau douce,apr(?)s fixation cytologique et sans desiccation.Compt.Rend.Soc.Biol.,104:834-836.
    Gelei,J.Von,Horv(?)th,P.(1931).Eine nasse Silber-bzw.Goldmethode f(u|¨)r die Herstellung der reizleitenden Elemente bei den Ciliaten. Z. Wiss. Mikros., 48: 9-29.
    Chen, X., Song, W., Al-Rasheid, K. A. S. Warren, A., Hu, X., Wang, Y., Long, H. (2009). Morphological studies on three marine colepid ciliates form Qingdao, China, including one new genus, one new combination and two new species (Ciliophora, Colepidae). Eur. J. Protistol. In press.
    Chen, X., Song, W., Hu, X. (2005). Morphology of suctorid ciliates from coastal waters off Qingdao, with description of a new genus and a new species (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Acta Zootax. Sin., 30:493-500. (in Chinese with English summary)
    Chen, X., Song, W., Warren, A., Al-Rasheid, K. A. S., Al-Farraj, S. A., Al-Quraishy, S. A., Gong, J. (2008). Redefinition of two marine suctorian ciliates, Ephelota gemmipara (Hertwig, 1876) Butschli, 1889 and Ephelota crustaceorum Haller, 1880 (Ciliophora, Suctoria), with a brief description of the asexual reproduction process in E. gemmipara. Acta Protozool., 47: 113-124.
    Chen, X., Song, W., Al-Rasheid, K. A. S., Warren, A., Long, H., Shao, C, Al-Farraj, S. A., Gong, J., Hu, X. (2007). The morphology of three marine heterotrichous ciliates, Condylostentor auriculatus (Kahl, 1932) Jankowski, 1978, Condylostoma minutum Bullington, 1940 and C. spatiosum Ozaki & Yagiu in Yagiu, 1944 (Ciliophora: Heterotrichida). Acta Protozool., 46: 289-309.
    Chen, X., Xu, H., Wang Y, Liu W., Gao, S., Al-Rasheid, K. A. S., Warren, A., Song, W. (2009). Morphology and gene sequences of three marine colepid ciliates: Nolandia sinica spec. nov., Apocoleps paramagnus spec. nov. and Tiarina fusus (Claparede & Lachmann, 1859) Bergh, 1881 (Ciliophora, Colepidae). Eur. J. Protistol. Submitted.
    Clapar(?)de, E., Lachmann, J. (1859). (?)tudes sur les infusoires et les rhizopodes. M(?)m. Inst. natn. Gen(?)v. 6 (yr 1858): 261-482.
    Cohn, F. (1866). Neue Infusorien im Seeaquarium. Zeitsch. Wiss. Zool. Leipzig., 16: 253-302. (In German).
    Corliss, J. O. (1979). The ciliated protozoa: characterization classification and guide to the literature. 2nd ed. Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Frankfurt.
    Curds, C. R. (1985a) A revision of the Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora) 1. Acineta and its morphological relatives. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 48: 75-129.
    Curds, C. R. (1985b). A revision of the Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora) 2. An addendun to Acineta. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 49: 163-165.
    Curds, C. R. (1985c). A revision of the Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora) 3. Tokophrya and its morphological relatives. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 49: 167-193.
    Curds, C. R. (1986). A revision of the Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora) 4. Podophrya and its morphological relatives. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 50: 59-91.
    Curds, C. R. (1987). A revision of the Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora) 5. The Paracineta and Corynophrya problem. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 52: 71-106.
    Das, S. M. (1952). Indian Folliculindae (Ciliata, Heterotricha). Ann. Magaz. Nat. Hist., 6: 235-240.
    Deroux, G (1965). Origine des cineties anterieures, gauches et buccales dans le genre Dysteria Huxley. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 260: 6689-6691.
    Deroux, G (1970). La serie "chlamydonellienne" chez les Chlamydodontidae (Holotriches, Cyrtophorina Faur(?)-Fremiet). Protistologica 6: 155-182.
    Deroux, G. (1974). Les dispositifs adhesifes ciliaires chez les Cyrtophorida et la famille des Hypocomidae. Protistologica 10: 379-396.
    Deroux, G. (1976a). Le plan cortical des Cyrtophorida unite d'expression et marges de variabilite. I. Le cas des Plesiotrichopidae, Fam. Nov., dans la nouvelle systematique. Protistologica 12: 469-481.
    Deroux, G (1976b). Le plan cortical des Cyrtophorida unite d'expression et marges de variabilite. ?. Cyrtophorida a thigmotactisme ventral g(?)n(?)ralise. Protistologica 12: 483-500.
    Deroux, G. (1976c). Le plan cortical des Cyrtophorida. III. Les structures differenciatrices chez les Dysteriina. Protistologica 12: 505-538.
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    Dons, C. (1918) Neue marine Ciliaten und Suctorien. Troms(?) Mus. Aarshrifter 38-39 (year 1915-1916): 75-100.
    Dons, C. (1942). Paragolliculina labiata n. sp., ein neues karaffentier. Kong. Norske Cidensk. Selsk. Skr., 14: 195-198.
    Dragesco, J. (1960). Cilies mesopsammiques littoraux. Systematique, morphologie, ecologie. Trav. Stn. boil. Roscoff(N. S.)122: 1-356.
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    Ehrenberg, C. G. (1830). Beitr(?)ge zur Kenntniss der Organisation der Infusorien und Ihrer geographischen Verbreitung, besonders in Sibirien. Abh. Dt. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, year 1830: 1-88.
    Ehrenberg, C. G. (1831). (?)ber die Entwickelung und Lebensdauer der Infusionsthiere; nebst ferneren Beitr(?)gen zu einer Vergleichung ihrer organischen Systeme. Abh. Dt. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, year 1831: 1-154.
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    Li, L, Song, W., Warren, A., Al-Rasheid, K. A., Roberts, D., Yi, Z., Al-Farraj, S.A., Hu, H. (2008). Morphology and morphogenesis of a new marine ciliate, Apokeronopsis bergeri nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from the Yellow Sea, China. Eur. J. Protistol., 44: 208-219.
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